>>> How I got "IN LIKE FLYNN" with the Attorney General of North Carolina!!!
Hi All,
To begin with, I spoke with Mom at length this morning, and it was as if we'd never had a disagreement. The BIG REASON I called her was to brag about my TRIUMPH that I blogged about last night. I know that most of you all but never read my blog -- and maybe not even these emails that I send just to you -- but STRANGELY, Connor was one of the 39 usual 150 recipients who has been BLOCKED from getting my emails the last three days. He had nothing to do with that, but I'd STILL like to know how Max ended up connected on LINKED-IN to one of the MOST HATEFUL people I have ever known -- and close friend to Sean Hannity, Christal Presley, now married to a woman and fled Atlanta for Virginia, so Christal Trivett-Presley.
That was a RHETORICAL QUESTION, because Julie has never answered whatever happened to her rosary that turned to GOLD when she, Mom and Dad went to Medjugorje -- a "miracle" there that the Catholic Church has DENIED IS REAL!!!
I think all of you know that of the 50 or so US Senators I have written to at least once over the last ten years, only Sen. John McCain -- someone I disagreed with on many things, but ALWAYS respected as an American Patriot -- unlike TURD-DEVIL TRUMP and his Republican Voters like Mom, who hates that Pope Francis keeps claiming Trump and the Republicans are FAR WORSE than all the abortions on earth. Well, McCain was the ONLY one of them who dictated a personal Letter response to me!!!
Last night, North Carolina's Attorney General Josh Stein sent me my SECOND LETTER personally dictated to an Admin -- thanking me for all the info I've sent on the Crimes of the Kenan Family as well as most importantly right now -- how Politicians of BOTH PARTIES have engineered the sale of our County Hospital System, owned by the Citizens, via the Christian CIA, and the SECOND wealthiest family from Wilmington, the Camerons and their Live Oak Bank -- all TOTAL REPUBLICANS!!!
Jane lived in Cameron Hall at UNC her freshman year, remember???
He said his office has not yet really begun the thorough review of that sale -- to see if it was legal -- and I should PLEASE KEEP SENDING HIM MY INFORMATION!!!
He made that clear FOUR TIMES in his Letter, which I published here:
Then this afternoon the news broke, that Trump CANCELLED his big Election Bash -- and will remain holed up in the White House until he gets HIS result, maybe a few days later -- probably in the BUNKER -- LOL!!! Trump isn't too confident of winning -- but then he seemed surprised to win in 2016, so we'll see what happens. I think he could still win, as I've learned to NEVER underestimate the ABJECT HATRED OF CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS!!! Not all Christians, of course.
Also, this afternoon, Teri Motsinger (a very devout REAL Christian), who owns Benefits Management, Inc., and is my agent there, called me since we can't meet and talk in her office anymore, to catch up on my Political Activities. From the MOMENT she first met me she told me she KNEW I could handle my money on my own, and TRIED to help me -- also with my doctor's writing Social Security to RELEASE ME from third-party supervision -- but they said I'd have to see a Psychiatrist for an hour at least twice per week and for at least two years (at about $200.00+/hour -- little covered by Medicare) -- and then they would not necessarily take that doctor's word if he/she said to release me. HELLO?!?!?!?
Paying B.M.'s $43.00/month fee for the rest of my life is FAR LESS than the cost of THAT!!!
Also, Teri and I LAUGHED at how Gold Walker had tried to EVICT ME three years ago, because I kept blogging about her pot smoking and most of her tenants being INTERNATIONAL DRUG TRAFFICKERS THEN. But I taught Gold a LESSON, and now she calls me her BEST TENANT -- and all but ONE of her tenants (Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr. in the apartment next-door to mine who is an EXCELLENT pot provider at reasonable prices), have now been chased out of Gold's properties, and Rob has cleaned up himself. He didn't REEK of stale B.O. the last few times I've seen him -- and he got his toilet unclogged after TWO YEARS of it being clogged -- LOL!!!
