Scott Kenan
Why do you have to mock Jesus when you disagree with the minister ?Rich Stainbrook I am Jesus's spiritual brother -- as you could be -- if you understood LOVE. You WILL one day, but may have to go through HELL many times to learn your lessons for your
"sins" -- like I have already done. Basically, it is Roman Catholic Purgatory -- you get out -- eventually, after you finally LEARN your lessons. Like the Original Jesus, seen in photo with me and the hottest man in the world, both of whom I met in Paraty, Brazil in fall of 2009. I am STILL in contact with
Jonathan Andreoli
(the HOT one, who now has his own children), after all of these years:
Rich Stainbrook
I just saw that you work for the Army -- THANK YOU!!! I work with
General Colin L. Powell
's people and directly with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' to get TRUMP out of office. If you know them, you can get their opinion of me.
Scott Kenan
I just spent three years in the Army as a cook . I don't know how works at U.S, Army got in their. I don 't think I will never meet the General, or the It. Gen. I'am sure you are a great American. There is no purgatory, and I'am voting for Trump because He is pro life, and Biden is pro choice. I can't vote for somebody who believes that killing babies in their mothers wombs is ok. Stay safe.What a BIG LIAR you are!!! Like Homosexuality, Abortion is NOT MENTIONED in the New Testament -- and in the OLD Testament, it is COMMANDED, if a wife gets pregnant by someone other than her husband!!! As Pope Francis has made CLEAR in his recent pronouncements, the MISMANAGEMENT of the COVID-19 CRISIS, HATE toward Minorities -- whether if due to Race, Religion, or Sexuality, ABSOLUTE Mistreatment of Immigrants, and other Donald Trump/Republican Party ACTUAL ACTIVITES are FAR MORE GRIEVOUS TO GOD than is Abortion!!!
Biblical Era (Old Testament): Numbers 5:11- 31 states that, if a woman strays from her husband, he must bring her to the priest, who will serve her “bitter water that brings a curse.”
Essentially condemning her to miscarry.
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JUST LIKE a Republican on CNN or MSNBC -- John Bills WON'T ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!
In a dimly lit hallway over 50 years ago a 17 year old immigrant busboy from Mexico named Juan Romero cradled his hand behind the neck of a fatally wounded United States senator and presidential candidate.
With the senator's last breath he whispered to the young Mexican immigrant, "Things will be OK". Juan took rosary beads out of his pocket and shoved them into the hand of the dying senator in a last act of kindness before Robert Kennedy was whisked away.
In this cold hallway of death in 1968 this poor 17 year old Mexican immigrant high school kid comforted a dying presidential candidate from one of the wealthiest families in the United States. Juan had met the senator the day before while delivering room service and said, "He looked right through me. He didn't see race."
Juan Romero passed away this week at 68.
As the fabric of American unity tears under the strain of political division I can't help but recall Robert Kennedy's last words. "Things will be OK".
I might believe that if there were more poor like Juan Romero and wealthy like Robert Kennedy who shared the same vision for America, "Has anybody here seen my old friend Robert? Can you tell me where he's gone? He freed a lot of people but the good they say die young. I just looked around and he was gone".
Rest in peace Juan Romero. You were more American then as a poor 17 year old immigrant busboy than most United States senators are today.
Such a tragedy and WORSE is that anyone thinks praying or shoving completely superstitious objects into a dying person's hand is an act of kindness. NEITHER WORKED -- as this proves!!! I stand with John Lennon.
Scott Kenan
It likely meant the world to Sen. Kennedy......I KNEW all of JFKs sisters and their husbands and many of their children and visited their homes -- even worked with Pat Kennedy Lawford on a project for Columbia University for my employer Thomas Lanier Williams (Tennessee Williams)
. I knew Jackie Kennedy Onassis better. And I didn't say it was ILLEGAL to slip a pacifier to anyone -- just that it made NO DIFFERENCE. Prayers go NOWHERE. YOU look like Teddy Kennedy, are from eastern MA, but worked for "National Grid USA" -- which does not exist. Why don't YOU -- since you claim to be Protestant and your people always make fun of Catholic Idols, sit on a Jesus statue and go around, sir -- LOL!!!
Is This WHY NYC Lawyer John Eastman Had John Lennon MURDERED???
YES!!! John Eastman of Eastman & Eastman -- a BAD JEW gone Episcopalian -- not only plotted the MURDER of Tennessee Williams with Michael Remer, then Head Counsel of the University of the South/Episcopal Church, Maria St. Just (nee Britneva), a Russian national who controlled Morgan-Grenfell Bank that became the CORE of Deutsche Bank -- the ONLY creditor of the Trump and Kushner Families -- and Conduit of Cash to them from Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs -- HA!!!
Eastman ALSO was the CIA Agent who had John Lennon MURDERED -- because he controlled Paul McCartney's FINANCIAL EMPIRE (until about 2015), to ENRICH MCCARTNEY more than all the other Beatles BY FAR!!!
Paul McCartney with his THIRD WIFE, Nancy Shevell, and her second cousin Barbara Walters (corrected from my previous reporting), and John Eastman with his wife when McCartney got HIS Kennedy Center Honors!!!
OK, I am ALSO awaiting MORE INFO from my old Wilmington, NC SEMI-NEMESIS, Alex Guevara of 611 Red Cross Street -- a former HUGE METH-MAKER and certified White Supremacist -- who has sent me INCOMPLETE information on TWO STREET CHARACTERS who get paid to GIVE HEAD!!!
And I KNOW THEM (but would NEVER have sex with them):
Alex Guevara
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