Tin & Oak at 709 N. 4th Street # 101
https://www.facebook.com/tinandoak/timeline has TONS of great photos!!!
1. Thanks to all who made the last posting of the "Puerto Vallarta Bully-ess", with my email sent to Congressmen Jones and Rouzer such an OVERNIGHT SENSATION!!!
It is hard for me to believe that both Christine Hitchens (hitchentiempo@gmail.com -- translated, this means "hitchen time" or "hitchen weather". I wonder which Dark Star Ms. Christine has hitched HER wagon to!!!), AND my old friend Ryan Burris BOTH came down STRONGLY trying to BULLY me the last couple of days.
Given that this is behavior shared with my immediate family and PROVEN narco-traffickers, you would THINK these people would be ASHAMED to employ such tactics -- especially when it feeds DIRECTLY into my allegations of so many of these people acting in COLLUSION to silence me, inappropriately commit me to Cherry Hospital (like D.A. Jon David's ally, Dr. Carrie Menke, attempted, but her report was LAUGHED OUT OF COURT by the judge). More: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2012/09/scott-kenan-admits-his-insanity.html
These people have NO OTHER OFFENSIVE MOVES -- because they CAN'T reconcile FACT and LOGIC with their INTENTIONS, which appear to be EVIL. They can only hope to intimidate me -- like Justin LaNassa's groupies hounding me all over downtown, claiming I sexually molested their young sons!!!
I'm trying to distinguish more clearly between those hiding their crimes behind "respectable Christianity", and those who actually PRACTICE the Teachings of Jesus (and other prophets and philosophers).
Bottom Line here is that I am IMPERVIOUS to bullying, and will toss it right back INTO THEIR FACES, from now on -- exposing their non-sense for the Public to decide about.
2. Testosteroni and I got past our three weeks of relating as if "Mercury were in Retrograde". I'm not a big fan of astrology, but I DO know that means communications get REALLY screwed up. So he came through with the support necessary to complete the legalization of my car for North Carolina (and give me financial breathing room) -- and that is all complete, now!!!

This is the "Top Dog" at Register's Auto Glass
2182 Wrightsville Ave.
Wilmington, NC 28403
(910) 442-8945
Hours of Operation
24-7 Service
After getting two other estimates to replace my windshield and front passenger window of $550.00 and $490.00, Register's came through with an estimate of $359.00 -- and could do the work a DAY EARLIER as well!!!
And the work took only HALF as long as they had estimated.
And the work took only HALF as long as they had estimated.
And since I have to park on the street, I took my car THERE -- an island of Beverly Hills, Palm Beach, or Palm Springs cleanliness and organization of a car-service business. The building had TONS of glass and mirror surfaces AND NOT A FINGERPRINT ON ANY OF IT (even Howard HUGHES would approve)!!!
The business card this gentleman handed me says "T. J. Barron", but that is another guy who works there.
2250 Carolina Beach Rd,
Wilmington, NC 28401
(910) 772-0681
And only $60.00 total!!!
I used the 17th Street location to get my Inspection.
And they ALL wished me the BEST in my campaign to EXPOSE the corruption so we can HEAL IT!!!
This was the LEAST offensive, but the only one showing online. Is that a beak or a duck's head???
THIS BEING THAT IN THE LICENCE PLATE AGENCY, there were about EIGHT plates SANCTIONED BY THE STATE, and promoting CHRISTIANITY, although a couple only referred to "God" -- but MANY to Dear Ol' JESUS!!!
I MEANT to ask where the Buddhist and Jewish plates were (not wanting to temp violence by asking about Muhammad's plates), but my whole situation was so compound/complex, I was so thrilled to FINALLY get through it, that I forgot to ask.
And this morning, I found THIS:
North Carolina DMV sells out of Confederate flag license plates
http://charlotte.suntimes.com/clt-news/7/93/119515/confederate-license-plates/Now, I don't know what to think of the Sons of Confederate Veterans -- an organization I am qualified to JOIN. But I DO KNOW that in the late 1960s we visited my father's two first cousins (both teachers), who were in a HURRY because their chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy (and they lived near Burgaw, NC -- Dad's birthplace), was giving out their two annual scholarships that day.
And one of them addressed my father, saying "We are giving them to two colored girls -- just like last year. And YOU wouldn't understand that, Bill -- YOU moved up North and turned YANKEE!!!"
That was the MOMENT I knew that my Yankee Education was RIDDLED WITH LIES!!!
But all things considered, I DOUBT I'll be joining any Confederate Organizations -- LOL!!!

With THANKS to Randall Kenan, writer and professor at UNC, Chapel Hill: http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/a-black-mans-stark-visceral-experience-of-racism/2015/07/09/68a3fca6-23d7-11e5-b72c-2b7d516e1e0e_story.html?postshare=471436534520503

My First Kiss, age two. Mickey's polio crutches are outside the frame.
Scott Kenan shared a link.
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