The elephant in THIS room is that by ALL THEIR CURRENT ERRORS the Catholic Church has ALREADY proven it is NOT "God's Representative on Earth"!!! So NO WAY could any change be accepted as "God'S TRUTH" either. GOD'S TRUTH DOESN'T CHANGE!!!
Although our UNDERSTANDING of it does.
What 'Scandalous' Changes Could Be Coming To The Catholic Church?SEE MORE here:
Scott Kenan shared a link.
4:24 PM (8 minutes ago)
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Well, to begin with, there is NO RECORD of your existence on the internet, so I figure you are just Drug Mafia playing nice for an unknown reason.
You are CORRECT about my not surviving a trip to Mexico, now, but that is the FURTHEST thing from my mind, anyway. Mexicans need to fix Mexico. I will work on my OWN country, from now on.
You do not disclose WHO claims I am a "lying piece of shit", nor those who go all the way to claim I lie about "EVERYTHING", actually, an impossibility!!!
You claim that some believe I have ridden Tennessee Williams's coattails for TOO LONG. On what authority do they claim that??? Were they his friends??? Business associates??? Lovers???
Since I've been on NO meds (psychological), since 2008, I met NO ONE I met in Puerto Vallarta BEFORE that, so that is a PROVEN LIE for anyone living in Puerto Vallarta -- the claim that I'm nice while on meds.
So you leave me NOT KNOWING what to think of you, either -- LOL!!! But you are CORRECT about God -- and Colin Hamilton, Charles Quiggley, Frank K. Meyer, DDS, EVERYONE at Act II Entertainment (includes Del Shores), Stanley Winborne III (whose family TRIED to rival the wealthy Kenans in North Carolina -- but lost most of it, apparently), and the COWARDS in Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, who allowed the others to PUT ME THROUGH HELL can make their Peace with God some day.
But that is neither YOUR nor MY problem, and I don't care to hear about their progress, either.
Cute final put-down of addressing me as "child". What does that make YOU, bitch???
-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Hitchens <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 10, 2015 2:44 pm
Subject: puerto Vallarta
From: Christine Hitchens <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Fri, Jul 10, 2015 2:44 pm
Subject: puerto Vallarta
Do not come back here Scott. I have it on very good authority that you will not survive it. When I asked why, I was simply told that you were a lying sack of shit. When I enquired as to what it was you had lied about, several people said "everything" and "what has he not lied about?"
It seems they feel that you have been riding on a coattail far too long. Having worked for a very short time with a celebrated author, you have milked that relationship like a parasite. Other people said you were actually a very nice person when you were on your meds.
I'm not sure what to believe. All I know is that all God's creatures are special in some way, as I'm sure you are. God is great and he forgives those that wish to be forgiven, the Mexicans on the other hand tend to hold a grudge.
Godspeed to you child.
Dear Congressmen Jones and Rouzer:
By sheer “Happy Accident” I stopped into Congressman Rouzer’s office in Wilmington after paying a tax in that complex. Funny, is that after having the BEST conversation with the women (especially the one who seemed to be in charge), she never got around to seeing if I was YOUR constituent or not, but I’ve later realized I am Walter Jones’s constituent. Therefore, I write you both together, today, but will follow Mr. Jones’s Congressional work with more interest.
You should know that I’ve always said I’m an Eisenhower Republican forced to vote for Democrats all my life – SOME of them I got EXCITED about. Perhaps the two of you are working to reform the Republican Party (and I can tell that neither of you know of the depth of its corruption), and I am THRILLED to see that the party-switching Mr. Jones OFTEN bucks his party and was PUNISHED by John Boehner for that!!!
Let me state my credentials. My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, now of Raleigh, was FIRST identified to me as America’s TOP literal NAZI in 1990, separately, by two top Jewish businesspeople in Atlanta (where I lived most of my adult life). I was raised with small swastikas rimming our dinner china, and daily beatings. When I first blogged about this in 2010, the Reiner Family of Hollywood made me an “Honorary Jew”.
