>>> THIS JUST IN!!!:
Buckingham Palace voiced disappointment after the front page of The Sun carried a black-and-white image of the queen, then aged around six, raising her right hand in the air as her mother, the late Queen Mother, does the same.
Ten years ago, it was also The Sun, a tabloid and Britain's top-selling newspaper, which published a photograph of Prince Harry wearing a swastika armband to a friend's fancy dress party. The fifth in line to the throne later apologised.
More: http://centurylink.net/news/read/article/afp-buckingham_palace_slams_images_of_queens_nazi_salu-afp
2. When I FOUND Joseph Herker's MUG SHOT, I was actually searching for that of DeWayne. I only knew his first name, so the JAIL was unable to say if he was there -- and then I thought to check MUG SHOTS.
DeWayne Joseph Hall's MUG SHOT from ALSO being arrested yesterday!!!
DeWayne DENIED he ever worked for Ben David -- who probably oralized DeWayne just like I did the night before last -- if he actually DID work for him. DeWayne LOVES THAT and "comes in quarts", as they say. And he LIED to me on several things, so DeWayne probably was protecting his protector (he keeps getting out of jail EASILY for crimes of theft -- this latest for using stolen credit cards -- but NOT my debit card!!!
See also: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2013/04/repost-da-ben-davids-boyfriend-lee.html
In any case, I invited DeWayne up for a home-cooked meal, some AIR CONDITIONING, and shower, and that I'd wash his clothes with mine. And things got quite intimate, although he slept on my sofa. In the morning, he was ILL, and had to run out and get a fix of heroin, I allowing him to leave some clothes here, which he promised to pick up about 7:00 PM, last night. But he didn't show, and his phone was OUT OF COMMISSION.
And now, just checking, his bicycle is CHAINED and locked in the trash area of these apartments, so I guess on Monday, I'll call Police again -- to see what I should do about his property.
The LAST TIME I had to call Police to pick up someone's property, it was belonging to Evan Fish -- whom the Wilmington Police MURDERED -- because he knew too much about Ben David's and Patrick Stansbury's Narco-Trafficking!!!
And THAT POSTING also includes Christopher's INSISTANCE that the TRUE US ARMY is getting ready to TAKE BACK the USA in a RACE WAR -- repeatedly!!!
Readers will recall, that at the time I twice emailed Evan's Ohio pastor who buried him, and while I NEVER got a reply, BOTH times I got received receipts from the CHURCH soliciting my joining the NRA (National Rifle Association) -- from a TAX-EXEMPT CHRISTIAN CHURCH!!!
In any case, you can SEE why I was eager to make SOME KIND of Peace with Thomas S. Kenan III, so went to Liberty Hall to give it the "old college try".
I was the only visitor when I arrived, and the black woman near my age, took my $5.00, and I disclosed, calmly, what had happened the last TWO times I had tried to visit in 2011 -- they CLOSED IT and the Sheriff came the second time to say that some HYSTERICAL FEMALE was afraid of me, and to return in a week and all would be well. It took me four years.
I also told her I was there to learn of the BETTER parts of my Kenan Heritage, and I would NOT try to make any political points if anyone showed up. While I watched the video, learning that Selma, Alabama was for some time the PRIME SEAT of the Kenan Family -- until many, not all, moved back (actually to Atlanta -- the hyper-moneyed ones, eventually -- before Frank moved his brood back to Durham/Chapel Hill), and Kenansville.
When I came back out an older black couple from Raleigh had just started the tour of images and documents in the main room, so I joined them, adding BOTH additional GOOD and not-particularly "bad" info -- which all seemed cool with. But when we left the building, Jeff Smith walked over and in a very professional way -- and I LOVED how professionally this was handled -- Jeff escorted me, while the woman escorted the black couple (after SOMEONE claimed that they can't get black people to visit AT ALL -- this couple apparently being the exception that proved the rule!!!).
Jeff Smith was friendly, SMART, and HOT -- but straight, unfortunately.
Jeffrey Smith
Assistant Curator at Liberty Hall Restoration
- Pink Hill, North Carolina
- Leisure, Travel & Tourism
Previous |
I've checked reviews and EVERYONE LOVES Jeff's tours!!!
I'm not going to go into details on all we motor-mouthed about, but suffice it to say that Jeff knew ALL the positive AND negative things I have claimed about my wealthy Kenan relatives -- and sees Thomas S. Kenan III at least three times per year.
He even wasn't particularly surprised when I told him my mother was America's TOP NAZI and how she blackmailed Dad into turning Catholic and marrying her -- my parents HATING the wealthy Kenans --but being ON THE SAME GOD-HATING, CHRISTIAN, REPUBLICAN SIDE!!!
That side mostly CANNIBALIZING each other today.

Donald Trump On John McCain's War Record: 'I Like People Who Weren't Captured' MORE: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-john-mccain_55aa7ff1e4b0caf721b2feb7?
And I told him when I first saw young Tom Kenan's photo in the 1967 edition of the book The Kenan Family -- I felt SORRY for him, as he did NOT look like he wanted the role he would CLEARLY be prepared for and holds today.
Jeff also knew the Kenan Crest is a FABRICATION, and the "Royal Line" via the daughter of North Carolina's Royal Governor Johnston is a FRAUD.
He LIKED that Patricia Sinatra told me of selling Bank of America to Tom Kenan et al -- and her opinion of what has happened since then!!!
In the end, I felt like I had met a TRUE KINDRED SPIRIT, and Jeff promised to deliver my message to Tom Kenan that I am NOT angry with anyone -- and that the wealthy branch has gotten too INSULATED by their enormous wealth, causing them to become DECADENT and unaware of REALITY, but I hope that rather soon, I can have a meeting with Tom Kenan -- and we can work out something that PRESERVES the best of the Kenan Accomplishments, acknowledges the Errors, and then goes from HERE to BETTER ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE FUTURE -- with Liberty and JUSTICE for ALL!!!
-- the ORIGINAL Kenan Goal (complicated by living for generations within the System of Slavery)!!!
So I will email this to Jeff, and to Steve Armstrong at Kenan Management, Inc., in Chapel Hill (who was ALSO totally cool when I spoke with him on the phone about 1.5 years ago), FIRST -- in the HOPE of moving things A LITTLE FASTER, no???
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