RE-PRINTED from here:
Ryan Lee Burris, Head of Cape Fear Equality ,, and Third Vice Chair of the New Hanover County Democratic Party,
FOR THE RECORD, Elizabeth Redenbaugh, now HEAD of New Hanover County Democratic Party received the "Profile in Courage Award" from Caroline Kennedy in 2011.

Elizabeth with Caroline Kennedy, accepting her Award.
I never met Caroline, but her mother, Jackie Kennedy Onassis told Tennessee Williams and me that the Episcopal Church with Republican Party, CIA, and FBI would MURDER Tennessee Williams and steal his estate from Harvard -- which I can prove they did -- and have some key still-alive Williams friends and associates who can ALSO corroborate this.
It has become almost as if Wilmington is a HOTBED of KENNEDY ACTIVITY (Sinatra Activity, too -- if ya read my blog about THAT)!!!
>>> I ASSUME THIS IS IN REFERENCE to the following words in this morning's posting, but Ryan REFUSES to be specific.
And although Ryan told me a couple of days ago, that he would have his boyfriend, Wes, ADD the meeting this month to their online calendar -- it STILL is not there, nor is it for any OTHER month!!! -- then hit "calendar" tab (hopefully it has been added by the time you do so).
VERBATIM from my blog:
2. And that brings me to my recent word-games with Ryan Lee Burris. I have no evidence he is into narco-trafficking AT ALL, but because like me, and my electrician neighbor, he has a RECORD, that is used in the USA to KEEP people out of the mainstream -- especially White-Collar jobs. And it keeps one in the company of the mentally confused as well.
Decent people are afraid association could RUIN their reputations --ESPECIALLY White Supremacist FAKE Christians who ONLY care about their reputation!!!
And REALLY, to escape that kind of stigma, one must move to a different REGION of the country -- or the street-trash one knew will continue to HOLD ONE BACK!!!
ORIGINAL here: -- which I DID paste a link to on Ryan's wall today.
1. I managed to get auto insurance today, reasonably.
2. Then I got BOTH the address on my valid NC drivers licence changed -- and the error in my birth date that they had.
3. For only $60.00 total, I got TWO used tires, as two of mine did NOT have enough tread to pass inspection.
4. I got a quote for replacement of my windshield and a side window of only $490.00, total, when using an estimate-on-line, it would have been $550.00 from someone else. Work to be done before the weekend -- and then I can get inspected and properly registered!!!
5. Since "Testosteroni" FINALLY sent some financial relief, yesterday, I will have $60.00 left, and I DID get an estimate for extraction of my molar (which is getting more and more painful), for about $360.00 -- I getting stuck with HIGH END price, due to my roots being HUGE and CURVED.
In Mexico, this has previously cost me only $60.00. I wish I had known it would have to go BEFORE I left Puerto Vallarta -- but so it is!!!
I will have to wait until the END OF THE MONTH (when Testo sends his committed monthly amount), as I will NOT have enough in allowance payments before then from Benefits Management (assuming I spend NO MONEY on other things).
PREVIOUSLY, Testosteroni has sent me MORE money than needed when I had ANY need at all -- but he is MAD that I've returned to Wilmington AGAINST HIS WISHES (which were to REMAIN in Puerto Vallarta and fight the Drug Mafia that had gotten more and MORE bold trying to kill me the last few weeks).
I'm sure he knows what will happen if I need to TAKE HIM TO COURT for cooperating with DRUG MAFIA to harm me!!!
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