>>> ADDED @ 11:33 PM, EDT: I did NOT sign in to this MYSELF!!! MUST have been the CIA (or similar)!!!
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Ron Reagan, from that ad:
"I’m Ron Reagan, an unabashed atheist, and I’m alarmed by the intrusions of religion into our secular government. That’s why I’m asking you to join the Freedom From Religion Foundation -- the nation’s largest and most effective organization of atheists and agnostics, working to keep state and church separate. Phone 1-800-335-4021 or visit the Freedom From Religion Foundation at FFRF.ORG. Ron Reagan, lifelong atheist, not afraid of burning in hell."
And another quote from Mr. Reagan:
"Religion may indeed inspire acts of great kindness and courage. But it also trains people to believe things for which there is no evidence. This makes religion’s intrusion into the political sphere all the more troubling," Reagan said during the speech.
>>> I WILL EXPAND ON THIS -- AFTER A FEW NOTES (and after I write to the Freedom From Religion Foundation, which I will here publish below):
Ryan Burris and Joe Herker
1. I have no intention of PROSECUTING either my first cousin, twice removed, Joseph Herker, or the Head of Cape Fear Equality and 3rd Vice Chair of the New Hanover County Democrats, Ryan Lee Burris for spreading SLANDER, knowingly, about me -- under the following conditions:
Because Joe Herker , http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/07/out-of-jail-until-next-weekend-joseph.html, is just a Christian Bully who terrorizes metro-Wilmington with his speedy drunk driving -- having NO political or other power, he, his mother Wendy Whitney, and HER mother Judith Whitney (my first Kenan cousin), need to apologize to my face, and cease spreading slander IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!!
I have no evidence that any others of Aunt Doris's descendants (except for a few Wellses who liked Joe's slanderous comments), are this HATEFUL, so I have no problem with them.
Ryan Burris needs to do the SAME THING -- except since he HAS a Political Position, he needs to PUBLICLY APOLOGIZE TO ME!!!
THAT SAID, Ryan, an AVID Facebook poster, has posted NOTHING on his page https://www.facebook.com/RyanLeeBurris, since June 12 -- so might have even FLED TOWN, like his old roommates -- both identified as DRUG DEALERS of significance to me, BY RYAN, his old boyfriend James Elks, and John Mann, who perjured himself in Court when DAVID NASH brought false charges against me for blogging about the narco-trafficking in Costello's Piano Bar, which he then owned, but since has sold.
Please see: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/06/after-speaking-with-david-nash-tonight.html
We are now in the THIRD DAY of having a broken elevator -- in 100+ F heat, but since the owner, Mr. Cutter, is said to be in temporary residence on the 5th floor, I assume he is doing all to get it working again.
Part of the charm of living in an old building is the unreliability of old systems, but since one other resident on my 6th floor is disabled with a cane, it PAINS me to see him hobble up and down the fire stairs.
Surely, management could set up a simple email system to give us updates on the progress of this, no???
By my third climbing (and I WAS in hospital just over a year ago for three days with water-on-the-lungs, congestive heart failure, and arrhythmia -- but feel fine now), I made it up six flights without breaking a sweat this morning (before the heat got bad).
And I have expressed my interest (after winning financial awards from SUING David Nash, North Carolina Courts, and Jamie Lee Sutherland and Daliah Saper and Jeff Duncan -- also Ben David's Intern-- of Fox News, Chicago), of setting up some kind of TRUST for this building, that does NOT interfere with Mr. Cutter's Property Rights, but relieves the pressure of RESTORATION and UPKEEP to this old building, so he can be concerned with the rentals and normal maintenance -- freeing up the manager, Tomi from working TOO HARD, and even hiring her an assistant or two, if necessary.
But I cannot do that now.
3. Although I at first agreed NOT to publish this on blog, I have to ASSUME that Joseph Faulk of Manhattan is PROUD of his financial support of me these last nearly four years. A couple of accountants I've spoken with said that Joseph would have HAD to send me 1099s the several years he gave me MORE than $10,000.00, but Joseph said HIS accountant said he did not.
We can settle this if I complain to the IRS about NOT getting them -- although it will NOT affect MY tax obligation.
I still have no intention of publishing Joseph's actual address or phone number(s) again:
12:31 PM (22 hours ago)
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It is NOT pointless since you have been MOST RELUCTANT to send money SINCE I decided to return to the USA, and only NOW for the first time ask me to be frugal -- which I always strive to be. I was far LESS frugal in Mexico, where you preferred I REMAIN. THERE you usually sent in $800.00 units, which would have been more APPROPRIATE recently, when you KNEW I'd lost most of my belongings.
Also a week + in a motel while seeking an apartment -- one you CONSTANTLY DISSED AND RECOMMENDED I NOT TAKE -- plus NEARLY AN EXTRA WEEK in Guadalajara in hotel and $550.00 for the alternator. Are you DAFT???
You KNOW I had to leave nearly all in Mexico -- AND WHY, so this has been a BARGAIN to replace -- as well as SHOCKING that I had to do it.
Too many readers write to say I should expose you as my Mother's Ally -- but even though this is OBVIOUS when I read the things you write, I am continuing to RESIST doing that, so WATCH IT, or you could soon be in jail.
That said, I really DO thank you (and my Mother) for your practical help!!!
And for ONCE, please notice whom I copy!!!

On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 10:39 AM, Joseph Faulk wrote:
$600Please do not publish the following:Since you've been in Wilm my WU's for $600 were sent:6/25 6/30 7/6 7/10 7/21That's $3000 in 4 weeks--certainly excessive. Improve your attention to budget, so that you don't end up with, say, tv & oven & camera, but sparse food. Striving for a $250 reserve at BM seems pointless.
Tennessee Williams and I -- the night we visited the Reagan White House.
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