Kenan Fountain on Kenan Plaza -- right outside my building.
>>> AND I HEARD BACK FROM THE "UNDIES GUY" -- who in the Upper Midwest doesn't have balls that SWEAT SO MUCH as mine, today!!!:
First of all, I got into a riveting conversation with my neighbor Jenny, completely forgetting to go to the City Council meeting this evening -- but I wan't sure I should go to a REAL political meeting BEFORE my adversaries are a little more used to the fact that I CANNOT be murdered, jailed, or nut-house committed -- or even SHUT UP!!!
They keep trying in subtle ways to "drive me crazy" -- so they can commit me. But it AIN'T A-WORKIN'!!!
See the reference in this play/movie/TV series, Del Shores a personal friend as well as co-narco-trafficker (or simply protector of them), with ACT II Entertainment, Puerto Vallarta, principally, with owners Elizabeth Ensor and Danny Mininni:
Scott Kenan to you (Bcc) + 1 moreshow details

Hey Steve,
Actually, given the real life excitements I've had -- essentially running from US Government and Episcopal and other Churches' narco-traffickers -- both in the USA and Mexico for about 5.5 years now, my undies are the least of my troubles (not counting Montezuma's Revenge in Mexico -- which is not what you want associated with your product).
However, should you or your company like to have me incorporate some of your marketing in my blog, I'll have FUN doing it -- and keep other materials around it "acceptable to capitalism".
As expected, NO ONE has reacted at all to what I blogged this morning -- but that does NOT mean it is not good marketing for your company. Almost NO ONE writes me -- but tons of people on the street tell me they love my blog -- and I have been VERY effective in the practical world -- and I have a HUGE following in foreign counties. I actually got Los Angeles County to RE-OPEN the murder investigation of actress Natalie Woods' death -- she having told Gavin Lambert that she had caught her husband Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken in passionate gay sex, didn't think they knew she saw them, but told Gavin in a panic that they would MURDER her if they knew that she knew. A week later she was dead -- and my info is only hearsay in legal terms -- but it got the investigation RE-OPENED!!!
I also gave the British Government the info I have that lawyer John Eastman (first bro-in-law of Paul McCartney -- and Tennessee Williams's last attorney, whom I knew fairly well), authorized BOTH Tennessee's murder and John Lennon's murder, getting me back-door thanks from Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon at that time, and two months ago, the British Government launched a new investigation into the CIA murder of Lennon -- not that the US Government allowed THAT to be seen in the US PRESS!!!
A list of some of my accomplishments -- some almost bigger -- can be found in the middle of this posting, should you care to have a gander:
So I close, saluting your company -- and especially what is contained when your product is in use (the more shapely ones, especially!!!). Let me know if I can help you creatively market -- some day, anyway.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Steve James wrote:
Hi Scott,Thanks for your witty response. I see your point about certain types of criticism. I tend to look at the internet as "locationless." But I suppose people do tend to keep track of local happenings. Perhaps you could give your article enough testosterone and gunpowder to keep the lashings at bay. I'm sure hunters get distracted by an occasional underwear gripe from time to time.Thanks for the laughs!Steve
The only worries a man should have are the ones directly in front of him.
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