Scott Kenan shared a link.about a minute ago
THIS is Cook County District Court today!!!
When Patricia Sinatra of California told me at our three-hour chance meeting in Wilmington, NC about the KENAN/SINATRA/KENNEDY super-power alliance for LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL in America, she did not yet know I had promised Jackie Kennedy Onassis at a party on CORRECTED: 1/11/82 at Jean Stein's apartment in Manhattan that i would one day get Jackie and the Kennedy Family's REVENGE one day.
And I NEVER before told ANYONE I had had a private quickie discussion with President Reagan when I met him at a White House party (part of the Kennedy Center Honors festivities 1981 that I attended with Tennessee Williams, my boss back then), and Reagan ADMITTED that he was just a puppet of Dick Cheney and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Anyway, the Republican-Nazi Party/CIA/Episcopal Church alliance has the GOODS on Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama that BOTH are primarily homosexual -- as well as the proof that Obama had his black boyfriend MURDERED (he'd met him through Rev. Wright's exclusive call-boy service for professional, blacks with wives and children). This is how the CIA Group BLACKMAILED the President into supporting and protecting the CIA's worldwide illegal drug trafficking.
And I see that due to THIS BLOG:
http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/ , the CIA Director RESIGNED minutes ago -- citing "personal reasons". LOL!!! !!! !!!
Thanks for the food, but I found it not to my taste nor nourishing -- except for a few things we DO agree on.
The next logical step is to find out how Jaime responds (if at all), THEN the step after that can be intelligently planned. Your plotting out scenarios reaching so far into the future when there are so many variables shows either your lack of ability to be flexible and react to changing realities -- or you are planning all of this with them.
Either one of those two is fine with me -- I always win.
On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 11:48 AM, (name redacted) wrote:
Remember that I am your friend and not intending to denigrate your mental processes and your communications to others and to me.
I asked you not to blog about the case [or to spam such to hundreds] and not to "wing" longish phone conversations with Randy Briefs. Succinct email is preferred for better control of your input, and the record thereof.
Your present blog post pointing out to Southheimer that his "young nervous" lawyer is engaging in improper procedures is overstepping. Briefs misinterpreted your remark that I "had always promised to help you with court costs." (He refers to me as your "would-be counselor," and says I declared I would not be helping you--what I really said is "I do not want to discuss Scott Kenan." Actually I advised you to consult with a Wilmington lawyer to avoid commitment and drug treatment, and now to consult with a Mexican--English-capable lawyer to properly implement your required input to Briefs and the court. You can't handle legal process just on your own. (I take "court costs" as something that may be levied against the loser of the case, and is based on time spent in the actual court proceedings.)
Southheimer's lawyer surely has instructed him not to communicate with you, and to refer all such to Briefs. Southheimer has decided that the Scott problem has to be handled in an emphatic manner, and post-case he will continue to need a lawyer to suppress your blog posts about him.
My unauthoritative view of the case is:
1. The second document envelope was delivered PROPERLY to PV, and the date Oct. 22 is effective.
2. You must reply with proper legality to the Complaint and recent Order. Failing to respond (or to appear in person with your lawyer) to subsequent steps in the legal process will indicate that you are presenting no defense--assuring that you will lose the case and perhaps suffer worse penalties.
3 (returning to step 1). You, accompanied by a lawyer, might be required to submit to a deposition explaining your viewpoint to the Plaintiff and his lawyer. You may work out a deal to avoid court judgment. Maybe the deposition would occur in Chicago, or later would occur in North Carolina, if the suit must be completed in your state of residence.
4. Cases can readily be costly--lawyers + travel + court time. The punitive damages being sought, $50,000, are expected to be lessened in the final Plaintiff vs. Defendant phase. Beside levying of court costs (maybe $1000-2000) against the loser, he might be ordered to pay the winner's accumulated legal fees ( ! ). A blogger will be ordered to delete all references to the Plaintiff. Possibly a blog can be suppressed entirely--or just die because of financial damage to the blogger.
5. Your Benefits and bank account in North Carolina are subject to scrutiny, and lien, via court order. A constant monthly payout may be implemented, or maybe a payout based on a percentage of the total deposits each month.* * *
11:50 AM (1 hour ago)
Good Afternoon!!!I read this email last night and slept on it, hoping to make some sense of your ideas and motivation for sending this -- but finding little sense in it, perhaps you could explain yourself further so a person of my mental abilities/temperament GETS IT.That said, I DID make some sense of parts of it, and ESPECIALLY like what you said I am doing to the lawyers, ABRADING THEM.
abradingpresent participle of a·brade
Scrape or wear away by friction or erosion.
