Monday, April 29, 2019

RP: After Meeting Philip Gerard at His Reading/Singing/Question-Answering/Book-Signing Event, I Am So ENERGIZED -- I Decided to Write Randall Kenan About It (tomorrow)!!!


Philip Gerard reading from Cape Fear Rising this evening at the historic Hannah Block USO Community Center.

My photos of the event all turned out rather lame, so here is one from Philip's website

Philip Gerard also sang for us, and here is his album

His book OF INTEREST TONIGHT is the NEW EDITION -- tidied up a little and including the NEW INTRO by Randall Kenan:

The names of people and events are all FACT -- but he called it a NOVEL because he had to MAKE UP many conversations -- but not all of them.

Buy it in Wilmington at Old Books on Front Street

Or buy it from Amazon in the NEW EDITION

My FIRST SURPRISE is that Mr. Gerard is actually YOUNGER THAN I by a couple of years (I don't know why I thought he had to be as old as the hills by now -- but I did), and that Gwenyfar -- who manages Old Books on Front Street for her family seems to remember me well, and holds no GRUDGES against me!!!

Although I DID give a reading of this chapter of my memoir in her store in 2011 -- while I could only refer people to Amazon's ELECTRONIC BOOKS to buy it -- I think I have ALSO shown up "driven nuts" at her store since then too -- but NOT for several years!!!

Philip Gerard's page at UNCW


1. When I met Mr. Gerard before the event -- telling him a little of who I am and what I've experienced -- he told Gwenyfar that I have more stories than he does, and I realized that I was CORRECT: I would need to be certain not to steal the attention from HIS EVENT!!!

I'm OLDER than Philip, so OF COURSE I have more stories -- and I'm a TENNESSEE-WILLIAMS-TRAINED DRAMA QUEEN, to BOOT!!!

2. So I refrained from joining the discussion until the very end, introducing myself as a Kenan who KNOWS my WHITE SUPREMACIST, DRUG-TRAFFICKING KENAN RELATIVES associated with UNC and Chapel Hill, that my Grandfather was a Klansman who participated in the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 at the age of 17, and my parents had set up the Christian Drug Mafia in Wilmington with Father Bob Kus of St. Mary's Catholic (and this blog forced Fr. Bob to flee to Honduras last summer), and Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman -- and then also in Atlanta with Ehrlichman, my employer Patrick Lee Stansbury, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, CNN, the main Atlanta newspaper -- and that Mr. Stansbury with Lee E. Gosney, Jr. had supplied the Churches and Politicians of Wilmington with HARD DRUGS.

And that JUST TODAY I had heard a PACK OF LIES from Sheriff Ed McMahon and his INFO Officer Lt. Jerry Brewer that was SO POORLY DONE that they did NOT correctly name the VICTIM or their accomplice in the MURDER!!! 

Also -- since Philip Gerard kept talking about Randall Kenan, I mentioned how much HELP Randall had been in ESTABLISHING that Sewanee/University of the South -- where for about 14 years now Randall has taught at their Summer Writers Conference -- the BANKRUPTCY of the fools who run it. They having PARTICIPATED/BENEFITED FROM the Murder of Tennessee Williams. More on that here

(Actually, the Wilmington Narrative NON-Fiction Group of the North Carolina Writers Network had TWO CHRISTIAN WHITE SUPREMACISTS -- and the leader, Christine MoughamianTOTALLY supported them, so I RAN!!!)

I just found THIS that explains even MORE in my comment left at bottom

3. I also told how Stanley Winborne III -- because Philip Gerard mentioned the Atlantic Coast Line railway a couple of times -- from my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group -- grew up across the street from First Presbyterian (his Grandmother living in what is now the Graystone Inn -- and his family had controlled that railroad.

Stanley in 2016.

And that Stanley's SON had been second in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan -- in charge of shipping all the HEROIN BACK on US Air Force Planes to Maxwell AFB -- where my old boss Mr. Stansbury shipped it out to the ENTIRE EAST COAST!!!

THANK GOD that much of this I discussed with a group of several people who spoke with me (including several English Literature Teachers who loved Tennessee Williams), as I remained seated (so not as big a focus), while Mr. Gerard signed A LOT OF BOOKS!!!

When I went up to get him to sign mine, I learned that we can probably get together at UNCW -- but he will be TRAVELLING SO MUCH promoting the new edition, it will not be easy to schedule.

And I'll write Randall Kenan TOMORROW (after I get some rest) . . . 


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