Monday, July 5, 2021

RP: To be CLEAR on Just How HEINOUS My Devout Episcopalian Kenan Family Is (before I MOVE ON back to the fact that Kenans had a hand in Tennessee Williams's MURDER -- and in the censorship of Tenn, and of ME!!!):


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GOOD ONE!!! My Kenan Family of Chapel Hill, NC has controlled Standard Oil/Exxon-Mobil since 1913 when Henry Flagler left his entire Estate to his last wife, Mary Lily Kenan. Rex Tillerson, who worked for my Kenan Family his entire life, signed the contract with Vladimir Putin for Exxon financed by Kenan-controlled Bank of America to make $ HALF A TRILLION developing Russia's vast Oil Reserves -- as soon as Trump was declared WINNER in 2016. THEN, Trump nominated Tillerson to State Department -- before they had MET!!! But Obama's Sanctions kept it from activating, and of course Sen. Joe Manchin and President "Holier-Than-Thou" Roman Catholic (like Manchin), Joe Biden LOVE FRACKING and BOTH are in my Kenan Family's pockets. ONLY Sen. Bernie Sanders understands this and since there is NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE that Jesus came back to life or zoomed off to a physical heaven, ANYONE who believes that CRAP worships the DEVIL!!!

  • Larry Robinson
    Scott Kenan you must be drinking the good stuff today.
    • Haha
    • Reply
    • 5m
  • Scott Kenan
    Larry Robinson I see from your Facebook that has no postings before TODAY, that TODAY you married this womanSORRY if her "female secretions" have made your TUMMY UPSET -- LOL!!!

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Living in the CHRISTIAN U.S. of A.!!!:

(CNN) At least 150 people were killed by gun violence in more than 400 shootings across the country during the Fourth of July weekend as major cities nationwide confront a surge in violent crime, according to data compiled by the Gun Violence Archive. The data, which includes the number of shooting incidents and gun violence victims nationally over a 72-hour period from Friday through Sunday, is still evolving and will be updated.

The number of immigrants held in private prisons and local jails that sat partially empty during the pandemic has risen from 14,000 early this year to nearly 27,000 in June.

THANK JOE BIDEN and REMEMBER, that BARACK OBAMA deported MORE PEOPLE than George W. Bush and MORE PER YEAR than even Donald Trump!!!


When a man points a finger at someone else, he should remember that four of his fingers are pointing at himself.

Louis Nizer


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