Puerto Vallarta Writers Group (some of the members at lunch -- one year ago). Beginning with the closest and going around clockwise: Charles Quigley of the National Rifle Association (NRA), Malcolm Tanton -- a BIG promoter of the advantages of GMO Foods (who with his wife Joan, both Canadians, NEVER write a thing or read it), Andrea, who is back in Mexico again now and we are in close touch, me, Stanley Winborne III, aka NC Stanley -- I can't believe that at first I forgot to "Name that Ginger", as they say: Colin Hamilton, and finally Bonnie Dixon.
An Email Exchange, this morning:
Christine -- I just found your Facebook Page and sent a friend request. You DO look familiar, although I can't remember more than that.
Christine Hitchens from her Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/christine.hitchens?fref=ts
Thanks for the warnings -- but it is NOTHING but a Tempest in a Teapot of God-Hating "Christian" narco-traffickers -- Colin, in service to the British Empire of his memory, the poor fella!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Kenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>
To: hitchentiempo <hitchentiempo@gmail.com>
Cc: colinshamilton <colinshamilton@gmail.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 9:47 am
Subject: Re: Scott Kenan
From: Scott Kenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>
To: hitchentiempo <hitchentiempo@gmail.com>
Cc: colinshamilton <colinshamilton@gmail.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 9:47 am
Subject: Re: Scott Kenan
Hi Christine -- and first I must apologize to you, but this perfectly illustrates WHY specifics are important when communicating!!!
This IS Colin Stuart Hamilton's WRITING VOICE and consistent enough with his previous story, if also nearly all lies. I'm sorry to get this evidence that he and the PVWG are so desperate that he STILL feels he must spew -- but that is not MY nor YOUR problem.
And I couldn't care less what drug-addled Gringos in Mexico think of me.
I have no idea how he got your email address, so you need to ask HIM, not me, silly!!!
So I now believe that we must have actually met, although I do not remember it -- nor have you sent the photo you promised and I SPECIFICALLY ASKED FOR. THEN I would probably remember you.
But I have no time for liars in Mexico like Colin. He gets drunk and picks up street trash for paid sex -- then they STEAL HIM BLIND!!! And he plays victim -- LOL!!!
Thanks for this, and I wish you well, although also that you clarify your mind to support CLEAR COMMUNICATIONS!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Hitchens < hitchentiempo@gmail.com>
To: Scott Kenan < scottdkenan@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 1:06 am
Subject: Fwd: Scott Kenan
From: Christine Hitchens < hitchentiempo@gmail.com>
To: Scott Kenan < scottdkenan@aol.com>
Sent: Tue, Jul 14, 2015 1:06 am
Subject: Fwd: Scott Kenan
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Christine Hitchens <hitchentiempo@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 8:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: Scott Kenan
To: Scott Kenan < scottdkenan@aol.com>
From: Christine Hitchens <hitchentiempo@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2015 at 8:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: Scott Kenan
To: Scott Kenan < scottdkenan@aol.com>
This is from that guy Stuart I told you about. Who is this guy? Do you know him? How did he get my email?. What questions have I not answered Scott?
I told you that we met once briefly. Geeze you sure are a live one.You should try to calm down, otherwise you might give yourself a heart attack.You can find photos of me on fb. On my partners page, Lobo Lopes Don't friend him though, he's kind of a dangerous guy, used to be a gang member in South Central. (Just searching Christine's FB Friends, there is NO Lobo Lopez -- LOL!!!)
Just letting you know cause I use him for protection now and again. He can get things done. He doesn't really believe in Jesus though, Not like you. Please stop swearing, it's so unbecoming, you have such a lovely vocabulary, why not use it for goodness sake..
God bless Scott and do say you're prayers okay? None of us ever really knows whats around the corner. What man lives and cannot see death? One of my favorites.
Bless. (NO subject OR object to this verb -- how GOD-HATING is THAT???)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stuart Hamilton <colinshamilton@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:54 PM
Subject: Scott Kenan
To: hitchentiempo@gmail.com
From: Stuart Hamilton <colinshamilton@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2015 at 10:54 PM
Subject: Scott Kenan
To: hitchentiempo@gmail.com
Dear Christiine,
I am writing to offer you my sympathy after noting that you have crossed swords with Scott Kenan.
This man is unbalanced and quite incapable of seeing the world as it really is. He views life through a hideously distorting mirror; the only person who cannot understand how sick he is.
We in Vallarta are hugely relieved to see the back of a man who has caused us so much trouble and distress. I speak not only on the part of the PV Writers Group - where two women were actually nervous of him. He has been involved in loud and most unpleasant scenes in various places around town – although a review of his “blog” would suggest he is always the innocent party - a sure indication of his delicate mental state.
