Joe Biden is a scum bag!!
Torrie Raimondi
Return to grade school and learn sentence construction so we can understand what you are trying to say!!!Scott Kenan
lmfao i love Trump!! Is that good enough English for uTorrie Raimondi
Yes, my dear. I love humanity which includes Trump, but unlike you, my Kenan Family that are all Swastika-Lovers and Ku Klux Klansmen put Trump into power with Vladimir Putin (Kenans and Putin are in the Oil Business together), and control Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group
, Coca-Cola, and worldwide White Supremacy and Hard Drug Trafficking with the Bush Family that controls the CIA (and I've had sex with a Bush cousin and then stayed up all night discussing this), and the Clintons -- and even BLACKMAILED Barack Obama over his well-known Homosexuality into supporting it. At least you admit you have no respect for God's Laws -- and will suffer the consequences. Covid-19 is being more and more understood by Scientists, and Trump not only REFUSED to pay attention to them -- and then went out and got CLOSE WITH CROWDS with no protection AFTER discovering Hope Hicks was sick and had already self-quarantined. This is the action of a DEVIL, but I have no hope in changing YOUR MIND -- all this has long ago been well reported in the news and you still love him. I hope YOU don't get sick, too!!! It's not just who you know, but who you BLOW like I have done with MANY top Worldwide Hard-Drug Traffickers -- in Mexico and the USA -- to get the inside scoop!!! All that is covered in my Political Blog that has gotten 1.9 million hits so far. I bet millions don't read what YOU write!!!

I'm sorry -- but of the FORTY US SENATORS I have written at least once over the last ten years -- ONLY JOHN MCCAIN dictated a PERSONAL REPLY to me -- despite his and my agreeing on LITTLE IN POLITICS!!!
This photo of Benjamin Schachtman shows Ben FAR HEALTHIER than any other photo I've seen of him since he was POUNDING THE PAVEMENT of New York City as JESUS CHRIST!!!
And just as it appears that Novant gave WHQR the money to PAY BEN'S SALARY as Managing News Director -- to SHUT HIM UP -- because Ben has done GREAT WORK in investigative reporting on HOW CORRUPT POLITICIANS of BOTH Parties have SOLD OUT THE COUNTY by agreeing to sell New Hanover Regional Medical Center to Novant. See more here:
Ben MIGHT use that CORRUPTION SALARY to CONTINUE being honest -- WE'LL SEE!!! Here is something his Port City Daily published just today:
"Thank you so much for supporting this family, this gives me restored optimism in humanity."
ow in the MATTER of Pam Sander and the Wilmington Star News BLOCKING my emails to them -- but OCCASIONALLY letting them through -- NOT allowing me to access even the five FREE READS they allow EVERYONE each month -- regardless -- and Gannet Publications NOT FIXING THAT despite my PROVING IT to them -- I'm not so certain that even GANNETT knows what the HELL they are doing!!!
Pam Sander today:
It is OBVIOUS that Pam Sander is GETTING NO NOOKIE!!!
Just look at how much she has become a DRIED UP HUSK since this photo of her taken in her trademark Cleopatra Eyes -- about five years ago:
NO straight man or Lesbian wants to BED a Bitch who looks like the PERFECT COLLISION of Bauhaus Design and PEPTO BISMOL!!!
UNLESS, of course, she is:
In the last few days, SOME emails I've sent my several contacts at the Wilmington Star News have actually GONE THROUGH -- and just TODAY, I've been ALLOWED to access one of their articles WITHOUT IMPEDIMENTS.
But we must ALSO REMEMBER that Pam Sander was TOP EDITOR of the Star News when the New York Times sent an emissary to Wilmington who found me at the Azalea Festival 2012, to tell me they had BOUGHT OUT Carlos Salim "Slim" Helu -- who had been CONTROLLING both the NYC paper and Wilmington's Star News -- TO HIDE HIS DRUG TRAFFICKING with the CIA and CHRISTIAN CHURCHES -- but would not announce that to the Press until the CHECK HAD CLEARED.
Donald Trump and Carlos Slim
Carlos Slim was the TOP Drug Trafficker in partnership with the Clinton Family -- who worked/work for the Bush Family, so actually for my Kenan Family. He was the RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD -- until Hillary Clinton left the State Department.
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