This, actually an image titled "How to look like you are in the US SPECIAL FORCES"
And in a minute, I'll get to the currently-serving US Special Forces guy and his buddy I met last night and brought back to my apartment -- not for SEX (I wished like crazy), but for THEM to plumb my MIND. For two whole hours -- PRAISE JESUS!!!
1. It took me ALL DAY to rig my surround-sound system, choosing two plastic planters through which I drilled four holes, then using rope, suspended the rear speakers in the right places which just HAPPENED to have horizontal water pipes exposed, and I avoided drilling holes in the walls!!!
My receiver has a microphone to test every speaker, distance, phase, etc. -- and a seven-band equalizer to CORRECT for flaws in speakers and other things, so all that is finally done, except to align cords with architectural features to minimize their distraction.
2. I discovered Wilmington's "Beach Music" station -- 99.9 -- and really got into the POSITIVE, loving message of old music that I did and didn't really appreciate back then. It's ALL heterosexual -- but of the BEST KIND!!!
3. Then, I sat at this computer and spent a couple of hours editing my blog going back several days -- until I heard the fireworks, so shut all down, put on some shoes and I was OUT THE DOOR.
Wilmington ALWAYS has the MOST generous fireworks displays -- as is appropriate for America's MOST FRIENDLY TO MILITARY city, so I knew it would go on for at least another half hour -- which it did -- and it was ROBUST throughout. I managed to worm my way to the base of the steps of the Nixon Building ("Ground Zero"), and when it was over, remained there as all the smiling, partying people filed past me, some stopping to talk politics -- including a representative of Pine Valley Baptist (where I had enjoyed their monthly King's Breakfast at their church hall MANY months a few years ago).
He was MOST EAGER that I join them this evening for a Salute to America at their church given by I eventually have realized I CANNOT attend (due to not wanting to tempt my "PTSD" into a flare-up if I'm stuck in a place I can't leave without causing a stir -- even if I did it silently. I'm committed to a more CIVIL DISCUSSION with ALL, but not ready for that kind of a challenge. More on this shortly.
Just grabbed from their website, this shows ONE black face and one possibly mixed race to the left (click image to enlarge). TODAY, for Christians to be THIS RACIALLY SEGREGATED is what the Catholic Church would call a HUGE MORTAL SIN!!!
I decided BEFORE I saw this.
And I might as well complete this story:
4. After the fireworks, I walked all around the downtown area, and every cop was paired with a Sheriff's Deputy (a system begun shortly before I landed in Wilmington in 2011 -- to CUT DOWN the crimes of BOTH departments, one policing the other while they work their beats.
So I talked to a few pairs, who all confirmed that system, and I told them I had Court-Quality Evidence of narco-trafficking against their top bosses, Ed McMahon and Ralph Evangelous -- as well as of D.A. Ben David's protection of drug-trafficking, and of Ben's LONG-TERM and short-time male lovers.
ALL pairs then looked elsewhere and walked on, wishing me a Happy 4th, but unable to disguise their DIGUST with themselves for NOT confronting their bosses over what they REALLY do not support THEMSELVES!!!
Can YOU say, "God-Fucking Christian Hypocrites???" -- (I did, but not to a cop's face).
5. Anyway, I ran into MANY significantly tall people (Wilmington has ALWAYS had tons of tall people (Scots), and TONS of super-hot white men and women -- so it's like I'm in a CANDY SHOP after five years in the DESERT!!!), one of them and his buddy (over 6' feet, too), could not stop GROOVING on my take on politics, and nearly BEGGED that we go somewhere quiet so they could hear MORE.
So after disclosing my goose-gaiety (so no one freaked out in my SMALL space when it eventually came out -- especially since I DID mention that I felt CERTAIN we would pass small bonfires of Marijuana en-route -- which we did, most enjoyably -- except that the taller of the two disclosed HE is Special Forces Middle East, fluent in five languages, and on leave for a bit before returning, so I guess they test him and he couldn't relax about that.
To get to the point of his level, he is flown around in planes with only 3 - 5 in FAR more luxury than even International First Class!!! And HE said that everything I said FIT PERFECTLY with what he knows -- which I knew he could be little more specific than that, given his CLEARLY professional manner (although I got a little tired of him addressing me as "Sir".)
