Saturday, July 17, 2021

RP: THREE Trump Supporters Had SCREAMING FITS -- and TWO Got in My Face and Threatened to KILL ME -- When I Simply LAUGHED at Them -- HA!!! ALL THREE Were "Outside Agitators" -- One from Fayetteville, NC, the Others from Distant States:


This one was right at Market and Front Streets, and he only ended up against the pet supply store after I LAUGHED at his sign while he was playing harmonica.

Truth-be-told, NO ONE was paying him any attention, and after he told me I was the SPAWN OF THE DEVIL'S ASS -- like everyone who does not vote for Trump -- and he made a "cross" with his two index fingers and DEMANDED I RETURN TO THE FLAMES OF HELL IN JESUS'S NAME.

That just got me going, and I loomed my 6' 11" height over him. He turned and RAN a couple of steps toward the river, stopped, and returned, and stubbornly began playing his harmonica like a JESUS'S-DICK PACIFIER!!!

Three hours later when I returned, he was right in the center island splitting Market Street, continuing to play his harmonica, but as I approached, he packed up his belongings and trundled off -- before I got near him.


>>> ADDED LATER: This came back BLOCKED -- only by Steve Miller's Congressional Campaign -- LOL!!!

Google/Blogger's "RESTRICTING" hits to this SUPER-POPULAR posting had NO EFFECT on hits to it -- it was the SECOND-MOST HIT of postings since I posted this:

Also, I have been MEANING to point out that THESE POSTINGS that I have not referred to in at least a year, have been hit by OVER 200 people per DAY the last five days, so SOMETHING in them must be CURRENTLY IMPORTANT for Researchers to be hitting them NOW so frequently!!!

I arrived downtown about noon, so first had taken in the Street Market on Dock Street -- the first time I'd been to it in 1.5 years!!! Lots of the same vendors were there, and we greeted each other enthusiastically. EVERYONE was THRILLED that Harper Peterson (whom I'd just missed seeing there), is going to TAKE OUT DRUG MAFIA MAYOR BILL SAFFO!!!

And I had a lot of fun sexually teasing the same HOT STRAIGHT GUYS (with hairy chests), who are vendors -- they laughing as I described in detail (privately), what I could do to give them pleasure.

And at the Italian Gourmet Market, I was thrilled to see the blond woman I have known since I was homeless in 2011 -- she still working there and still TONS OF FUN!!! She bought me a fizzy, Italian orangeade -- since I was already dripping with sweat -- and THEN I began my "Trolling for Trump Nut-Balls" in earnest!!!

Speaking of "Trump Nut-Balls" -- you can INCLUDE all of MSNBC's Roman Catholics (Brzezinski, Hayes, Maddow, McDonnell, and Williams), plus Donald Trump's BUSINESS PARTNER 2002 - late 2015Rev. Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton!!!

The problem is not so much that they LIE -- but that they WITHHOLD INFORMATION on how Joe Biden and SIX TOP DEMOCRATS including Joe Manchin are TOTALLY in the pockets of my Kenan Family and our EXXON-MOBIL!!!

Ever notice that Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Fox News, etc.NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT MSNBC!!! They complain about CNN -- and their HONEST JEWISH ANCHORS Jake Tapper and John Berman.

MSNBC’s Parent Company is Funding the GOP.

Once again, as long as politicians benefit a company’s bottom line, that’s all that matters.

Lauren Elizabeth

3 days ago·3 min read

OK, the WORST of the Trump supporters I ran into was a guy from my birth-state of Ohio. As I passed him in front of my Landlady Gold Walker's tenant "Dior's" cocktail bar at 141 N. Front Street, I LAUGHED at his MAGA hat, and he turned and got TOTALLY IN MY FACE and said Donald Trump is AMERICA'S SAVIOR, and anyone who disagrees should be MURDERED ON THE SPOT.

He shook his fist six inches from my face as he muscled his heavy-set bod to almost touching mine. I said, "I BET YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN and SHARING JESUS'S LOVE!!!" He replied that ABSOLUTELY -- this is the BEST EXPRESSION of Jesus's LEADERSHIP ON EARTH.

I told him I know EVERYONE in local Politics, Law Enforcement, and the Courts, here, and if he TOUCHES ME, I will have him in JAIL -- and he replied that I should call 911 and bring them in because he intends to KNOCK ME OUT COLD.

So I LAUGHED at him, again, and told him he is such a PUSSY-PANTS COWARD, that he will turn and RUN IN FEAR OF THE TRUTH. He ALMOST REALLY HIT ME and I WAS AFRAID for a moment -- but he turned and walked away -- HA!!!

