I thought I should start with something pretty, tonight. As all Mexicans know -- now-former President Enrique Pena Nieto (despite about seven children who look like him), is gay -- and when he was Governor of the State of Mexico, he was in the habit of jailing his boyfriends as soon as they broke-up -- so they could not talk. One of them escaped to the USA and was granted Emergency Asylum, by Homosexual President Obama!!!
The following stories began to break last night, soon after I published this:
Many progressives were dismayed this week upon hearing Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) heap praise on this week’s confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, calling them “one of the best set of hearings that I’ve participated in.”
The comments from the 87-year-old Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee ― accompanied by her embrace with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) afterward ― symbolized to progressives the party’s inability to play hardball on court nominations and sparked an outcry among some groups who called for her removal from the panel.
Abortion rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America called Friday for Sen. Dianne Feinstein to be replaced as ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee after the Democratic senator from California praised the highly contentious Supreme Court confirmation hearing for Amy Coney Barrett.
“Amy Barrett and this power grab pose a grave threat to every freedom and right we hold dear and tears the very fabric of our democracy. Americans ― whose lives hang in the balance ― deserve leadership that underscores how unprecedented, shameful and wrong this process is,”
NARAL President Ilyse Hogue said in a statement.
Of course my Readers know that ALL THIS WEEK -- beginning last Sunday afternoon -- I have been feeding the Democratic Senators on the Judiciary Committee much of this blog, via Sen. Richard Blumenthal, most recently, last night (and at his request).
It is MY belief, that while Progressives are JUSTIFIABLY ANGRY with that "NAZI BITCH", that the Dems will settle down until AFTER the election -- and then begin PURGING THE PARTY of NAZIS like Dianne Feinstein, Bill and Hillary Clinton -- and their Allies and Accomplices.
This anger is DEEPER than Progressives' anger toward Trump, McConnell, etc. -- because they FAKED BEING DEMOCRATS and are SUCH GOOD LIARS, they got AWAY WITH IT all of these many years!!!
It's peak Lindsey Graham.
The 39-count indictment — filed earlier this month in the Northern District of California and unsealed this week — reads at times like a screenplay: Allegations against Brockman include operating a complex web of foreign companies and bank accounts; using unreported taxable income to buy a luxury yacht called "Turmoil", creating an encrypted email system to communicate with employees using code names such as "Bonefish" and "Snapper", asking a money manager to attend a "money laundering conference" under an assumed identity, and persuading that same money manager to destroy documents and electronic media using shredders and hammers.
"Dollar amounts aside, I have not seen this pattern of greed or concealment and cover-up in my 25+ years as a special agent," Jim Lee, chief of the IRS Criminal Investigation Unit, said during a press conference.

Bill Cameron
This is JUST LIKE William Cameron of and his HUGE Live Oak Bank -- that BANK-ROLLED CIA Agent Kevin Maurer to found the mysterious "Cape Fear Collective" -- its purpose to GUIDE the LARGEST TRANSFER OF PUBLIC WEALTH (the NHRMC Hospital and System), in North Carolina HISTORY -- and BY FAR -- into PRIVATE HANDS who do NOT have to disclose to ANYONE what they do with that $1.2 billion -- of whatever it precisely is.
The Cameron Family HUGELY endowed that Hospital with the Betty Cameron wing -- the Betty H. Cameron Women's & Children's Hospital -- many, many years ago, and NOW William Cameron with the CIA are TAKING IT BACK!!!
I still have to write Bill Cameron that Letter I've promised him, but here is something showing how I have STARTED with Mr. William Cameron -- TIGHT FRIEND of my wealthy Kenan relatives who put TRUMP INTO POWER. See 1/3 the way down here:
Pastor and "Bishop" Tony McGhee of Liberty Bible Church -- has only TWO YEARS in post high school education -- at Rhema Bible College -- and is a BISHOP!!!
But on his LINKED-IN PROFILE, he doesn't mention his Church -- and claims to be a DIRECTOR of Legal Shield, Inc. -- -- and he's NOT A LAWYER!!!
Tony sits on the "Decision Board" that decided to SELL the Hospital and I have been blogging RECENTLY about his HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING for Jesus Christ:
And YET, this morning, he sent me THIS!!!
Click on image to ENLARGE.
This was in response to LINKED-IN posting it was the Annual Anniversary of my Profile there as a WRITER and POLITICAL BLOGGER -- LOL!!!
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