The OTHER big triumph has been the Catholic Orgs opposing Trump that FOUND MY BLOG and put me on their email lists. I contacted one priest from one of those this past week and now he wants me to go on his international podcast to Catholics to discuss Church History, Theology, and Reformation with him. I've taken a PASS until at least after the election -- emotions, including mine, are too high.
See halfway down here, "In the Name of the Father":
And of course anyone who voted for Trump voted to have MY RIGHTS as a HUMAN BEING taken away. A PERFECT STATEMENT of your HATRED OF ME -- and people of color and non-Christians like me as well. I know ALL OF US were under Mom's NAZI MIND CONTROL, and it is AWESOME -- the CIA using it to keep Americans from knowing that every President after JFK has been working to destroy Democracy -- except Jimmy Carter who was WEAK.
Obama was blackmailed by the Bush/Cheney/Clinton/Kenan Family coalition over his Homosexuality -- not a secret in OTHER countries besides the USA, and no longer much of a secret here, either, to support the CIA/Christian Churches' worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with Kenan controlled Exxon-Mobil.
Well, with Josh Stein -- the TOP Law Enforcement Official in North Carolina FIRMLY on my side -- and Roman Catholic organizations, priests, and Pope Francis, himself, on my side, WHOM SHOULD I FEAR???
Christians who plan violence over this election if they don't get the result they want, but I doubt they can harm me -- I'M TOO DAMNED SMART!!!
Although not a Christian, I DO follow Jesus's advice of "Radical Forgiveness" -- and in fairness to Mom, she has now several times apologized for DESTROYING MY FINANCIAL LIFE FOUR TIMES -- including since she spread lies to Law Enforcement and Courts the last nearly eleven years, now -- EVEN as recently as early 2018, when Democratic NC Representative Deb Butler and her admitted Hard-Drug Trafficking Partner Republican Jonathan Deputy -- who had been spreading around town that I'm a PEDOPHILE, claimed that if I write another book, he and District Attorney Benjamin R. David would AGAIN steal my copyright like his good buddy D.A. Ben David did with Fox News and Wells Fargo Bank to my Williams memoir.
It was in the news about a week ago, that A.G. Josh Stein is FORCING New Hanover County DRUG TRIALS into Federal Courts. The papers/TV and radio News, here, cover up all Drug Crimes of Politicians and Christian Churches, so no one mentioned it is because Ben and his brother Jon, the D.A. across the Cape Fear River, are HUGE in Drug Trafficking -- with First Presbyterian Church -- totally endowed by the wealthy Kenans.
I'm not expecting an apology from any of the rest of you -- just GROW THE "F" UP and take responsibility for what you tell people about me in the FUTURE!!! If Christian Mythology is TRUE, you will all go straight to HELL for how you helped Mom in her hatreds of me -- and Mom DID murder Uncle Bob and I can PROVE THAT TOO!!! I have her notes from years before she did it with the Veterans Hospital in Lower Mississippi -- double strength Lithium Carbonate GUARANTEES Chemically-Induced Diabetes, which Bob died of painfully as his extremities were amputated one-by-one.
Mom told me she CONVINCED the doctors in the hospital that Bob had "Uni-polar" (only Depression), and had to take DOUBLE STRENGTH LITHIUM!!! She and Dad stopped at my house en route there to be sure the doctors followed her orders every six months, and Mom told me MORE about what she was up to than she should have.
Remember, she ALSO told me that her Duplicate Bridge Club at St. Mark's Catholic when they lived in Wilmington was involved -- under Pope John Paul II's orders and Fr. Robert J. Kus's supervision -- smuggled White People's Wealth out of South Africa in Artwork of HIGH VALUE -- because the Pope decided the end of Apartheid was UNFAIR TO WHITE PEOPLE!!!
Well that's enough for now. This afternoon, it was reported on CNN that of the states any of us live in, Pennsylvania is one of the five that could have some SERIOUS VIOLENCE on Election Day. North Carolina, Colorado, and California are among the NEXT five states likely to experience violence at the polls. I know that Mom, Jane, Bob Jones, and I have all voted early -- and I hope the rest of you have too!!!
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