My parents were closest friends with Coach Lou Holtz, who lived across the street from us on Larwell Drive, when he was assistant under Woody Hayes (a Denison University grad, like me), at Ohio State. For his help in spreading Mom’s Catholic Swastikas (I can prove Mom got all her marching orders from Popes Paul VI, John Paul II, and Alexander – she MIGHT have retired before Francis came to office), Mom got Lou his DREAM JOB of coaching Notre Dame.
Mom ALSO got her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, the position of Official Dentist to the Fighting Irish, but after his daughter married a JEW, Mom had his considerable wealth removed and forced him into a Veterans Hospital (now closed), in Lower Mississippi, where Mom often visited to be certain he was given DOUBLE strength Lithium Carbonate, and I DO have now in my possession, Mom’s handwritten notes (from a few years before then), that that is GUARANTEED to cause Chemically-Induced Diabetes, which Uncle Bob slowly died of very PAINFULLY – as his extremities were progressively CHOPPED OFF!!!
Please see:
And I caught Mom on secured comm with Holtz (now Boehner’s closest personal friend and co-strategist), at the MOMENT Obama made the deal to re-open Government nearly two years ago – so STILL ACTIVE then. She is nearly 93 now, on a walker, but of firm mind.
I guess I should let you know also, that my father once VEHEMENTLY claimed to have put Jesse Helms into power – and when he was ANGRY at Jesse, Dad once swore at the TV -- that he was going to REMOVE him from power – and he DID, it being made to look like a health issue, easily caused by slipping him the right chemicals. Mom ran Proctor & Gamble's Skin Research Labs right after WWII, and was privy to Dr. Joseph Mengele’s data from torturous experiments on Jews and others, but specialized in perfecting NAZI MIND CONTROL, which she practiced on her own children.
I think EVERYONE in the USA now knows that Jesse Helms is considered the MOST HATED US Senator EVER – FEARED and hated by Republicans even more than by Democrats. And interesting to see that Walter Jones has a lot of Jesse’s constituents – while David Rouzer actually WORKED for Sen. Helms.
I HOPE you have found Peace with God by DENOUNCING that DEVIL, Sir!!!
I’m also heartened to see that Mr. Jones often BUCKS his party line.
In any case, the woman in charge of Mr. Rouzer’s office -- when she heard I work with both Gen. Colin Powell and Gen, Russell Honore to BUST US Government narco-traffickers – can you say Bush, Cheney, Clinton x 2, Emanuel, Cuomo, Villaraigoza, etc.??? – and Obama is a BLACKMAILED HOMOSEXUAL still protecting CIA/Republican Party narco-trafficking, which is NO secret outside the USA where the CIA cannot control the media as well.
My “friend”, Jamie Lee Sutherland, exec of Wells Fargo Advisors in Chicago saw Obama and Rahm Emanuel MANY times in Man’s Country, his private gay baths in Chicago. As you likely know, my wealthy Kenan relatives (with the Sinatra Family), now control Bank of America. And this led to my being charged with Libel by Daliah Saper of Chicago – ALSO a talking head on FOX NEWS – but I was never legally served, and then I was tried IN ABSENTIA, ENTIRELY illegal and unconstitutional – and CONVICTED!!!
The Courts Inspector in Cook County said this will be EASY to overturn – and then I can sue them all for many FORTUNES – but I have no money to travel there, yet.
In the Wilmington Area, this includes former NC Senator Thom Goolsby (who seems to RUN the narco-trafficking in the Port), BOTH of the David Brother District Attorneys, Police Chief Evangelous, and Sheriff McMahon is perhaps the most active in protecting the narco-traffickers.
Mayor Saffo seems CLEAN, and even the woman in Mr. Rouzer’s office agreed with that – she was EMBARRASSED – as ALL real Republicans should be – that Justin LaNassa ran as a Republican. She is MY kind of woman (despite my being “gay as a goose”!!!).