This is my EXACT intention, and if it FAILS, I will have their licences revoked and possibly put them in jail.I believe I am SIMPLIFYING the situation, and for the RECORD, after posting this blog post: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/11/consolation-prize-for- , my blog had RECORD HITS, although STRANGELY this post has been getting FIFTEEN TIMES AS MANY HAITS AS ALL OTHERS COMBINED FOR TWO DAYS NOW (REAL Republicans seeking the way to the resurrection of their Party with REAL Republican values.republicans-kinda.html If you will recall, I proposed that JEB Bush and his wife Columba might be the TOP leaders of the NEW Republican Party some time ago -- I don't know if JEB converted to REAL Catholicism or not, but Columba (female form of Columbo -- the TV Hero), is Mexican, a philanthropist, and GORGEOUS!!! Also, I can say with SOME confidence that Bill Frist and Jeb Bush are the LAST two Repubicans supported in a big way by my wealthy Kenan relatives -- who probably eventually made MORE money off Florida than the 2/3 of Standard Oil, so THEY are serious abojt such things.See what I wrote about the Jeb Bushes here -- THIS is the blog post that is getting 85% of RECORD numbers of hits for TWO DAYS nnow:http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/08/the-nuclear-option- .deployed.html BACK to it: YOU don't have any of the knowedge/skills you are concerned about in the first paragraph either. I, at least, have been dealing with DEVIL LAWYERS since David Nash of Hogue Hill LLP . Acording to research today, David Nash and one other have been REMOVED from the company's name, which a short time ago was Hogue, Hill, Jones, Nash & Lynch, LLP.Do NOT tell me my blogging is ineffective.
THE PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN THE SWORD (even with lawyers)!!!
I will call the Cook County Clerk of Courts and Chicago Press and Theater contacts next week after I make contact with Jaime Southheimer to see what he decides HE is going to do. No big hurry, and the lawsuit is FRIVELOUS even if legal -- which is a HUGE "if". The removal of three posts changes nothing -- especially since all are saved and I can repost in minutes -- and they can't collect any financial award in any case. Additionally, YOU are implicted in NO WAY (assuming you said nothing STUPID to the lawyer who called you). Having NOT YET called him, I have no idea except what you have CLAIMED.Having no idea what your "worth" is, I have no idea what is excessive to you, but take you at your word. You CONTINUE to be willing to waste money on Mexican lawyers who are NOT an authority on Illinois LAW (I wouldn't think -- although I suppose I could be wrong. REASON and LOGIC are not PERFECT).Because I have only a total of about $378.00 US in checking, savings, and cash + about $400.00 with Benefits Mgmt. in the states, that $1,000.00 offer would better go to giving me a little greater financial pad. Since nearly ALL expenses of setting me back up in LIFE here have been paid (except for two chaise lounges for the terrace -- sunning and sleeping, which it is too hot for now still anyway, so I can get them our of personal ecobomies later -- as well as a wood-burning device that can be used for both evening heat on terrace as well as grilling -- ALSO not an emergency, and Mexican ones are CHEAP (devised of converted 55 Gal. metal drums), so you don't have to worry about me spending on "non-sense".BTW: You might like to know that Pancho Villa's NAMESAKE, (Pancho is what Mexicans call Francisco) has been using the iPad Touch I (really YOU), gave him CONSTANTLY -- some for music, but more for all the internet and apps (NOT charging me for any of that -- in case you were worried). he's going to be a GREAT Lawyer after his Law Boards this spring and this device is helping him toward that goal since his Dad is dead, his Mom a hopeless drug addict, but his Aunt MIZ took him in years ago so he would have greater opportunity.Have I mentioned that he got a FULL SCHOLARSHIP to a PRIVATE university for his law work??? I believe he will one day be the SECOND great Pancho Villa!!! (and YOU have contributed to his success!!!).
Enough for now. Please let me know any of yuor thoughts.Scott
On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:26 PM, (name redacted) wrote:
It seems to me you are complicating the situation, since you are not experienced or educated in libel proceedings, including the serving of papers. Too, you're abrading the lawyers.It's after midnight, so I'll reserve possibly longer remarks until tomorrow. But my thought is that you should provide the paperwork due by Nov. 28. This entails your seeing a lawyer, who can handle English and provide an appropriate form for you two to complete. Or you might contact the Cook County legal service for indigents. Or there might be a form to download from the internet.If you can find a lawyer for this initial task, I'll provide $1000. You're probably unaware that I provided $2500 in October--so things are getting excessive.
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