Saturday, February 29, 2020

RP: Mike Pompeo FORBIDS My TOP DRUG-TRAFFICKING ENEMY in Mexico (and his entire family), from Visiting the USA!!! / Some SUSPICIONS about THAT -- and the NEW DEAL with the Taliban:


I don't often praise Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, but he was RIGHT to do this:

Here is the Letter that Mike Pompeo received from me via Secured server on April 29, 2018:

A SLEW of other Letters I sent to powerful people in the US GOVERNMENT by secured server (so their OFFICES, at least, got them -- if not those I had addressed!!!):

Arturo Pedillo with his breasts-free English wife Emily, and a cook at their Chac Mool Cafe in Chacala:

To be clear, this is my apartment in Chacala (the entire second floor), and the wall behind it separated Chacalita, a gated community where Arturo's and the Governor's houses were -- just a stone's throw from me:

Chac Mool Cafe hosted LOTS of American and Canadian Hard-Drug Traffickers, including Theodore Druch (who had been Dr. Timothy Leary's male lover at Millbrook), then married a CHRISTIAN WOMANMaria Ruiz, and began working as a major Drug Trafficker for the CIA, Episcopal Church USA, Exxon-Mobil (my Kenan Family/Rex Tillerson), and also was in my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group!!!

Ted Druch in 2015 -- and his book:

Maria Ruiz and HER book:

Also in that Writers Group was Stanley Winborne III, whose son (whom he did NOT get along with), Stan Winborne IV, was then second in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan -- and Stan was in charge of shipping the Heroin back to the USA on Air Force planes -- much of it to Maxwell AFB, where my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury and his associate Lee E. Gosney, Jr., distributed it and other hard drugs from Maine to Florida (with my own parents' help) -- but especially to Christian Churches and Clergy and Politicians of BOTH Parties in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA.

Today, Stan Winborne is high in Education in north-central North Carolina -- and here is the Letter I sent him that he REFUSES to answer:

Stanley Winborne III with Colin Stuart Hamilton (the ginger), retired star of BBC Radio and TV, who LED the Writers Group until his MURDER BY DRUG MAFIA in summer of 2015 (for unknown reasons).

And ONLY Jennifer McCracken -- who lived two doors from me in Carolina Apartments in Wilmington in summer of 2015 -- KNEW who murdered Colin Hamilton, and HOW the CIA forced Mexican Police to RELEASE the murderer -- after he led them to Colin's body that had been buried five hours away!!!

Jennifer McCracken -- who sold EVERY DRUG IMAGINABLE (but only pot to me), claimed to be PROTECTED by her CIA brother who was high on Sheriff Ed McMahon's New Hanover County DeputiesDID in fact get her brother to have GMAIL close my email accounts there, and claimed to get all her orders from her MOTHER, who was high in the Mor(m)on Church!!!

I took this photo of Jenny McCracken's mother's licence plate on August 14, 2015.

ALL of this has been documented in great detail MANY places in this blog. 

But back to my SUSPICION: The Heroin we were getting from Afghanistan, is now REPLACED by SYNTHETIC forms of Opiates that are much stronger, and NO LONGER come via the same middle-men in Mexico!!! 

So, today, Representatives of the US Government signed a deal for a cease-fire to lead to US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The ONLY reason we ever fought them was because being DEVOUT MUSLIMS the Taliban kept destroying the CIA's OPIUM CROPS!!!

At Obama's first Inaugural, George W. Bush told him that the Bush/Cheney/Clinton/Kenan Hard-Drug Traffickers had all the goods to BLACKMAIL him over his HOMOSEXUALITY -- if Obama did NOT continue CIA DRUG TRAFFICKING!!!

And the Opium Production of Afghanistan has INCREASED each year under President Trump:


After all, Donald J. Trump is a CHRISTIANno???

My BIGGEST POINT is that in the TEN YEARS since Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dorothy Newman, told me that my parents with my employer, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA, the Republican Party of Georgia, and the CIA planned to MURDER ME -- since they'd been unable to COMMIT ME in five attempts in Georgia in ONE MONTH in early 2010, and Dorothy got me to Political Exile in Mexico. 

I have learned that ALL OF THESE ACTORS are connected PRIMARILY via the various Christian Churches, Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson, and the Republican Party which profits the MOST -- but also the Clinton-allied Democrats -- which includes nearly ALL Democrats in office in Wilmington, North Carolina!!!

When I returned to Wilmington the second time in 2015, I dedicated this blog to the MEMORY of EVAN FISH -- who KNEW how Patrick Stansbury and Lee Gosney supplied all the Churches and Politicians in Wilmington with Hard Drugs -- so Mayor "Bill" Saffo (with City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark)had Christian Police MURDER Evan Fish on September 3, 2011 -- and even Chief District Court Judge J.H. Corpening II wrote to me that HE cannot force Mayor Saffo to release the FULL Police Report -- because Freedom of Information Act Requests are NO GOOD if about Christian Drug Mafia Activities (I must presume)!!!


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