THE ELECTION over, mi gatos, Melanie the orange-stripey, hyper-amorous Democrat, and her daughter Pecas (means "freckles" -- I adopted them already named), the persnickety, fearful tortoiseshell Republican, sleep soundly on my bed. Pics of my "tree-house-sans-tree" apartment coming very soon.
1. The rumors here in Chacala, Mexico that former Mayor Chava Gonzalez Resendiz of Puerto Vallata had been slaughtered proved to be UNTRUE. But the Chief of Police (who was very kind to me and helped me move out of the house in Conchas Chinas owned by former US Special Ops officer -- now CIA operative Benjamin Shields -- who had temporarily divested me of my car in 2010, and told me I had to work for him as a drug-runner/seller, and bragged about owning all the Obamahaters2010 and similar websites that were so in the news for their hate in the last mid-cycle election -- who who FREQUENTLY spoke at length with my mother on the phone, and actually locked my belongings in my apartment with HANDCUFFS from the corrupted PV cops who have a substation adjacent to his property -- which FREAKED OUT the Police Chief -- and his other cops that came along even more), was attacked with at least one grenade and some serious heavy weapons, but survived unscathed -- PRAISE JESUS!!!
2. At the suggestion of "My Backer" I searched my desktop computer (which I had not fired up since Luis Melgoza "repaired/reloaded it" (see: ), and found NINE vicious programs on it (this before it was connected to the Internet even once), so severe that my anti-virus had to go into special functions to get rid of them. Additionally, the IOWare security software he had loaded had to be FORCE REMOVED from that computer and my laptop as well by special software I downloaded on the Internet. I had come to suspect Advanced SystemCare of being the hole hackers used to get into this computer -- thanks to Mr. Luis Melgoza, CIA!!!
3. NOTE TO FEDERALES and REAL Puerto Vallarta law enforcement officials: The head of the drug mafia in the blocks around 1690 Calle Costa Rica, where in 2010 I was held captive in that crack-house by "Toro" and the CIA-associated Guzman brothers (see: ), runs a small grocery immediately across the street from the crack-house with his sister. Toro is just a petty criminal and the 60-something year old jug-heavy crack-whore Barbie who also lives there is fun, loving, and spilled ALL THE BEANS bout how little the Guzman dicks are.
She's as good a gal as Mary Magdalene!!!
4. While waiting for my car to be repaired in Stone Mountain, GA, I met a guy also waiting who had met Jackie Kennedy Onassis in California -- AND SHE HAD TOLD HIM THE EXACT SAME THINGS SHE TOLD ME!!! !!! !!!
5. My laptop which claimed a program had been stripped from it (presumably by hackers -- and from the very FIRST time I booted up in the US about 10 days ago and EVERY TIME SINCE THEN -- UNTIL THIS EVENING), now WORKS ON THE INTERNET WITH NO OTHER CHANGES!!! (Maybe because I deleted IOWare's Advanced SystemCare before attempting to get on the Internet???)
But my computer STILL shows that the same "exe" file is missing and the program must be obtained and installed for my network adapter to work. NOW it is working -- despite continuing to be reported MISSING!!!
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5:09 PM (5 minutes ago)
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Yeah, Linda had a lot of TROUBLE from the drug mafia who live in the William R. Kenan, SENIOR house at 110 Nun Street -- their backyards abut each other and Anna Berry, whose parents own the Kenan house wanted me to move in, but later -- ALTHOUGH SHE NEVER CONTACTED ME TO TELL ME SHE CHANGED HER MIND OR TO NOT CONTACT HER AGAIN-- she mysteriously filed stalking charges against me and spread the word that I was trying to molest her rather young son (whom I saw once in an upstairs window, but never even met).
Anyway, Anna Berry told me Linda Lavin was a HUGE bitch and Anna had it out for her for some reason. I think Anna and the corrupted Wilmington cops chased Linda Lavin out of town. Can't have SERIOUS ARTISTS around when yer only interest is DRUG PROFITS!!!
Anyway, you and all the rest of the family have been on my mind lately -- in ONLY the best of ways. I'm winning every battle (actually won them all now -- except lawsuits I'll be filing). I get a lot of thank-yous by email from Americans in North Carolina and beyond -- and from Mexicans (for the CIA/Drug Mafia info I've given Federales here in Mexico).
I'm over all the "bad stuff" (except from outsiders -- not family -- that I will still sue or bring down politically). Things just got so intense that NO ONE knew what to say about what I knew -- almost all of it now proved correct. Of course the BEST thing was making peace with Mom. Who knew I would EVER regain so much respect for the Catholic People (if not always the Church), and if I had had ANY idea that telling Mom I'm going to give away my net proceeds from the NC lawsuits as the Henry and Gertrude Meyer Foundation -- and that HALF is going to Catholic Charities (all of which seemed to cement our reconciliation), I'd have told her ages ago -- as I decided all that nearly a year ago.
Well, I'll stop for now as I'll put most the news in a blog post that I'll email out shortly.
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Jane Kenan wrote:
I saw on the news this morning that Linda Lavin was selling or sold all her stuff in Wilmington at auction; she is moving to NY and didn't want to move it w/ her.
Thought of you when I heard her name.
* * *
No, Mr. Everette, I won't delete your email address from my list(s) -- and if you'd read my emails you would know that I intend to give some of the proceeds to YOUR congregation from my lawsuits against the New Hanover County Republican Party, Wilmington Police (or City, depending), and North Carolina Courts for GROSS violation of my Civil Rights -- and I expect to work with the Feds to press charges of RACKETEERING against D.A. Ben David, Sen. Thom Goolsby, and quite a few more, as well. That's easier than proving some of the other crimes since you only have to prove a pattern of harassment -- NOT the crimes (and I have OODLES of emails as proof)!!!
