To begin with, Richard Blumenthal was the ONLY of the TWELVE US Senators I sent my Letter to Sen. Dianne Feinstein to via secured server who REJECTED IT, claiming he only takes messages from CONSTITUENTS in Connecticut. But he must have gotten it -- or at least put me on his email list of Constituents in electronic confusion. It was from him specifically about what he is doing.
And YES, this posting has gone VIRAL!!!
This morning, Gold Walker's Apartments Manager Tom Purdy and her Yardman sat on Rob McKinney's side porch steps for HALF AN HOUR just relaxing and talking -- I joined them halfway through that -- the FIRST TIME I've been relaxed with Tom since he, I, and Gold Walker used to sit in her front parlor smoking the green and cutting up!!!
Tom Purdy was in a state of SHOCK -- having seen inside Rob's apartment and said it is FULL OF GARBAGE AND TRASH everywhere, and his toilet has been clogged apparently for AGES!!!
Gold soon called me and said she'd told him she will EVICT HIM if he doesn't clean it up completely ASAP -- and keep it that way. AND she said she will NOT pay his huge water bill due to his hot-water heater blowing out TWO WEEKS before I noticed it and called her to send a plumber. Here are the reasons:
1. Rob has lived here all of that time, coming and going -- apparently to use someone else's toilet.
2. During that time, if he had ONCE tried to draw hot water, he'd know his heater was out -- but he must not have ever done that. His water pressure in general might have been low as well.
3. It was Rob's obligation to report his toilet has been clogged for ages -- if he could not get it going with a simple plunge -- but he never did.
Gold said she will provide Rob with the plumber's report and paid bill to negotiate not paying the ENTIRE water bill (it flowed full-force, uninterrupted for two weeks), but they won't reduce that bill TOO MUCH.
And then she got into how, first, Lawyer Oliver Carter III (lives across the street from Gold), had made a LEGAL MISTAKE on an Eviction for her -- costing Gold several hundreds of dollars. THEN, the contractor painting her apartments house where I formerly lived next-door to Oliver, cut back his overhanging Hawthorne tree too much, and he and his wife have been CUSSING GOLD OUT -- yelling at her in the street, since then.
I knew Oliver fairly well when I lived there, and NO ONE is more OBVIOUSLY a CLOSET-CASE HOMO than Oliver Carter III !!! -- EXCEPT former Pastor of First Presbyterian (exactly cattycorner across Orange and 4th Streets from Oliver's house), Ernie Trice Thompson -- who told me he WANTED to have sex with me, but could NOT -- because of his vows to his wife -- EXACTLY what Danny Sinatra had told me -- both in 2011!!!
Anyway, Oliver Carter has RENTED AN APARTMENT just two blocks from his house. Gold figures he's either having AFFAIRS there -- or CAN'T GET ALONG WITH HIS WIFE!!!
Re: Good Shepherd (Episcopal Church) on Queen Street.
I decided to blind-copy this to my close family so they see the History of our Grandmother's house.
This is a good project for you to devote your life to -- and I'll add to the mystery. First of all, do you KNOW if they ever got it back??? The theft was 1.5 years ago.
Second, that is what I would call a Celtic Cross -- but googling "iron cross", I get your point about the NAZIS using it everywhere -- but this chalice is 125 years old, so made LONG before NAZISM co-opted the Celtic Cross.
Third, I learned from the current owner of my step-grandmother Annie (Childers) Kenan's house on Wrightsville Ave., that she bought it many years ago -- from the Good Shepherd!!! Now, the area is all gentrified and renovated. Grandma was POOR and had at least one tenant also in the house to be able to afford living in it. She had two living FULL children (one by my grandfather out of wedlock before they married), and her several living step-children and I can't imagine she gave it to the Episcopal Church -- if she was anything, Grandma was Southern Baptist.
My half-uncle and half-aunt (two people), probably inherited it and sold it to that Episcopal Church and they started the precursor to The Good Shepherd Center there, housing people for cheap for some years. It was only LATER that what we now know as the Good Shepherd Center was split off the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and now operates completely independent of them. The Good Shepherd Center major homeless shelter downtown has been one of the BIGGEST distributors of Hard Drugs -- especially Heroin -- for years and they MURDERED my undocumented roommate David Escalante's two friends rather than pay them for two weeks of landscaping work, hacked my wifi from their Good Shepherd logo-ed van, and had posted a "Scott Kenan -- Wanted Dead or Alive" poster in the shelter in 2011, when I lived on S. 8th Street.
Christian Bitch Katrina Knight -- who has run it for about 15 years -- sued me in Court in June of 2019 to SHUT ME UP from blogging about all of her and her employees' and residents' CRIMES -- and the Judge LAUGHED KATRINA OUT OF COURT!!!
BTW: I drove past your house a few days ago, and it looks like all the front windows are covered on the inside with vapor-wrap used in construction. Are you sure YOU are alright??? What's THAT all about. Most people who can't afford curtains or blinds use an old bed-sheet to cover windows.
And just a reminder -- I could still remove my dentures and give you the best pleasure you've ever had (I have lots of good references). It will NOT turn you "gay" -- you could think of our MELANIA TRUMP or KIM KARDASHIAN naked and close your eyes.
HALF the married white Christian men of Wilmington have sex with men on the side. Do you have a girl friend or boy friend -- or are you just pulling your own pud???
The other thing is that I have no interest in the intrigues of "street trash" -- which I define as those without incurable, naturally occurring mental illnesses or disabilities who have enough smarts for school and work who waste their lives getting too high to think straight and contribute absolutely NOTHING to society.
GOOD LUCK solving all of these mysteries!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Guevara <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Mon, Oct 12, 2020 1:56 pm
Subject: Good Shepherd on Queen Street.
Just wondering... who could have stolen this silver chalice? I notice the Iron Cross... I know how much you are on the white KKK stuff. Maybe you would understand the item's significance.

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