>>> BUT FIRST, OF INTEREST TO EVERYONE IN NORTH CAROLINA (and those I've deemed "problematic" to me and/or GOD):
Hi Joe,
I remember well the day we met on Duck Street just below 8th (where my apartment was in Wilmington, NC). Although you and I are near the same age, 61, you dressed like a bum with hair one would not want to use a new comb on, and drove a beat-up truck full of chaos and munchies-wrappers and other trash -- as well as the tools of your trade. Your woman, a whore-ish bitch -- similarly unkempt -- came out of a house and joined you in your vehicle.
By contrast, even while I was living homeless under the 4th street bridge (actually a viaduct), with REAL criminals, I always kept up appearances, and often when trying to bum money, cigs, or some food, people didn't believe I was homeless -- but usually coughed something up after I amused them with real stories which about HALF of them weren't about to believe!!!
EVERYONE likes a good WRITER!!! (fiction OR non-fiction) This is why i will eventually make a FORTUNE off my blog marterial whether or not I have to change any names. It's legal to make claims against "public people" as long as they cannot PROVE you wrong, but private individuals are further protected for privacy under the law, so I will likely change some of THOSE names -- if I don't deem them GUILTY of CRIMES AGAINST GOD AND HUMANKIND.
My appearance is ALWAYS for my own comfort (I demand a higher standard of living than do you -- but nothing wrong with loving the bum's life, per se), or I dress for SUCCESS. One MUST BE THE FUTURE before it can happen to you -- and look at me now!!!
Oh wait -- you can't. Can't afford a flight to Puerto Vallarta, I'm sure -- or you need the money to buy all those drugs you said you loved.
And MOST interesting about it all is that even though you CLAIM to be a "liberal", you KNOW I am your worst enemy because I have exposed some of the TOP authorities in Wilmington: Politicians, Lawyers, Merchants, & Ministers -- and even WHOLE CONGREGATIONS as being the BIGGEST force keeping the drug trade alive in Wilmington, NC and YOU SUPPLIED. HA!!!
So enjoy your name-calling of me -- although you have NOT stated your credentials. Opinions are a dime-a-dozen (including MINE). Only FACTS count and logic -- but even THEY are trumped by LOVE (God). Too bad he or she seems poised to FUCK THE SHIT out of Wilmington, NC in the rather near future.
Scott Kenan
Chacala, Mexico
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 10:35 AM, justjoe@cape-fear.net <justjoe@cape-fear.net> wrote:
Well, Scott, clearly your issues are taking
precedence over anyone's requests. How important is
it to be selfish Scott?
Have you always been that
way? How deeply are you into narcissism? Does it
make you feel good each day to simply think about
yourself and your issues?
Do you think that attitude
might ever subside? When will it cease to be ALL
about you Scott?
Do you ever wonder about any of the
reasons you lose people's attention? Perhaps it
might be time!
You certainly have enough time to
write your rants attempting to get reactions from
folks who clearly aren't even listening or paying
attention. (I got HIS reaction LOTS of times. LOL!!!)
Again, please delete my e-mail address
and that of anyone else who has requested deletion.
Thanks. JJ
Sent : 11/15/2012 11:14:33 AM
------- Original Message -------
From : Scott Kenan
To : justjoe@cape-fear.net
Cc :
Subject : RE: your answer for the THIRD time. Please
read and remember that I will NOT delete anyone in NC
until I win court suits against NC and
Wilmington entities -- and Goolsby and Ben David --
and Criner and Noecker are removed from office.
Beats me -- but you are free to continue trying. I
told you the last two times WHY I haven't done it --
but you refuse to read my replies, apparently.
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:37 AM, justjoe@cape-fear.net wrote:
Scott; How many times do I have to request that you
delete my e-mail address? It's justjoe@cape-fear.net
Please delete it immediately!!! Thanks.
* * *
Hi Joseph,
Thank you for your very KIND generosity!!! The least I can do is answer your questions -- which I'll do in the body below:
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:11 AM, Joseph Fault wrote:
(concerning money
he's sent me identified by month and day, WU = Western union cash transfer, PP
= PayPal)
WU 11-14 $100 + $300PP11-12 $50010-30 $30010-23 $40010-6 $797TOTAL $2400
In this period you also received Benefits. Your $1000 savings account was almost drained. (both TRUE, draining due primarily to trip to get belongings stored in Georgia -- and car reparis totalling nealy $500.00 or $600.00, I foget which, but DO have the receipt).
