Rahm Emauel with Barack Obama, circa 2004
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Hi Jaime,
I know my writing you directly is highly unusual under current circumstances, but to my knowledge there is no court order -- or even request -- preventing me from doing so, and I trust you will LIKE what I have to say -- although it is a bit complicated.
BOTTOM LINE: My feelings concerning what you deserve after the way you treated me have swung COMPLETELY from "he deserves all the hell he has to pay" to TOTAL EMPATHY, because I now believe YOU were caught in a web of deception and lies (and illegalities), that were not PRIMARILY of your own making -- although at some point in the past you HAD to have made a small decision to be involved with some part of this and the whole thing snowballed like an express train to hell.
Let's work together to get you off that train.
I imagine you are not inclined to trust me (which is perfectly understandable), but after you read what I have to report here, you might think again. It's quite possible that through this BIZARRE chain of events, I might just now be your best friend -- if we can come to an agreement, which might include some ideas YOU have that are better than the ones I will propose below.
I was SHOCKED when I got this email from your attorney, Randy Briefs. Someone must be paying him MORE money than YOU are, and with lawyers, the rule is ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY TRAIL!!! That might not be completely possible here, but Mr. Briefshas gambled on an illegal act that I could VERY EASILY have him disbarred for -- if not jailed. And what is so ridiculous about his taking this risk is that to continue in your suit against me LEGALLY, he would ONLY have had to refile the case and then send it as quickly as possible to me through court-approved channels. This would only mean a one month delay in court actions.
Instead, he has taken my email of October 22, 2012 -- in which I CLEARLY state that I had just then received notice from Mailboxes, ETC. in Puerto Vallarta of mail from him, but that because of time constraints, I would be unable to pick it up until AFTER I returned from the States to pick up the rest of my belongings in Georgia, and that I expected that to take at least a week. I even asked him to let me know what the content of the envelope was. he used this date when I had NOT yet been actually served and filed in Cook County Court that I WAS IN FACT SERVED!!!
But instead of answering me, he waited three weeks and one day, and then called (name redacted)(as noted clearly below was my "backer" in that he provided me with needed cash through difficult times -- and NEVER had a THING to do with the content of my blog) three days ago (Monday), scaring the retired gentleman into fearing HE might also be sued -- and NOW Mr. Cook writes me today referring to (name redacted) as my "counselor" (which to a lawyer ONLY means "lawyer"), so he's LYING HIS ASS OFF RIGHT THERE!!!
(name redacted) reported to me that your lawyer sounded very young and nervous -- unsure of himself. I interpret this (knowing nothing of Allen's actual age or experience), as meaning he KNEW he was involved in a HIGHLY ILLEGAL HIGH-STAKES scheme against BOTH you and me, actually, and was nervous about it.
I know this is complex and confusing, and I think rather than continuing with background info, I should get to the points I mean to make:
1. The actual legal papers that I received state clearly that I must be served within 30 days of the filing, Sept. 25, 2012.
2. Also stated are some parameters of valid serving of the papers, which do NOT include the "informal" serving of it within that time frame by an anonymous person who dropped an unmarked envelope off at MBE within that time period (after I was observed on my way to MBE so that it was dropped "two minutes" before my arrival -- and then one of the "drug trash" I recognized from Hotel Mercurio sat at one of the free computers there to witness my getting the package. This serving did NOT count in the LEGAL sense.
3. Although the emails that would PROVE these next claims of mine have MYSTERIOUSLY BEEN DELETED FROM MY COMPUTER, presumably by hackers, I had saved them elsewhere that is NOT connected to the Internet, so I DO have copies of them. Living in Chacala, it is not possible for me to drive the 1.75 hours to MBE, each way, and I was unable to go before my trip to the States (hence the email to Mr. Briefs seen below).
So I did NOT in fact get served until Thursday Nov. 1, 2012, when I picked them up. Now it is TRUE that an employee there signed for them on October 22, but just like a computer with Fed-Ex noting arrival of a package here at the local office is NOT the same as its being "served" to the customer, MBE's getting possession of the documents was NOT a legal serving of me.
In fact, because I reported all this in my blog and in some private emails -- all of which I copied Mr. Briefs and his boss Ms. Gumpshun -- they HAD to know this, but decided to RISK ALL (both their firm's reputation and their law licences), and FILED IN COURT and got a slight continuance BASED ON THEIR CLAIM THAT I HAD IN FACT BEEN LEGALLY SERVED WHICH THEY KNEW WAS NOT TRUE.
