Joseph Herker (my BLOOD!!!), spends weekends for several months in JAIL -- due to a FELONY Probation Violation of Driving DRUNK 75 MPH in a 45 Zone, which means this RACIST CHRISTIAN, REPUBLICAN DRUNK endangers children and others WILLFULLY.
>>> JOSEPH'S SLANDER is regarding comments I published near the top of this most recent posting, mostly about my meeting with a rep of Thomas S. Kenan III at Liberty Hall in Kenansville, NC, yesterday -- which has basically GONE VIRAL, now:
Tom Kenan
And his GOD-HATING SOUTHERN BAPTIST FAMILY thinks that that -- and his NOW Slandering ME as well -- is just SWELL!!!
My response:
Showing my souther heritage and pride. — with Alvin Carroll, Barry Hern, James Carver, Wendy Whitney,James Wrenn, Joshua Wells, Chuck Clay, Adam Andrews, Jacob Russell, Caleb Wells and Adam Michael Mangum.
Click image to ENLARGE.

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