Monday, February 24, 2020

RP: Are REPUBLICANS Fixin' to EXPEL Christian Drug-Trafficking REPUBLICAN Judges (and others), from Office??? I DOUBLE-DOG-DARE the Christian Drug-Trafficking Democrats of New Hanover County, North Carolina to DO THE SAME!!!


Several users noted that Sanders, who is Jewish, had family members killed in the Holocaust. Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Mika Brzezinski -- are ALL DEVOUT ROMAN CATHOLICS who diss the Jewish Bernie Sanders unfairly -- and often speak of getting invaluable ADVICE from High Catholic Clergy!!!

In "Other News", today, the Home Health Care Nurse who will come out three days per week to change my Scrotal Abscess wound's dressings, stopped by, and she is very pleased with my wound's progress in healing. I was pretty loopy from the 5 Mg Oxycodone tablet taken in anticipation of pain in changing the dressing -- and it now seems I might not really need that pain-killer at all -- but I might wait until after a few of these cleansing, re-packing, and bandaging adventures before trying it without!!!

I can tell you that I've seen the photo she took of it, and it looks EXACTLY like a four-inch, 1" deep vagina, stretched from the base of my scrotum to near my anus. 

It is nauseating to look at, so I will NOT post a photo of it -- but I wrote much about it last night:

Rob McKinney came down from the front apartment -- broke and hoping to sell me some Marijuana -- and when I told him I expect to flush most of the Oxycodone down the drain, I was PROUD that he didn't mention a THING about giving or selling him ANY of it.

The Opioid has me exhausted, although in 27 hours of possessing itI've only taken two of them -- none since 9:00 this morningso I'm not going to belabor this blog posting:

Thank you for your support!!!! Early voting has started let’s get the vote out

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Re-Elect Judge Sandra Ray for District Court Judge
Political Candidate
Re-Elect Judge Sandra Ray for District Court Judge
*Early voting begins February 13th and runs until February 29th. Primary election day is Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020. Every vote counts, Please vote to Re-elect Judge Sandra Ray*

This is Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner's TOP ENDORSEMENT that she posts MOST FREQUENTLY

Thom Goolsby is a NOTORIOUS Closet-Case Homosexual, Roman Catholic, who had to RESIGN his NC Senate Seat in DISGRACE after CHEATING his financial services clients out of their money!!!

In other words, Thom Goolsby is a TRUE CHRISTIAN!!!

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Re-Elect Judge Sandra Ray for District Court Judge
13 hrs
Former NC Senator Thom Goolsby ask (sic) you to join him in supporting Judge Sandra Ray for Re-election to District Court.

And COMMENTS on Judge Ray's Re-Election Site include these:

    • Buck O'Shields I support her but not because Of Goolsby.

    • Jimbo Wright Good to know and timely too. I found a “hit piece” against her on my mailbox this morning stating that the Republican Party does not support her.

      Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.


Today's SECOND most-hit posting shows the EVIL of Democrat NC State Representative Deb Butler's ADMITTED Hard-Drug-Trafficking PartnerRepublican Jonathan Deputy:

Jonathan Deputy with his "Melania-Lite" wife and son in 2012

Deb Butler (blond), with her wife Anni Parra, BEFORE Anni DIED OF A DRUG OVERDOSE on December 28, 2018:


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