Monday, July 12, 2021

RP: Surprises from Politicians (and others), in My Facebook "Mail-Bag", Today -- HA!!!


Hot, almost "Shaved-Head Daddy" Steve Miller's campaign manager, Amanda Brown, sent me a Facebook-Friend request -- seemingly out of the blue -- and I accepted her friendship!!!

But then when I saw Steve's photo on his Facebook, I REMEMBERED that he and I had communicated earlier this year -- but Steve never showed me any respect. So I SALUTE Amanda Brown for her perceptiveness, and I will add BOTH of them to my Email Lists, so they don't miss a thing.

In looking over Steve Miller's and Jason Minnicozzi's Facebook and Campaign websites, etc., on the SURFACE, both seem WELL QUALIFIED to run for Congress. I've known Jason since 2011, but Steve is just a couple of years older than I, so MORE REALISTIC to DATE!!!

BOTH of them are actually SINGLE!!!

FIRST, I should THANK MY READERS, who have kept blog hits so high, lately!!! ALSO, my postings on Jason Minnicozzi's Campaign immediately ZOOMED TO THE TOP, taking the top places of all postings hit the last week.

We'll see how things go, and if Steve bests Jason in the Primary, I'm sure I will support him, but my BIG CONCERNS are that Steve is WELL FRIENDED with one of the BIGGEST HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKERS in the Lower Cape Fear, former New Hanover County Democrats Chair Richard Poole, who works IN CONCERT with STILL NHC Republicans Chair Will Knecht.

And Steve Miller is friended with SUPER-FAKE Lily Nicole!!! Readers will recall how I recently met her, she IGNORED ME, but her sister engaged with me:

Lily Nicole is a FAKE Civil Rights Leader -- but those are a DIME-A-DOZEN and amount to next to NOTHING.

I'd need to be CONVINCED that Steve Miller is NOT a major Hard Drug Trafficker with Richard Poole, etc. -- but even if he IS, he's DEFINITELY BETTER  than David Rouzer!!!

My Kenan Family that put Trump into power with Vladimir Putin, Pope Francis, etc., ALSO CONTROLS FACEBOOK with the Christian CIA and Mr. Putin

JUST AS I POSTED THE ABOVEFacebook attacked me TWICE (but did NOT kick me off for the 31st time for 30 days since 2015)!!!

Facebook is SO STUPID they flagged the SAME POST TWICE -- and it's from TWO YEARS AGO, so WHAT TOOK SO LONG -- LOL!!!

And because it is SO OFFENSIVE to Christian Hard-Drug Traffickers and White Supremacists, it is LIKELY WORTH EVERYONE'S READ!!! It was one of these two:

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In February, Minnicozzi rejoined Jennifer Harjo’s office in New Hanover County as a public defender. Campaigning while still remaining on Jon David’s staff –– a Republican up for re-election –– would have created “too much chaos.”

“I didn’t want to do that to the kids that I was advocating for,” he said.

Jason had SPECIALIZED in prosecuting CHILD MOLESTERS and similar -- and was GREAT AT GETTING CONVICTIONS!!!

There are ALSO THESE PROBLEMS (sex crimes and similar), with the David Brothers District Attorneys!!!:

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May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'After the Drevlyans murdered Saint Olga Of Kiev's husband, then sent parties of suitors to marry her, Saint Olga: WEIRD HISTORY A) Buried them alive. B) Locked them in a bathhouse and burned them alive. C) Threw a feast for the remaining suitors then slaughtered them. D) Demanded birds from every Drevlyan home as tribute, fitted the birds with sulfur, sent them back to their homes with flaming cloth, and watched the city burn. All of the above. CREDIT:C'
12 Acts Of Revenge From History That Are So Ice-Cold They Gave Us Chills
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During a speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Dallas, Trump launched into his tired fiction that he received more votes than Joe Biden in the 2020 election. After those comments, while Trump had switched topics, a chyron caption appeared on Fox News’ broadcast that said:

“The voting system companies have denied the various allegations made by President Trump and his counsel regarding the 2020 election.”

The chyron stayed on the screen for 38 seconds, according to Mediaite.

9h Medium 
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Here’s how to identify a pseudo-smart person: ask them what they’ve actually done in order to achieve their goals.

If they start justifying their inaction, you’re dealing with a pseudo-intellectual.

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If he didn't have TATTOOES, I'd consider him and his ass (etc.)!!!


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