Friday, July 9, 2021

RP: Jason Minnicozzi -- My Acquaintance and Former Crush (2011) -- Is Running to UNSEAT Trump Lap-Dog David Rouzer for North Carolina's US Congressional District 7 / Notes on Wilmington's Municipal Races -- and Other Things, Too:


Democrat Jason Minnicozzi is running for Congress to create a brighter future for North Carolina and our country. After years of Congress dividing and tearing people apart, Jason knows the only way progress can be made is by bringing people together for change.

But he can’t forge this path alone. Become a founding member of our campaign by contributing $30 today →

Scott Kenan

 on your entry to the race!!! Back in 2011 when I was homeless and Ben David kept arresting me because I wouldn't stop blogging about Wilmington Politicians and Churches running Drugs and White Supremacy, I had Emily Zvejnieks then Jen Harjo defending me, and you either were a Defender or hung out with themI just KNEW you would amount to even more, someday. 

Truth is, I had a crush on you, but I have learned you are living the straight life -- pitySame is true for my fave US Senate Candidate so farNC State Sen. Jeff Jackson

I will be sure to get you both any info that can be used to beat Rouzer and to properly fill Sen. Burr's Seat -- Rouzer is a TOTAL TURKEY on par with Thom Goolsby and Thom Tillis -- two devout closet-case Homosexuals in the Roman Catholic Church who NOW RUN Wilmington, NC's Christian Drug Mafias -- originally set up by my parents!!! 

Anyway, my Political Blog has now gotten over 5,000,000 views and I work with Josh Stein, the FBI, Lt. Gen. Russel Honore', and others to expose the crimes of my wealthy relatives in Chapel HillI've come a long way TOO, since back then -- HA!!! Have you been back to Texas lately??? I used to stop at Frank Sinatra, Jr.'s ranch in Texas while coming and going from Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta back in the day!!!

>>> NOW TO CATCH-UP A FEW THINGS BEFORE NOTES ON MUNICIPAL RACES (their election is this fall, while Jason's and Jeff's are a year after that):

STILL have not reached closure with Dr. Smith's Office over my Heart Meds. I called their office this morning and had to leave a LONG message with the recept for the nurse to check with the doctor -- but when I got the call BACK, I was on hold waiting to pay my NHRMC Pharmacy bill -- and didn't catch it in time. I got no voicemail, and SUSPECT she was letting me know they had called it in to Costco -- since if there were a problem, she surely would have left a message. I'll check Costco tomorrow morning.


An attendant at Wilmington's Costco told me yesterday (or the day before), that Kenan trucks dump loads there three times per dayon average.

I've heard back NOTHING from Costco CEO Craig Jelinek -- nor the several Kenan Advantage Group Executives -- NOR Thomas S. Kenan III -- after I wrote them all about ten days ago:

The Drug Traffickers in my apartment building have been having some troubles. FIRST, a few days ago, Gold Walker's property manager, Tom Purdy, was over to check everyone's HVAC filters, and next thing I knew, Robert "Bob" James McKinney, Sr. parked his Jet-Mulch-logoed SUV for THREE HOURS, and must have FORCED "Rob" McKinney, Jr. to CLEAN UP!!!

Also this week, I noticed that Katlyn "Kat" Addington has put on a lot of weight (her thighs now "cellulite-ty" and squishy). One evening she came home alone and fell going UP the stairs, and yelled out in pain. I ran out and called to her, asking if she was OK, and she said yes, but she was glad I was home since I would have helped her if necessary.

Two days later, she fell AGAIN taking the first step up from the driveway, but I saw through the window that she immediately picked herself up and continued. The next morning, she was having a LOT of trouble descending the stairs, and limped to her car before driving away.

She and her boyfriend, Jack, do TONS of Drug Business with Rob and his family, which Rob speaks about very openly -- Drug Dealers (and Addicts), KNOW they are protected by our Christian Establishment of Politicians and Law Enforcement, so just like Dem NC State Representative Deb Butler who CONFIRMED her Hard-Drug Trafficking with Republican Jonathan Deputy to me IN PERSON and THREE TIMESDRUGS ARE THE NAME OF THE GAME for both Democrats and Republicans in The Lower Cape Fear!!!

My retired NAZI mother and I had some good laughs on the phone today, over this (but not Kat's falling). we also laughed over how Joe Biden is becoming EXPOSED as a puppet of my Kenan Family in Chapel Hill, and DEMOCRATS might soon try to IMPEACH HIM if he doesn't stop SERVING HIS PAGAN-IDOL GOD, Jesus Christ and FIX THE COUNTRY, instead of making it WORSE in IMPORTANT WAYS than even Donald Trump did -- as impossible as that seems to people who only follow the CIA-controlled TV Networks and most Newspapers, including the Wilmington Star News.

At least he FIRED the Head of Social Security, today.

The filing season for Municipal Elections only opened the first of July, but MOST INTERESTING is that while several people have filed, neither Mayor "Bill" Saffo nor his Drug-Trafficking Partner Councilman Charlie Rivenbark have filed.

Mayor Saffo

Charlie Rivenbark with Dawn Grants, Secretary to all of City Council and the Mayor -- who is ALSO Charlie's live-in, Common-Law Wife.

The SPECTRUM truck that Saffo and Rivenbark had try to KILL ME by knocking me 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall on February 13, 2017 -- because I had warned Saffo I was coming by foot to confront him over Wilmington Christian Police murdering my friend Evan William Fish on September 3, 2011 - because Evan could PROVE that my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA supplied Wilmington Politicians of both Parties and TOO MANY Christian Churches and Clergy with HARD-DRUGS flown into Maxwell AFB.

Patrick Lee Stansbury uses the alias "Patrick Christian" in his ONLINE CHRISTIAN CHURCH (that he's been forced to close).

A BIG THUNDERSTORM is hitting us nowso I'll wrap and get this out.

I bet Jennifer Harjo gets even a BIGGER KICK out of this than Jason Minnicozzi!!!

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