Good news: Yours is not nasty and does not qualify.
Additional GOOD NEWS: While I HAD thought I might rescind that promise because of this email from you, I decided that it would not be fair to judge your congregation or leadership by one email from only one minister of so many.
Not only do your congregants do some of God's finest work by serving meals to homeless at the corrupted Good Shepherd Center (but it's not likely y'all knew that -- many didn't, although some churches have withdrawn support due to serious embezzlement of funds by GS employees, and of course one of the Good Shepherd Center trucks used to park in front of my 111A South 8th Street apartment and hack my computer -- using the code that Christopher Wright Rogers (who claimed to be working not only for D.A. Ben David, but the Episcopal Church at Market and Third Streets as well!!!), and ALSO a Good Shepherd associated "employer" who scared my Guatemalan roommate, David Escallante, in March 2011, into fleeing to Charlotte after he and two other Guatemalans (none of them "legal"), DEMANDED back pay and the Good Shepherd associate shot David's two friends on the face (killing them), then told David he'd do the same to HIM if he ever expected to be paid again.
Not only do your congregants do some of God's finest work by serving meals to homeless at the corrupted Good Shepherd Center (but it's not likely y'all knew that -- many didn't, although some churches have withdrawn support due to serious embezzlement of funds by GS employees, and of course one of the Good Shepherd Center trucks used to park in front of my 111A South 8th Street apartment and hack my computer -- using the code that Christopher Wright Rogers (who claimed to be working not only for D.A. Ben David, but the Episcopal Church at Market and Third Streets as well!!!), and ALSO a Good Shepherd associated "employer" who scared my Guatemalan roommate, David Escallante, in March 2011, into fleeing to Charlotte after he and two other Guatemalans (none of them "legal"), DEMANDED back pay and the Good Shepherd associate shot David's two friends on the face (killing them), then told David he'd do the same to HIM if he ever expected to be paid again.
Ditto your congregants' serving the homeless most selflessly at Mercy House Homeless Shelter. Too bad Rev. James Shivers is ALSO a major narco-trafficker and sells most of the donated goods he receives to make money!!!
I know that a lot of WHITE EURO-TRASH settled what is now the United States and killed off the natives or corralled them in concentration camps that Hitler found inspirational. The Catholics, of course attempted to convert them, Catholics actually believing non-white people are HUMAN -- fancy THAT!!!
But don't get me wrong, MANY Protestants were in sinc with the teachings of Jesus then and now. Which brings me to ANOTHER impressive fact about your congregation!!! I have actually read WITH AMAZEMENT the historic marker in front of another First Baptist at Campbell and Fifth, which among other things commemorates your congregation's accepting a decent number (I forget exactly how many), of BLACK folk into your congregation (although the blacks later formed their own congregation), right after the Civil War. Y'all were practically as non-racist as Catholics!!! (I hope the operative word is not "were".)
And additionally, I intend to give some of the proceeds from my lawsuits to First Methodist (for leadership in Mother Hubbard's Cupboard, where they are as RESPECTFUL of those in need as Sister Isaac, even, and to St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran for their selfless work. Of course my cousin Judith (Russ) Whitney's Northside Baptist Church will also be included.
So thanks for writing, but NO ONE in Wilmington area gets off my lists until I settle my lawsuits and Ben David, and Judges Sandra Ray Criner and Jeffery Noecker leave office -- one way or another.
Scott David Kenan
Chacala, Mexico (in political exile)
On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 12:24 PM, Jim Everette <> wrote:
Please delete my name and address from receiving future mailings/notes.
Thank you,
Jim Everette
Associate Pastor
First Baptist Church
411 Market Street
Wilmington, NC 28401
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Hi Bob,
I couldn't agree more or less -- depending on what you mean. If you mean to demean me because I'm gay with the British slur "poof", then FUCK YOU, ya goddamn faggot!!! I've never known you to deny you are gay.
And it didn't quite work out when you invited me into your house for sex that time about a year and a half ago -- DID IT???
I recommend challenging people's claims, assumptions, or conclusions WITH FACTS AND LOGIC if you disagree -- but then how could you be in my shoes, John Blades', or know the workings of Facebook???
ALL GOD-HATERS in Wilmington call me names rather than challenge the FACTS I report, and some have been in error, which I usually correct when I learn better.
I always WIN in the end. You and racist Wilmington -- home of the notorious Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 -- brought on by the then pastor of First Presbyterian with the ROGUE Kenan, William R. Kenan SENIOR, can all burn in hell, or better yet GET YOUR TREASURY RAIDED by my lawsuits against the New Hanover County Republican Party, City of Wilmington -- or at least the Police Department -- and North Carolina Courts, especially.
My VEHEMENCE will be determined by if Sandra Ray Criner and Jeffery Noecker are re-elected today with numbers equal to or GREATER than the other unopposed judges, and more so if Thom Goolsby is re-elected.
And you can take THAT to MY bank (Bank of America -- co-owned primarily by Kenan Charitable Trusts and our allies the Sinatra Family).
Thanks for writing and giving me the opportunity to express this clearly to all.
On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 7:03 PM, Bob Warren <> of wrote:
dodad poof
Sent from my Droid Charge on Verizon 4GLTE
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4:09 PM (2 hours ago)
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AND I'm moving to TEXAS if/when I ever return to the states -- just like you!!!
Wanna suck my dick again??? Or did Ben David's turn you off to it all???
Everyone I talked to who sucked his (or "F'd" Ben David), LIKED IT!!!
On Mon, Nov 5, 2012 at 8:25 AM, Robbie Trahan <> wrote:
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