I have material witnesses as well as those hidden email copies.
From our discussion of a few months ago, I feel CERTAIN that you would not have paid them to do something so foolish when a simple re-filing would have kept your cases against me LEGAL. There has to be a reason SOMEONE who is paying them a lot more money than you are, felt THE URGENCY to take the illegal route when the legal one meant such a short delay.
I would like you to know that if you and I can come to some agreements (which do NOT involve your sending me money or other compensation -- nor me any to you), I will in fact and rather soon remove your name from my blog posts. You've been through enough and I no longer hold your past actions against me against you. I would then pursue my "campaign" against the so-called "Chicago Drug Mafia", which includes Mayor Rahm Emanuel who made TONS of money as a securities trader -- despite his never having had a class in anything related to that at all -- the poof's degree is as a ballet dancer, for Christ sake!!! -- and President Obama, who really DID order murdered his black boyfriend whom he'd met through Rev. Jeremiah Wright's call-boy service for TOP married black professional with children.
This is how the CIA and Republican/Nazi party blackmailed Obama into supporting the CIA's drug corruption -- and probably Mayor Emanuel as well.
None of this is much of a secret anymore anyway, and it is the knowledge of these things that made it possible for the CIA/Republican Party to blackmail Obama into supporting the CIA's illegal worldwide narco-trafficking operation, first set up with the heroin trade in Afghanistan by George Herbert Walker Bush when he was director of the CIA (and the actual reason we eventually invaded Afghanistan -- to protect the poppy fields that the Taliban were burning because drugs are NOT allowed at all by the Koran, as any returned US Marine will tell you).
"Rooster", I DO sincerely hope this email has left you not only smiling but that MUCHO pressure has been lifted from your mind, shoulders, etc. That said, because they have used you as an important pawn, they are CERTAIN to have you surrounded by seeming friends who are really your enemies, so I advise you keep careful watch and NOT act too quickly. FIRST of all, you must take a little time to consider my words here to see if you can actually believe them -- and if you can trust me, or at least begin to.
I will be back in touch in a few days to see if we can go forward with this plan (which includes dropping the charges which will NOT result in your being able to collect a dime or keep the truth as I have reported it on my blog out of the Internet ANYWAY. If we DO move forward and I remove your name, I will NOT remove those posts. Normally, a search of your name should STOP turning up my blog posts within a week of your name's removal -- or maybe a month, but the fact that did NOT happen before was NOT my fault, but evidence of GOOGLE's cooperation with what I am certain is the CIA.
Feel free to write with questions or other comments at any time. I DO hope we can proceed together on this, but I also know it is of the UTMOST importance that you NOT do that unless you first find this TRUTHFUL and REASONABLE -- and you are comfortable with me. DO NOT consider jumping on my bandwagon because you are so weary of this business that you will try anything.
PS: As you have noticed, I am copying a small number of interested persons -- even my old agent who was a victim as well (NO blind copies), and then I will blog post it and email to quite a few, including some new contacts in the Chicago area. Don't worry, I'll also change any new blog posts to remove your name -- and it is in the best interests of the United States NOT to reveal any of these truths for some time, so it will NOT be published in the press.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Randy Briefs
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: Justin LaNasa's (failed Wilmington Republican mayoral candidate, 2011), associates have just TOTALLY blocked me PERMANENTLY from logging onto my blog. THANK GOD I got my important awards awarded first, no???
To: Scott Kenan
Mr. Kenan:
Thank you for reading this!!!
From: Randy Briefs
Date: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: Justin LaNasa's (failed Wilmington Republican mayoral candidate, 2011), associates have just TOTALLY blocked me PERMANENTLY from logging onto my blog. THANK GOD I got my important awards awarded first, no???
To: Scott Kenan
Mr. Kenan:
Before contacting you directly I attempted to reach out to your would-be counselor, (name redacted).
Unfortunately, after finally contacting (name redacted) he stated that he would not be assisting you with this matter.
Accordingly, I have attached another copy of the Complaint for your convenience as well as the most recent Order.
The November 5th Order states that on October 22nd, 2012, you were properly served and that you are required to file an Answer or pleading by November 28, 2012.
I will be in front of the Judge again on December 3rd to report on the status of your pleadings.
As you already noted, your best shot may be with the Cook County Indigent Person Program.
Best of luck,
Randy Briefs
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Scott Kenan wrote:
Dear Mr. Briefs,
(See the rest here, 1/3 the way down this posting: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/10/thank-you-justin-lanasa-think-voice-of.html ).
Thank you for reading this!!!
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