On his first visit here, Mr Kenan staged such an objectionable scene at the Group meeting for no sound reason that he was asked by the then moderator, a delightful, kind man, to leave and never come back. Later when he returned to Mexico Kenan approached me outside Costco where he explained that he wished to return to the Writers Group although he was still being pursued by the FBI and the CIA. His calmer demeanour suggested he was back on medication and perhaps in a condition to return to the Writers Group – although the two friends with me at the time had some reservations!
It wasn’t long before he reverted to type and began making unpleasant postings which continued despite my gently requesting him to stop. The remarks became extremely vindictive and sometimes no less than lewd.
After being asked to leave the Writers Group his actions intensified. There was no truth in accusations he made – about individuals in the Group or about the Group itself being a vehicle for drug-trafficking and later for arms trading. The allegations were ludicrous; inventions of a fevered mind. Similar claims about the activities of the theatre and its founder led to his being banned from the premises.
With the possibility of some unknowing person reading this unjustifiably malevolent material but taking it to be authentic we sought legal advice. We would most certainly have won a libel case, but as we were told, a man living on Social Security would probably be unable to pay even the court costs, let alone legal fees and damages.
I am not certain why he left PV. He had many enemies here so my suspicion is that some of his postings about political matters here might well have led to his being threatened physically.
Whatever the case I am glad to be rid of him but regret that he has become a tiresome burden on your shoulders. One day he will surely be brought to book.
Colin Hamilton
Moderator, PVWG.
Well, I've heard NOTHING more from him, but that is not surprising -- because the GOOD ONES always come with SNAFUs in the initial days -- and the FAKE ONES reveal their LIES, quickly -- and NEITHER is obvious, yet.
A more recent photo of John Woodruff with his mother, Joannie Woodruff (born six months and a DAY after me -- and she LOOKS part Latina, no???), and John's gay, "theatrical" brother, Randall, who lives in Philadelphia.
And John has told me he was diagnosed Bipolar I, put on meds for some years, but left them a couple of years ago. He, like me, knows ALL ABOUT Sean and Ligia (Splendora) Blackwell, which is the FAKE surname Sean uses to "keep from embarrassing (his) mother".
You see, Sean Blackwell's work, "Bipolar or Waking Up" is amazingly good, except that until very recently, he was COMPLETELY AGAINST marijuana, but he's shut up about that lately.
I took many photos of Sean's wondering WHAT to think of me!!! Please note how he tried to protect himself from my RABID LUST over him -- by making his wedding ring so prominent (and I ADMIT he NEEDED to -- I was nearly OUT OF CONTROL in lust with Sean!!!)
I assume he's gotten over it now. Check out Sean's newly revamped website here: http://www.bipolarawakenings.com/
The best I can figure is that Sean's mother (his real last name is McAllister), for whatever reason cut his man-parts off when he was an infant. In his bikini, he has NO BULGE even as big as LABIA (or a hair-puff), in his groin!!!
Ligia always referred to Sean as "My gay husband".
But I gave Sean LOTS of notes on how to revise his original book -- and he did that BRILLIANTLY. Here is my review posted on Amazon of his revised copy:
Customer Review
To READ this fully, follow this link: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/07/miss-colin-stewart-hamilton-of-puerto.html
7 of 9 people found the following review helpful
This review is from: Am I Bipolar or Waking Up? (Paperback)
. . . is today, because I just found that Sean has revised and published this book!!!
I first came across Sean's video work in early 2009, and knew I had found something and someone extraordiary. I devoured all Sean's then-published videos and contacted him in Sao Paulo. After many long conversations and reading an earlier version of this book, I visited him and his wife Ligia in Brazil (thinking I might help him revise his book). Trust me: it was an intense week traveling in Brazil and tossing around ideas! On my return to the United States, I discovered that I was not nearly as far along on my own journey of healing Bipolar Illness as I had thought, and the project collapsed as I rocketed into what was to become quite an extraordinary journey of my own. In recent days, my journey has not ended as much as evolved to the "clean-up" phase, and I am repairing my relationships as I re-build my life DRUG FREE and in full charge of my faculties and future. In fact, tomorrow, I am meeting with my parents and sister for the first time since true peace has returned. I do not know how to thank Sean (and Ligia as well) enough for how he and his materials helped me through this process. I will buy this revised book (the free sample of the new version proves Sean never needed MY editing skills!!!) when I come into my own Amazon book royalties in a few days. BUY AND READ THIS BOOK. Watch Sean's videos and contact him through his online resources if you feel moved to do so. No one could find a more empathetic and helpful soul than Sean Blackwell, and we are priviledged to have his resources available in this time of global renewal. DO IT TODAY. Scott
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So if John Woodruff is currently going through some "throws of adjusting to REAL LIFE" -- after some years of medication -- I'll hear from him at the appropriate time, but I've RELEASED all my expectations, and wish him well if I don't.
If nothing else, he's re-awakened me to MY OWN possibilities of finding sweet, rational LOVE, and I feel transformed ALREADY!!!
And in my NEW backyard, we have THIS!!!
Scott Kenan shared a link.
Scott Kenan shared a link.
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