My brother Mike's three children, two showing their lovers: Maxwell Andrew Kenan in blue shirt with thin white stripes, and Connor Michael Kenan in green, who is HORNY AS HELL (like his uncle Scott). Taylor Ann Kenan (their sister) is too young for such shenanigans. Photo taken at UNC Chapel Hill at Connor's graduation about three years ago.
BONUS: (in blog) CLICK image to see Connor's 2nd and 3rd boyfriends!!!
BONUS: (in blog) CLICK image to see Connor's 2nd and 3rd boyfriends!!!
>>> FIRST TIME MY BROTHER MIKE CONTACTS ME FIRST IN THREE YEARS!!! (I hope he wasn't being sarcastic!!!)
Thanks Mike!!!
I'm sure I don't have to tell you that your iPhone CANNOT be shut down (since you can't take the battery out) and as the mainstream press in the United States has reported TIME AND TIME again, the CIA, Apple, etc. can turn on the microphone or camera even when you have it shut off and cell-phone triangulate you wherever it is at ALL TIMES.
Anyway, the hearing was three hours ago and I will blog about it shortly. Just know that MOM gets FULL reports from her allies of EVERYWHERE you go, what you do, and WHAT YOU SAY -- whether on AT&T, Verizon, or other.
So NO SEX you don't want them knowing about -- AND to answer a question you asked me YEARS AGO, YES, you can DRINK AGAIN and WITHOUT PROBLEMS, but ONLY after you ESCAPE YOUR MOTHER's POWER like Dad and I did.
Love you ALWAYS!!!
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Michael Kenan wrote:
(unsigned)Good luck you don't want to end up in a Mexican jail.
Sent from my iPhone
* * *
>>> AMAZING that my blog is getting so many hits that NOW the top TWO google results for "KENAN FAMILY OF NORTH CAROLINA" are my posts. But this one is REALLY cool: a report on the Kenan (and Cameron -- who ALSO helped fond UNC with us) Families by ABC News and an interview with Thomas S. Kenan III (with whom I once "shared" the carnal pleasures of Curtis Robbie Anderson -- now a music teacher at Burgaw High School, NC -- in the town where my father was born.
The principal of Burgaw High was one of the people I often ran into at David Nash and John Stike, DDS's (Stike once NEAR RAPING me in the early 1980s), narco-trafficking Costello's Gay Piano Bar in Wilmington, NC, although the pricipal was one of the FEW people I never witnessed buy or selling drugs -- and we ALL smoked pot on the smoling deack out back.
Who wouldn't!!! Not lawyer David Nash. HA!!! He was too busy GETTING FUCKED by a black guy about 6' 6" tall, "differently abled" (he lives on Oak Island working as a groundsman and has the mental capacity of a six year old -- but is VERY NICE and just LOVED reeming out David Nash's ass (and mine twice too)!!!
Anyway, here's the ABC News piece. You should know that Thomas S. Kenan III (before he took over management of most of the Kenan Companies and Charitable Trusts, was the designated Kenan Family Historian and was in charge of the Liberty Hall restoration in Kenansville. And although he claims slaves of 30 or so on Kenan Plantations, the Kenan Family Histories claim over 300 on a couple of them. http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/story?id=119175&page=1
STILL, Kenans not only really DID work side by side with slaves -- no matter how many they "owned" -- they partied and took them as dancing partners in private family celebrations. My own grandfather, Murphy Kenan did not believe in slavery and bought two just to free them. See the movie (fictionalized -- using Marsden for the family name) based on my third cousin Alan Gurganus's book, OLDEST CONFEDERATE WIDOW TELLS ALL: http://www.amazon.com/Oldest-Living-Confederate-Widow-Tells/dp/B0002V7TBU .
* * *
Scott Kenan shared Evoke & Evolve's video.
My sister Julie (Kenan) Duffy and nephew Connor Michael Kenan work FOR BIG PHARMA -- Julie in charge of Israeli TEVA's drug trails in ALL OF LATIN AMERICA (but NEVER going there). Connor sells software for companies in BIG PAHARMA.
Both are PUSSY-WHIPPED by my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- America's TOP NAZI and formerly Dick Cheney's chief liaison with the Pope in Rome.
Scott David Kenan
Both are PUSSY-WHIPPED by my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- America's TOP NAZI and formerly Dick Cheney's chief liaison with the Pope in Rome.
Scott David Kenan
* * *
Scott Kenan shared Jordan Wells's photo.
I THINK this is my cousin Judith Whitney, but I'm not entirely certain. Whoever it is is about the MOST BEAUTIFUL and SEXY young woman I have ever laid EYES (only, LOL!!!) on.
>>> REPORT on my "court hearing" in Mexico where I WORE A WIRE and already send the recording to TOP PATRIOTS in President Calderone's office -- as well as my secret US Patriot contacts, will be forthcoming, but the NET RESULT is that the "aggreeved party" and her husband are TOTALLY off the hook with BOTH the US and Mexico, and the "Oregon Gringos" and the two post-menopausal white PROTESTANT women who accompanied the "agrieved parties" have been PROVEN by audio file to have ABSOLUTELY controlled the "aggrieved" -- JUST LIKE MY CONTACT WHO GAVE ME THE MONEY TO BUY THE AGGRIEVED THE CHRISTMAS TREE LAST SATURDAY AS A PRESENT FOR HELPING THE US GOVERNMENT PROVE IT IS THE OREGON GRINGOS WHO CONTROL THE AGGRIEVED!!!
American citizens who ally with Oregon firefighter JOLENE who ALSO grows pot on his Meh-SEE-yuh coffee plantation with his YOUNG schizophrenic Mexican wife whom he only married to get Mexican benefits -- and SEVERAL times told me that if it weren't for what women have between their legs, men would put bounties on them and shoot women from planes and helicopters!!! (I blog about this three times previously.) And those who ally with David Wilson and his wife lyn who work two months per year on a Church homeless shelter/soup kitchen that lyn described to me TWICE as being in a GORGEOUS GATED COMMUNITY in Tijuana -- proving it HAS to be a Protestant Drug Front Agency, had BEST beware: Your every move and electronic communication is NOW totally tapped by both US and Mexico's UNCORRUPTED Government Parts. HA!!!
>>> Good thing the Mexican Government CORRUPTED part (even), does NOT care what I publish about Americans. Whew!!!
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