Now, I’ve had a LONG and exhausting week, so I’ll just refer you to my previous postings for more info.
This from my report after a rep of US Special Forces in Afghanistan DEBRIEFED me in my apartment for TWO HOURS last Saturday night after the fireworks. The ENTIRE posting is worth reading here:, but this is the most important part of it:
2. My "Kristallnacht" (first time Mom tried to kill me -- and my sister Jane as well): This does not have Jane's story of the same night being caused to fall 25 feet, landing on her head, going into a coma for five days, and emerging partially brain-damaged and DEPENDENT emotionally on Mom, so Mom NO LONGER needed to eliminate Jane!!! Halfway down:
3. I was CLOSEST to the bomb at the Atlanta Olympics, but with my then FAKE boyfriend (actually a CIA narco-trafficker, it later proved), Marc LaFont, LEFT just before it was detonated:
4. I COMPLETELY forgot to mention that when "Fernando Merino" was training me to sell the $7 Billion USD in Mexican real estate that I'd been SIGNED TO CONTRACT ( to sell (then he disclosed it was my contract to work for the CIA for LIFE!!!), we actually took a just-retired US ARMY officer very HIGH in Army Intelligence, around, and after I told him a few things, he told Fernando NOT to allow me to be near him again, because he FEARED that the CIA would MURDER HIM, as I knew so much more than he -- and ALL I knew that he knew was CORRECT!!!
One-third the way down here:
5. A summary of my legal troubles -- the email NEVER reaching the intended recipient!!!:
6. A list of 12 of my MAJOR PRACTICAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS (halfway down here):
Kevin Maurer is TOTAL CIA, and was interviewing me for his "next book" by phone, from his desk CONTROLLING the Wilmington Star News CITY DESK (to keep the narco-trafficking in Port Wilmington secret from Wilmingtonians).
He's got MILLIONS, now, and continues to live in Wilmington!!!
8. Some details on Martin Lamb:
9. Some details on Irmran Anwar:
Carlos Slim of Mexico
10. New York Times sends Envoy to tell me they BOUGHT OUT Carlos Salim "Slim" Helu -- BECAUSE he used the paper (and Kevin Maurer) -- and the NYTimes OWNED the Wilmington paper then -- to CONTROL info on the CIA drug importations to Port Wilmington.
11. Details on Clinton-appointed Nuevo Vallarta US Consular Agent Kelly Trainor de O:
Know that I will post this email on blog here:, and that my list of 500 Email Recipients (SMART of me to have all this PROOF I have been warning them for ages – should any of us end up in COURT, no???), can be found here, although it is always changing:
Let me also say that the BEST ALLIES I’ve had, were the Ron Paul for President Republicans in 2008 CORRECTED: 2012, (although Cynthia McKinney -- ran in 2008 . This is what I call a BROKEN CONNECTION, now that it's corrected. Still, I hope you find it as INTERESTING as I do. Read on:), on the Green Party Ticket and she was my Congresswoman and I met her back in Georgia). And I once tried to get Bob Barr, 2008 Libertarian Candidate for President – then US Attorney in Decatur, GA -- to ARREST and TRY my mother for attempted murder of ME, but Mom said I was just “crazy”, and that is ALL a God-Hating Christian Republican Type needed to hear to DISMISS my claims.
I have enough info that I would like to have Mr. Jones speak with me in person – with a view toward my giving sworn testimony to Congressional Committees IN SECRET, as the American Public would go into TOO MUCH SHOCK if they heard what I know (although I’ve been publishing it in my blog for YEARS, now).
If not, I’m sure I could find a Democrat who would like to speak with me – and do that – in which case I would have to DENOUNCE Mr. Jones as a TRAITOR. I DOUBT that will happen as in my brief research, I have seen something of his character.
Rey Moctezuma II
I am ALSO getting "Montezuma's REVENGE", no???Scott
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