And he claimed he DOUBTED that even as GOOD AS HE IS, he could EVER receive sufficient security clearances TO KNOW NEARLY WHAT I KNOW!!! But I never had ANY clearance, but learned all by CAREFUL OBSERVATION, and was BLESSED to be born of a mother who is TOP NAZI (literally), in the United States, last assistant to Tennessee Williams, etc.
THIS is why I cannot be arrested for TELLING THE TRUTH.
These fellas in their eagerness to both hear and share TRUTH got me SO sexually hot, that I was so RELIEVED that I could occasionally mention that, and they GOT OFF on the compliment. I dare say that alone with the shorter one I could have EASILY seduced him (for his first time with a man) -- they even disclosed that they had discussed EXACTLY THIS, earlier in the day.
Of GREATEST interest to Mr. Special Ops, was my careful
Stanley on left, Colin Stewart Hamilton on right -- at lunch after a Puerto Vallarta Writers Group meeting. The devil sign over Stanley is MY fingers.
And it was Colin Hamilton who (acting as an INDIVIDUAL), kicked me OUT of the group after Charles Quiggly (with Frank K. Meyer, DDS, former dentist to Frank Sinatra, now on his FIFTH SERIAL CHRISTIAN WIFE!!!, tried to FORCE me to choose the New Testament over a Tennessee Williams play -- and DENOUNCE the playwright (my former boss), as THE DEVIL!!!
Frank and Charles
Ric and Joy Lehman of simply "Church" in Puerto Vallarta.!about/aboutPage
NO RULES -- Praise JESUS!!!
And having typed THAT, it is trying to come online here, again -- LOL!!! CIA!!!
NOW, it is inexplicably back, PHEW!!!
ANYWAY, rather than detail the HUGE amounts of "Political Data" I shared for two non-stop hours, I will say that at the end, I FELT like we had all had sex together (true person-to-person Communion or Communications, is BETTER than sex for the Spirit) -- if leaving the body a tetch "high and dry" (aka frustrated).
We stood in a close circle -- without arms around each other, physically -- it was like the THREE MUSKETEERS!!!

And since BOTH of them planned to read and research within my blog(s) -- and I gave the Special Forces guy specifics on how to do that most effectively, I will now paste in links to things I had NO TIME to disclose last night (or need additional clarification). I'll begin with a link to my memoir on-line, which the shorter, a SUPER-SENSUAL Italian kept asking for:
2. My "Kristallnacht" (first time Mom tried to kill me -- and my sister Jane as well): This does not have Jane's story of the same night being caused to fall 25 feet, landing on her head, going into a coma for five days, and emerging partially brain-damaged and DEPENDENT emotionally on Mom, so Mom NO LONGER needed to eliminate Jane!!! Halfway down:
3. I was CLOSEST to the bomb at the Atlanta Olympics, but with my then FAKE boyfriend (actually a CIA narco-trafficker, it later proved), Marc LaFont, LEFT just before it was detonated:
4. I COMPLETELY forgot to mention that when "Fernando Merino" was training me to sell the $7 Billion USD in Mexican real estate that I'd been SIGNED TO CONTRACT ( to sell (then he disclosed it was my contract to work for the CIA for LIFE!!!), we actually took a just-retired US ARMY officer very HIGH in Army Intelligence, around, and after I told him a few things, he told Fernando NOT to allow me to be near him again, because he FEARED that the CIA would MURDER HIM, as I knew so much more than he -- and ALL I knew that he knew was CORRECT!!!
One-third the way down here:
5. A summary of my legal troubles -- the email NEVER reaching the intended recipient!!!:
6. A list of 12 of my MAJOR PRACTICAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS (halfway down here):
Kevin Maurer is TOTAL CIA, and was interviewing me for his "next book" by phone, from his desk CONTROLLING the Wilmington Star News CITY DESK (to keep the narco-trafficking in Port Wilmington secret from Wilmingtonians).
He's got MILLIONS, now, and continues to live in Wilmington!!!
8. Some details on Martin Lamb:
9. Some details on Irmran Anwar:
Carlos Slim of Mexico
10. New York Times sends Envoy to tell me they BOUGHT OUT Carlos Salim "Slim" Helu -- BECAUSE he used the paper (and Kevin Maurer) -- and the NYTimes OWNED the Wilmington paper then -- to CONTROL info on the CIA drug importations to Port Wilmington.
11. Details on Clinton-appointed Nuevo Vallarta US Consular Agent Kelly Trainor de O:
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