There was another one, slightly less aggressive, and then I spied a guy in a University of the South/Sewanee T-shirt, and stopped him and his buddy. HE -- a Sewanee grad -- KNEW all about Sewanee and the Episcopal Church's WHITE SUPREMACY, but not that they run Hard Drugs (now directed by Pete Buttigieg), with my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill.

He STILL believes Episcopalian Theology, and ADMITTED their role in "Keeping Alive the Confederacy". FUNNIEST was that his T-Shirt had the Episcopal SHIELD on it -- like to the right in this photo:

BUT that center circle with a cross in it was REPLACED by a BIG DEAD-HEAD (Jerry Garcia and LSD emblem) -- I can't imagine WHERE HE BOUGHT IT!!!

I explained to him that my landlady Gold Walker's tenant who lived beneath me 2015 - late 2017, Sa'ant Samuel "Sam" Celia, Jr., had been BEST FRIENDS with Jerry Garcia, and was his FAVE SUPPLIER of LSD, that he had ALSO supplied Dr. Timothy Leary and Leary's FORMER LOVER, Theodore "Ted" Druch of my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group!!!

ALSO, that Sam's daughter Leron's Black boyfriend used to come to my apartment for SEX -- whenever Leron was out -- the CLEANEST GUY I've ever had sex with.

Ted Druch, today.

And the Sewanee alum and his friend and I -- left each other  LAUGHING ABOUT IT ALL !!!

Democrat Congressional Candidate Steve Miller with his Campaign Manager Amanda Brown

Steve Miller -- or at least Amanda Brown -- is NOT HAPPY WITH ME (, but I'm closing with some WISE WORDS that Steve recently published:



It’s a topic that comes up often. A number of Democratic leaders as well as rank and file Democrats have raised that issue with me recently. Furthermore, over the last two days, in interviews with the Port City Daily and the Star News, I was also asked that question.

Here is my answer--- as plain as I can make it. Using the 2018 mid-term as a guide, Kyle Horton lost by a little over 12 points. Democrat and Republican turnouts were about the same 50%-50%. There were slightly more registered Republicans than Democrats---35%-30% in the District at that time. Unaffiliated voters broke slightly more toward Rouzer. There was no “top” of the ticket Senate race to bring out more voters. In 2022 there will be an open Senate seat and Democrats are assured of running a strong candidate. Those are the basic facts.

There are some folks who believe that wooing Republicans constitutes the path to victory. I call that a fantasy---fool’s gold. The Republicans who were fed up with Trump and the party’s recent dramatic right-wing lurch have already fled the Party. (Of note, at least two current Democratic County Party Chairmen were Republicans in 2016.) The smart ones are gone and have become Unaffiliated or Democratic. Think about this. A recent Pew Research poll showed that almost 60% of Republicans believe the BIG LIE---that Trump actually won the election. Can anyone really believe that there are many Republicans who might vote for a Democrat? No way. That’s not to say that a Democratic platform would not appeal to a Republican. It’s just that those remaining in the Republican party are no longer your ”father’s Republicans” who were all about small government and low taxes. These Republicans are Trump loyalists and will believe any shameful nonsense coming from that dangerous individual.

So what are we left with? TURNOUT, TURNOUT, TURNOUT! But how do you get a massive turnout? You don’t do it just by running AGAINST “Do-Nothing David Rouzer.” You do it by giving people a REASON to vote. All other things being equal, if we can get Democratic turnout above 55% and move some unaffiliated voters to the Democratic side, we make up the 2018 gap between Rouzer and Horton.

I have outlined multiple issues from protecting a woman’s right to choose, fighting to protect voting rights, more rapidly deploying renewables to fight climate change, spending on infrastructure projects, prodding the Federal EPA to more rapidly regulate Gen-X type chemicals, demanding more social justice reforms, supporting a $15/hour minimum wage, and legalizing marijuana at the Federal level. These issues resonate with voters in this District. You can’t win hearts and minds just with hollow slogans.

My TEAM is working to register new voters and encourage turnout by persuading voters that there is something in it for them. Our team has been to 7 of the 8 counties in this District. We are not “weekend warriors.” We are working 24/7 to bring the Steve Miller for Congress campaign to the voters in EVERY county in the 7th Congressional District. With diligence and hard work, we can, and will, defeat David Rouzer, who is neither loved nor respected, even by the Republicans that have voted for him. We will have the enthusiasm and WE WILL WIN.

May be an image of text that says 'Turn Out! Turn Out! Turn Out! VOTE'


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