Famous Drug Addicts from History!!!
Liza Minnelli, Elizabeth Taylor and Betty Ford
>>> SOME AMAZING THINGS HAVE COME OUT (since I posted this: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/07/out-of-jail-until-next-weekend-joseph.html
1. MOST shocking to me is that APPARENTLY all the descendants of my first cousin
The four daughters of my Aunt Doris (Kenan) Russ -- left to right: Gail Johnston, Janice Ludwig, Judith Whitney, and Cherrie Pridgeon.
ALL of them worshiped disgraced former NC Senator, Thom Goolsby -- until he resigned.
APPARENTLY, only Judith Whitney and her descendants STILL worship the little Narco-Trafficker!!!
Aunt Doris died in 2011, and bears a striking resemblance to my father:
William Scott Kenan, died on Easter Sunday, 2014 -- three days before his 96th birthday.
2. NONE of Judy Whitney's Family think that a DUI while travelling 75 mph in a 45 zone is anything of significance, WHILE they acknowledge that Mr. Herker was DRUNK AS A SKUNK -- and then they attacked ME!!!
3. Is this not PROOF POSITIVE that even their BELOVED Southern Baptist Church would ACCEPT that they are DEVILS INCARNATE???
Apparently NOT -- they have NOT been kicked out -- that I'm aware of.
Glad I'M not stuck in one -- and I HOPE you have left any Church YOU ever belonged to!!!
I'm not in any "Museum of Saints", either!!!
At First Presbyterian, Wilmington, North Carolina, they call themselves "The Frozen Chosen" -- in reference to their HEARTS.
And they call the Rooster atop Kenan Steeple (a symbol of the WAKE-UP CALL of the Reformation), "The Six-Foot Kenan Cock"!!!
The Six-Foot Kenan Cock, is NOT shaped like my own -- and it IS a tad larger than mine -- but INSPIRED ME to SHAKE IT IN THEIR FACES!!!
At least he keeps his VOWS, no???
Ernest Trice Thompson III, is a RABID RACIST, however!!!
And PLEASE NOTICE which images of whom have been STRIPPED from my blog by the CIA -- LOL!!! The info on Ernie is 2/3 the way down: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/06/what-on-earth.html
Or that I ALSO emailed EVERY MEMBER of the Senate Homeland Security Committee -- and equivalent Committees in the US House of Representatives TWO YEARS AGO???
Only a HANDFUL of those emailed replied -- and ONLY with canned responses (evenly split between Parties).
And TESTOSTERONI, while keeping his commitments to me -- LATELY requiring SERIOUS BADGERING on my part for him to do so!!!
He did EVERYTHING to keep me in Puerto Vallarta!!!
And NEVER has explained a THING!!!
But I'M doing well . . .
Unlike John and Linda Eastman (she, McCartney)!!!
Founder Tom Patterson, with interviewer Esther Steinfeld
Scott Kenan to you (Bcc) + 1 moreshow details

Oh Steve -- what a delight to hear from you!!!
And I would LOVE to post something on my blog from a company such as yours. But I must tell you, that all my underwear purchases have in recent years been handled without my input by a guy I call "Testosteroni" -- an 81-year-old RECLUSE in New York City who has this online hat store,http://www.jfaulkhats.com/, that he has never really developed.
In addition to THAT, he never sends the same type undies -- and even BRAGGED, once, that he sent some to me in a color he knew I would HATE (I DID hate it, but grew to love it) -- but the fits have been problematic. When I once asked him for a "fake name" for me -- since I blog about him as "Testosteroni" or "Testo" because of his legal but medically unnecessary Testosterone injections -- as well as daily Cialis for self-pleasuring enhancements, he IMMEDIATELY suggested "Old Toilet Brush" -- a TRUE expression of what he actually thinks of me.
And it has NEVER affected my confidence in the LEAST!!!
Well, having seen photos of your founder Tom Patterson (and heard his voice in that interview), has led to my thinking I should wear a LARGER size, today. But all kidding aside, perhaps in some sort of "peculiar alliance", I could help out with your MARKETING -- although I am not yet famous (or infamous), enough.
Got a kick out of Howard Stern's endorsement on your site, and although I find it hard to believe he even WEARS undershorts, he's GOT to be packing with a NOSE that size, no???
I'll publish all this on blog, and see if anything happens -- but TOO MANY fear commenting on blog or emailing me -- the FAKE-STRAIGHT, Christian types, primarily -- they fearing that THEY would then be called "gay" or "faggot" -- here in the Bible Belt, especially.
I'll send you ONLY this posting via email (along with my List of 500) -- so you can see how I send it out, and to whom.
Perhaps, I'll get some "support"!!! (Or your company will.)
Also Genuinely,
Scott David Kenan
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Steve James wrote:
Hi Scott,
I'm Steve, the Community Manager at Tommy John. I feel a great deal of confidence coming from your articles, so I'm wondering if you'd be interested in tackling a topic that men rarely talk about: the experience of shopping for underwear.
We noticed there are few things more flustering to a guy than having to venture into the underwear section of a department store, and we're curious if you too share this feeling. What goes through your head when you're making your underwear selection? Do you have tactics for avoiding salespeople or other customers? Do you buy extra things to take the focus off the underwear at the cash register? Or do you avoid the experience all together by shopping online? I suspect you have a good story to share on this topic.
I invite you to confront this uncomfortable truth on your blog and spark the conversation with your readers. Let other men know they're not alone - and perhaps there's a better way to buy underwear. I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Steve James
Supportive (in every sense of the word)
(Added by Scott)
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