Friday, February 28, 2020

RP: Is Scott Kenan "The Talk of Wilmington North Carolina's Political Elites"??? / After THIS Happened Today, I BELIEVE SO!!!


WARNING!!!: The Home Health Care Nurse who came out today to dress the wound of my Scrotal Abscess took photos of it for me -- and I will post one at the very bottom of this posting. It LOOKS like I've grown a vagina, but the good news is that it is clean, un-infected, and has SHRUNK 30% already!!!

And I was in line for subs at Harris Teeter for ten minutes behind Dem. District Court Judge Robin Wickes Robinson, and she ASKED ME how my health is -- having heard I'd had a couple of setbacks recently -- so I explained it to her, but MOSTLY we spoke of OTHER THINGS.

DID mention that Republican Leaders had thanked meWednesday, regarding my info I sent then on Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner -- and Judge Robin TENSED UP TOTALLY -- and THAT ended any Political Talk!!!

Long-time Readers know that Judges Robinson (who welcomed me back to Wilmington to expose my Kenan Family's Crimes in 2015), Richard Russell Davis (who was always fair to me in Court -- and has a GREAT Sense of Humor), and Chief Judge J.H. Corpening II (who released all my Commitment Papers that PROVED my Involuntary Commitments were by two of the BIGGEST DRUG TRAFFICKERS in Wilmington who were angry because I refused to stop blogging about their Hard-Drug Trafficking: Gerald Austin-Wynn who was in business with Republican Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner in 2011, and Republican Jonathan Deputy, who Democrat NC State Representative Deb Butler has admitted to me she was (and perhaps still is), in Hard-Drug business with in 2018 and 2019).

Anyway, these are my FAVE Judges, so I was THRILLED to run into Judge Robinson today -- and that she had a pretty good idea of what I've been up to -- although we could NOT DISCUSS POLITICS!!!

COULD tell her that I voted Wednesday -- and Top Republicans THANKED ME for sending them all the DIRT to sink Judge Sandra Ray's candidacy in the Primary, and that they TRIED to get me to vote Republican to vote AGAINST Judge Ray -- but I did NOT.

Part of that might have slipped out.

When I got home from voting, I checked the New Hanover County Republican Party's website, and most prominent there is that they FULLY SUPPORT ALL OF THE POLICIES OF PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP.

I nearly VOMITED!!!

See more

Just until Easter!!!

VATICAN CITY, Feb 26 (Reuters) - During Lent, Catholics are called on to give up something, like sweets. On Wednesday, Pope Francis added a modern twist to the list of things to quit during the season: insulting people on social media.
Anyone surprised??? Bill and Hillary Clinton are partnered in Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Bush, Cheney, and my wealthy Kenan relatives of Chapel Hill, NC.

And in a related matter, Jeffrey Epstein's CLOSEST ASSOCIATE was Story Cowles, the BEST FRIEND of Frank Hawkins Kenan II -- this second posting REMAINS one of the most hit of 2020!!!


Click on image to ENLARGE.

I did NOT SAY that ALL Christians are TRASH!!! But BLACK CHRISTIANS are Traitors to their RACE!!!:


Just to soften the blow of my "new vagina":

cactus that has grown one, and then Mother Nature's as well:



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