>>> ADDED @ 11:44 AM, EST:
Since posting this, Russians have RISEN to hitting this blog EIGHT TIMES AS OFTEN as Americans, who seem GOD-JUDGEMENT-BOUND to becoming WORSE than a "Third World Country" -- in service to the GOD-HATING Democrat and Republican Party (it is only one Party -- sorry if you are a WHITE, GOD-FUCKING Christian and don't see this).
That said, SOME Democrats are Patriots to the Constitution -- but absolutely NO Republicans are allied with anything but what Christians call the DEVIL.
Please check "The Beatitudes" in the Christian New Testament to see how LOW the United States of America is GOD-ORDAINED TO FALL!!!
Are YOU ready to FALL???
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>>> FYI: The following posting was hit by RUSSIANS and other "foreigners" so much, that RUSSIANS hit my blogs more than TWICE what Americans did in the last 24 hours. Check it out if you want to know the TRUTH!!!:
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I told her that my exploring Wilmington's downtown shops and EVERYONE regardless age, race, sexuality, or Political Affiliation, KNEW that the wealthy Kenans of Chapel Hill are the BIGGEST God-Haters (while pretending to be Christian), in at least all of the Americas -- and that I will FIGHT THEM TO THE DEATH, with words and without violence, to CLEAR MY KENAN NAME!!!
They might have half the money in the USA (only a slight exaggeration), but in this new "Age of the Artist", intelligence, facts, logic and love ALWAYS trump MONEY.
She was still fine with it all, but then I told her I intend to today contact the black Episcopal Bishop of North Carolina just elected in a LANDSLIDE, Michael Curry:
. . . who will take over from Witch-Bishop Schori this fall.
That was then, the following is current:
Modern witches' coven includes reigning Episcopal Prelate, Schori on far left.
HELLO?!?!? Jesus claimed to be the "son of man", and we are ALL the Children of God, no??? He said we could ALL do what he did -- AND MORE!!!
Even Peter walked on water, as "documented" in the New Testament, if only in one of the two tellings of it -- NOT because he believed in Jesus -- BUT BECAUSE HE BELIEVED IN HIMSELF (God-in-man).
Then I told her that today, I also intend to contact the Head of the North Carolina NAACP, William Barber, to give his org ALL I know about the GOD-HATING Tom and Betty Kenan -- and their near relatives:
And I will likely JOIN in the "Moral Mondays" protests in Raleigh against the DEVIL INCARNATE, Republican Governor Pat McCrory:

A Moral Mondays protest -- and Pat McCrory
See more here: https://dcwreck.wordpress.com/2014/02/
My email to the North Carolina NAACP that the CIA and/or NSA BLOCKED from being received: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2015/05/my-email-to-north-carolina-naacp.html.
At THIS point, Mom was silent and HALF-hyperventilating. I then asked her for what I had actually called her for: any words of DEFENSE or JUSTIFICATION for her activities over the years that she has ALWAYS claimed were because of her never-questioning obedience to the Roman Catholic Church, promising to publish them in this blog UNEDITED and WITHOUT COMMENT BY ME.
She then quite civilly (the whole conversation was totally civil), she thought a moment, then said, "Goodbye, Scott", and hung up on me.
I consider this her DISOWNMENT of me, permanently, and all I felt was DEEP RELIEF.
There is much on my plate, today, so I leave to work on it, but leave you with this:
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