Are your two heavy male acquaintances problematical ? No, not at all, and this morning, the CPOD, alcoholic Republican iron-worker flew home to Oregon to get back with his poor, suffering wife. The better of the two (by FAR), the fire-fighting, Democrat and concert producer with the fused-vertebrae back went back to HIS genuinely schizophrenic wife (she was here with him for an hour of coffee and chat), on their coffee plantation about 10 miles away. Since he's so "in" with MIZ and so many other towns-people, I'll be seeing a lot of him, I expect. he's VERY generous with coffee, kindnesses, and "herbal bonfires".Have your router, computer, or phone been compromised ? No more than usual -- and ACTUALLY LESS (lately). In fact, after I removed the software put on both by Mr. Puerto Vallarta CIA -- Luis Melgoza (who ALSO is in charge of APPROVING ALL AD AND EDITORIAL COPY for the BIGGEST (and best) local gay publication, GAY GUIDE VALLARTA http://www.gayguidevallarta.com/ : see very bottom for his credit as a "translator" -- although the ENTIRE STAFF is Americans (maybe into the Spanish) -- MANY performance issues EVAPORATED, and even the file Windows said it was missing (causing the laptop NOT to connect to the Internet by either WiFi or Ethernet), MYSTERIOUSLY was NO LONGER MISSING and i got on the Internet PRONTO!!!Will a libel suit be filed against you in Mexico, endangering your car and other possessions ? How would I know??? American Express won a $24,000.00 law suit against me in Georgia IN ABSENTIA 2.5 years ago and I haven't even been served papers asking me to pay up!!! (and they CAN'T legally force me to pay). Who would file a lawsuit against me in Mexico, Luis Melgoza??? He's not even MEXICAN (having TRIED to file a lawsuit in Mexico two years ago, I learned you have to BE A MEXICAN to file a suit here with exceptions only for murder or something similarly DIRE. Remember, despite his LIES, Luis is CIA and his office was in Virginia -- NOT any of the six international cities he lists on his FAKE businesscard for "GRUPO LUMEL".
Would you PLEASE consider paying attention occassionally so you stop asking such ignorant (of the FACTS as well of my ANSWERS which I have nearly ALWAYS given you but your damn DRUGS -- LEGAL -- keep you from rememebering or THINKING RIGHT???
Will you have a significant dispute with your landlady ? Maybe, but we have no issues in dispute at this time -- nor have we EVER had any. What on earth possessed you to OBSESS on this remote FUTURE-ONLY possibility??? Have you taken ALL leave of your senses???Will you be making long expensive calls ? Occassionally, I imagine. nothing I can't afford, though.Will your blog continue to reveal Far Too Much ? Depends on 1. WHO's asking and THEIR judgement of what is "FAR TOO MUCH", and 2. What I decide to write, which CONTINUES to annoy the DEVIL-POSSESSED, only.(My two emails are sure to irritate you, but all these problems are on my mind. Now say what you like to me, but do not blog it.) As always, I respect SOME of your requests!!!
* * *
Bottom Line, Joseph: the ONLY one of the two of us TROUBLED by my existence is YOU!!!
That said, you have been so UNFAILINGLY generous, that if I were "God the Father", I would send you RIGHT TO THE TOP OF HEAVEN when you eventually die. But since I'm NOT God-the-father, the SON (retorno or otherwise -- although we are ALL God's Children), or the Holy (WHOLLY???) Ghost, I can't do you any favors. You will just have to "meet yer Maker" and try to justify your OBSESSION with fear of transparency and disclosure (intimacy, actually), and try to justify your separation from God -- like a COMMON GOD-HATING, "YANKEE", RACIST, SELF-HATING HOMO REPUBLICAN.
Sorry if that was harsh, but you are more stubborn than even MY OWN MOTHER, Ruth Anne Kenan of Raleigh, NC, America's TOP NAZI and formerly Dick Cheney's chief liaison with the Pope.
Well, for what it's worth, let me give you practical advice on how to get rid of that bird before it dies in your apartment and as you fear, "begins to STINK": Open a window as far as possible as dawn begins, covering any closed glass part with opaque paper or cloth. The bird will find it and fly out toward the light if your apartment lights are not on. Works at sunset too, but birds are more active at sun rise.
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 12:00 AM, Joseph Fault wrote:
I dreaded that you would be so oblivious as to publish the whole thing in your blog. Well, of course, you DID.As I've said before, you have no sense of self privacy, of confidentiality relating to your contact with other people (including me), or the likely dire consequences in your future.Yes, I have been generous with the money--but believe me, it does put a strain on my retirement outlook. And I certainly can't fund the legal help you're going to need.I've been happy thinking I'm making your life better so you will "naturally" progress toward a less troubling existence. But maybe you're so hard-set that being indigent in Wilmington, and living well in Mexico, seem equally acceptable to you--life is just one chapter after another.Your encounters with old acquaintances and new acquaintances rapidly sour. Sure, these individuals are faulty--so be cautious.Your blog lays a curse on everybody.Can you not improve?This email is patchy, I know. May your meditation show you a better way !
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