On Cloud Nine, because my mother disowned ME, and then having in FULL CONFIDENCE written to Bishop Michael Curry, unrestrictedly ending my fight with the Episcopal Church, USA over Tennessee Williams's MURDER and stolen rights (because Tennessee ALWAYS wanted the Episcopal Church to have them to honor his gentle -- also a practicing homosexual on the side -- grandfather, Walter Dakin, an Episcopal priest, and NOTING that with a BLACK Prelate, Tom Williams would TOTALLY APPROVE (and Thomas S. Kenan III will have to either MURDER Bishop Curry quickly -- or take his UBER-RACISM to another Church), I went for a walk all around town, this evening.
I suggest that Tom Kenan RETURN to First Presbyterian here in Wilmington. Not only is Pastor Ernie Thompson a TOTAL RACIST, but a FAGGOT -- but keeping to his vows, anyway, unlike District Attorney Ben David, http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/07/mistaking-identity-of-district-attorney.html, who Ernie first made a Deacon and then an ELDER!!! Also Holy Men David Nash and John Stike, DDS worship there: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/06/my-super-suing-david-nash-will-mean-i.html
When I first posted this photo of Ernie Thompson, even Testosteroni wrote me it is the GAYEST photo he'd ever seen!!!
And of course, at First Prez, there is Kenan Chapel, Kenan Organ (in it), and the Kenan Stained Glass -- as well as the tallest steeple in town (named "Kenan"), with the "Six-Foot Kenan Cock" atop it!!! Not only THAT, but Boney Hall has a Rococo Kenan Piano -- and plaque saying it was PAID IN FULL by Kenans to honor the Confederate Boneys who didn't pay a THING, but Charley Boney sure won't tell you that -- HA!!!
My interaction in 2011 with Charlie Boney, Elder!!!:
Wilmington's "BEST" Confederate Memorial with First Presbyterian seen behind it
He'll feel RIGHT AT HOME, just like his sister-in-law (having murdered Tom's only full brother, Owen), and NOW Sterling Kenan is called "Squirty", which I assumed was from her pesky nipple causing some fun, but MIGHT have to do with the death of Owen -- for all I know, and is BELOVED by all the Old Dowagers at First Prez!!!
BUT BEFORE I GO FURTHER, let me explain WHY I could not disown my mother first. At the age of six, her un-hygienic, "retarded" uncle repeatedly forced her to give him blow jobs, and the Ku Klux Klan burned a cross on their front yard -- because Grandpa ran as a Democrat for County Clerk -- and was Catholic.
Mom embraced the HATRED of the Catholic Swastika as a result, so I FEEL for her, but she never grew up and found God's Love. It's a PITY!!!
BUT BEFORE I GO FURTHER, let me explain WHY I could not disown my mother first. At the age of six, her un-hygienic, "retarded" uncle repeatedly forced her to give him blow jobs, and the Ku Klux Klan burned a cross on their front yard -- because Grandpa ran as a Democrat for County Clerk -- and was Catholic.
Mom embraced the HATRED of the Catholic Swastika as a result, so I FEEL for her, but she never grew up and found God's Love. It's a PITY!!!
This is the first house on the block that Stanley Winborne grew up on, and was built as the home of the Catholic Cardinal of North Carolina, but is now the "Most Luxurious Guest Accommodations in Wilmington", http://www.graystoneinn.com/
>>> ADDED ON JULY 29 @ 2:31 PM, EDT:
GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!!! Look what I just found on the Graystone Inn's website -- CONTRADICTING the Historic Marker in front of it!!!:
Graystone Inn, originally "The Bridgers Mansion," was built in 1905-1906 by Elizabeth Haywood Bridgers, widow of Preston L. Bridgers, local merchant and son of Robert Rufus Bridgers, past president of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway, founder of the Wilmington/Weldon Railroad, and two time representative to the Confederate Congress.
Perhaps THIS is where Stanley Winborne III actually grew up, no???
* * *
It is DIRECTLY across the street from David Nash's UNMARKED law offices, which are next door the Kenan EVERYTHING, aka, First Presbyterian.
This is the house where Henry Bacon, architect of the Lincoln Memorial was raised, then owned from 1866 - 1936 by Percy Reece Albright, Vice President of Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, with no ownership listed after that, so assume a daughter married a Winborne and kept ownership.
You can take a TOUR, here!!!: http://www.rosehill.com/
This is looking from Stanley's block across Orange street, showing the side of the home (the grand entrance is recessed between the two wings to the left), owned by William Rand Kenan, Sr, (the only Confederate to take a clear shot at President Lincoln -- whose Memorial's architect grew up in Stanley Winborne's house, three doors away), AFTER his daughter Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler then Bingham inherited MORE Standard Oil stock than Rockefeller ever owned (plus Florida and 40% of US railroads) in 1913!!!
And then I walked down Cottage Lane (which is a public street that bisects First Presbyterian's parking lot, running a few feet from Ernie Thompson's office), the WILLIAMS (not Tennessee) Cottage, where in 2011, I got to know the High Episcopal renters, who had me for two cocktails each and a strawberry BEFORE I took them to services at First Prez -- they claiming that is what ALL Episcopalians do before services -- and I was embarrassingly DRUNK and we sat in the last pew to escape notice, they were BORED throughout.
Later, they allowed me to hide my bag of belonging in their bushes while I was homeless until the landlady who owns http://www.camelliacottage.net/index.php, found out and CALLED THE COPS to arrest me (but I took my stuff, and talked them OUT of arresting me).
I also hid my bag in bushes to the left of Williams Cottage, on First Prez property, and when I found out that the ASSHOLE Ernie Thompson had had the groundsman TRASH IT so it could not be retrieved, I FORCED that faggot to write me a check to cover my homeless kit's replacement!!!
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