METH-HEADS, Charlie Sheen and Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa FINALLY felt they could party together PUBLICLY, recently!!!
>>> ITEM ONE of THREE: (from my Facebook Page, which has MORE!!!: ).
Yeah, right!!! These two look like they are TOTALLY strung out on METH!!!
And everyone knows that it was Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa who with Al Gore and now Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel (the schooled ballet dancer who made a HUGE FORTUNE as an investment banker without ever taking a class in finance or related!!!), with the TOP Bankers and Walls Street BIGGIES before the 2008 Democratic Primaries that they would support Barack Obama over ANY Republicans because the HALF-WHITE didn't LOOK gay as a goose, he had TOTAL COOL under pressure, could cry on demand (like Boehner), and had the most PERFECT rhetorical skills anyone had ever heard!!!
Well TOUGH HEADLIGHTS, Honey, these crooks are just TROJAN HORSE REPUBLICANS, TOTALLY in the Narco-Trafficking business of the Chicago Drug Mafia which is run with Sinaloa Cartel, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with Wells Fargo Bank laundering/transporting the money (at least). When I was in New York, not only did all the heads of Families in Little Italy know this, but the baggage handlers, TSA personel, and really ALL the emplyees of Delta Airlines -- and I spoke with AT LEAST FIVE PILOTS, dozens of gate agents, and as many flight attendants on my planes, in ATL and MSP for transfers of flights, and in general hallways.
Scott David Kenan
* * *
>>> EMAIL TO MR. RANDY BRIEFS of Briefs, Gumpshun, & Gree(d), LLC, Chicago law firm:
Dear Mr. Randy Shorts, Briefs, or Sarongs -- WHATEVER!!!
I'm just a little PLUMB TUCKERED OUT -- but also PLEASED AS PUNCH, to inform you that I have CHANGED every one of the blog posts you have requested me to change -- PRAISE JESUS!!!
One of them had NO REFERENCE to the alleged "aggrieved parties", but only to Dick Cheney and HIS Drug-Mafia culpability. I trust you DELIBERATELY wanted to confirm that he is calling the shots for the two of you and your law firm, Briefs, Gumpshun, & Gree(d), LLC, Chicago.
Because we had never discussed (that I remembered, anyway), the alternate name for Mr. Jaime Southheimer's LEGAL employer, I have given it the name Wells CARGO Powder-Traffic Advisers, a sister company to Well Fargo Bank, I hope this pleases you since Wells is too common a name and Cargo plus so many other words in the name would protect ALL, should anyone google Mr. Southheimer's ACTUAL employer -- clever, no???
I did NOT notice any references to the URL or name of Mr. Southheimer's house on Avenue Ava Gardner in Mismaloya, Mexico. I had planned to use the URL , not only because it's kind of cool and as I recall there ARE two arches in Los Arcos, but also because of all the illegal drug selling I eye-witnessed at McDonald's on Market Street (the one toward downtown), in Wilmington, NC that is protected by "CRACK-WHORE" Police Chief Ralph Evangelous who smokes the stuff regularly in a house owned by the uncle of someone I know.
Interesting TOO, perhaps, is that in NYC, EVERYONE seemed to know that McDonald's transports drugs on their food delivery trucks, although they do NOT retail sell illegal drugs at the McDonald's on Bowery in Chinatown that I WITNESSED, anyway -- and this claim of New Yorkers is NOT one that I could make in court -- except that so many told me that there.
THIS, of course, is NO NEWS to anyone living on the street in Wilmington -- or the 1,500 I email blog posts to INTERNATIONALLY, even!!!
Please present links to those blog posts and others you find offensive as well, so I can take care of them POST HASTE!!!
Also, I cannot change Mr. Mitch Bossanna's copyrighted email I published without his WRITTEN CONSENT first. Above and in the attached document I have provided his email address so you can contact him and work that out. I DID however correct a few of his typos so that those he named are PERFECTLY CLEAR.
You're welcome!
I changed all MY original blog posts that had been re-published or linked from third party Internet News Sources. I regret that I cannot change the work of third parties, but you now have the changes so you can DEMAND of these third parties that they TOO change anything you find "troublesome".
I'm sure they will be happy to comply -- especially after they discover what a LEGAL EAGLE you are in your ability to file sham charges without a legal serving. I mean I am impressed that you have stayed with this scam so LONG (I know, it is the only course available to drug-corrupted Republicans and Democrats alike -- thank God there are fewer of the latter!!!).
Please remember that you REMAIN under my protection from prosecution -- not that that means very much, I'm guessing. Also, it DOES take about a week or so (longer during holiday Season???) to change google results to reflect current content. If they DON'T square this away in a reasonable period of time, you need to sue THEM, not me. I did MY part, as PROMISED!!!
Good Luck!!!
And kindly send me your next list -- after eyeballing ALL of these to see if I missed anything. I'll ask my 1,500 closest friends to help in this regard too, shortly.
Yours in HOTITUDE!!!
>>> HERE, PASTED IN, is an exact copy of the Word Doc I sent Mr. Briefs attached to the above email (WIERD, some of the formatting transfer!!!): Posts
Like a HAND FROM THE GRAVE, Mitch Bossanna IS
BACK DONE 12/29/12, but I could NOT alter Mitch Bossanna’s
COPYWRITED LETTER, without his permission. Please email him at (or similar), and ask him to email or call
me to OK changes to his letter (email, actually). I DID correct a couple of
typos (misspelled names), as he and I have a long-standing agreement to help
each other in that. Posts:
You stupid ASS – there is NO MENTION of your group here AT ALL. Your
wanting me to remove THIS one PROVES you are in bed with Dick Cheney – what fun
THAT must be!!!
* * *

ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT (if you care what it's like to be a flight attendant today).
That said, I find it SHOCKING that some Air Lines do NOT pay flight attendants from the moment they report for duty, This SHOULD be illegal, and it is a point... I will bring up when I (hopefully) SOON write the CEO of Delta Air Lines, the US company I have been MOST IMPRESSED with for their bcoming more a loving family who takes care of GUESTS than a cattle-movement operation, which so many airlines (including Delta a few years ago), have become. One gate agent even addresses all customers whether initiating or answering their questions: "My love ...". Now HOW THE HECK can you NOT respond KINDLY to THAT???
I TOTALY SALUTE THE EMPLOYEES AND MANAGEMENT OF DELTA AIR LINES -- one of my FAVORITE Atlanta Companies (along with Kenan-Family or Kenan-Charitable-Trusts controlled Coca-Cola, Bank of America -- HQ'ed in Charlotte, but a big presence in Atlanta -- Home Depot, UPS, and others I've forgotten to mention).