Monday, April 22, 2019

RP: My Letter to Costco CEO Craig Jelinek -- Just MAILED!!!:


Craig Jelinek, CEO of Costco since 2012, has worked for them since 1984.

Craig Jelinek, CEO
PO Box 34331
Seattle, WA 98124

April 22, 2019

Dear Mr. Jelinek,

My name is Scott David Kenan and I have been a PROUD Costco Member (#11175112XXXX), since November 1996. And before that, I dated a man in Santa Ana, CA, and shopped Price Warehouse/Costco (or whatever it was called back then), there, BEFORE your company spread to the East. Additionally, after Colin Powell’s Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman, got me to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for what eventually was nearly five years of Political Exile (because my Kenan Family that controls Kenan Advantage Group and to a lesser extent Coca-Cola – both suppliers of yours), were unable to commit me to a Mental Hospital in Georgia five times in one month), I used my Costco Membership to SURVIVE by eating a lot of free samples in your P.V. Warehouse (even liquor, wine, and beer, in Mexico – and your membership fees are about HALF what they are in the States), when I was caused to go homeless in Mexico – and then after returning to Wilmington, NC in 2011, I was again caused to go homeless and often got my food from the Costco Demo people here as well!!!

So, it is fair to say that Costco fed me when my own family (parents and siblings), had hoped to starve me – and my immediate family DEFINITELY kept me homeless, which they most recently tried to return me to earlier this year. They claim to be Christians, and while I have full respect for what Jesus taught, I have learned that Christian Church members are some of the most EVIL people on this earth – but not ALL of them.

Just a few months ago, my mother and brother stated to my face that they cut off “my allowance” (I’d convinced them to help me minimally scrape by – I having only maximum Social Security, after they with others had removed all my accumulated wealth), they had helped the CIA Drug Mafia “steal” my nearly paid-off house in Stone Mountain, GA, my Art Collection, etc. – and Wilmington, NC’s District Attorney Benjamin R. David, with Fox News Chicago and a Drug Mafia Partner of then Mayor Rahm Emanuel, stole copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams – which Scott Rudin and the producers of the Harry Potter films had been looking to buy movie rights to:

I have recently filed a very detailed account of Ben David’s crimes against me with the NC State Bar and alerted them that I will also file against five of the nine New Hanover County District Court Judges as well. I also give all my evidence to top NC State Prosecutors and the FEDS seeking to break up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington.

ANOTHER WAY Costco “saved my life” is that Costco Pharmacy found a coupon they could apply to my Savaysa a-Fib meds that I had to take since I returned to Wilmington from Mexico the second time (June 2015), dropping the monthly price from $450.00 to $170.00 – but three weeks ago, I got a Pacemaker and that drug has been replaced with one costing about $16.00/month.

Frankly, as a single person, I find Aldi’s serves my food needs with smaller quantities at good prices, and I can now buy my several heart meds anywhere at decent prices – but I just LOVE COSTCO, and there are many things there I WILL buy when I make more money, and do not want to give up my membership, which renews by the end of June, so I hope to scrape up that money by then.

What is important here is that a company with Costco’s reputation is so entwined with my NAZI (the Catholics), and Ku Klux Klan (the Episcopalians), Kenan Family and Today is EARTH DAY, and Kenans are the BIGGEST POLLUTERS ON EARTH (between Standard Oil/Exxon-Mobil, Kenan controlled since 1913, and Kenan Advantage Group).

Very recently, I had an altercation with a woman in Costco management here in Wilmington who has confronted me before. You should know that I have spirited discussions about Politics and Religion far more frequently in Aldi’s, Walmart, and actually every store I enter, than I do in Costco – it is IMPORTANT that Citizens know that the Christian Churches, CIA, Politicians of both Parties and especially my Kenan Family (with the Bush Family first, then Cheney and Clinton Families), seek to destroy Democracy for Jesus Christ -- and to sell more HARD DRUGS. Given what crimes have been done to me in the name of Jesus Christ the Savior, those who spout about Christianity are SUPER-OFFENSIVE to me – but I simply put up with their damned crosses, etc.

For the first half-year of using your Wilmington Warehouse in 2011, I was TYPICALLY accosted by Christians in Costco (who recognized me by my 6’ 11” height), calling me publicly so all could hear, a child molester (very typical behavior of Wilmington Christians – the Chief Public Defender had to hide me in an unnecessary “dry-out tank” in 2011 – because a top Republican Politician here and his Drug Distributors chased me around downtown claiming in front of crowds that I had molested their sons – but REFUSED to prosecute me, claiming they planned to have MORE FUN by HARASSING ME for their Churches).

Also, in Costco, MANY (claiming to be Republicans and/or Christians), told me they would KILL ME because God says in the Bible that Christians must kill ALL “Liberals and Faggots”. Your management did NOT bother to notice that, although it often happened in front of your employees. I did NOT complain to management – because this is how WHITE PEOPLE (I’m slightly also Cherokee), behave in Wilmington, where my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr. caused the ONLY successful Coup d’Etat in US History, the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898,, killing blacks and stealing their Political Offices, Businesses, etc.

And this is WHY my Kenan relatives who now control Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, Coca-Cola, etc., put Donald Trump into power – to use Christianity to destroy our Constitution and to ally with Vladimir Putin. This blog posting shows the ONLY meme of Mr. Trump mentioning ANY TOWN while he was still campaigning:

As you will notice, I do NOT hold back in my language, and in 2016, I had such a shouting match with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’ (over a disagreement we soon ironed out), we both using the most VILE LANGUAGE IMAGINABLE, and simultaneously hanging up on each other – HA!!! My point is that I have practiced cussing with the BEST, and Gen. Honore’ knows ALL ABOUT my Kenan Family’s corruption of Atlanta – contact him via his org to get his opinion of me:

Gen. Honore’ and his wife are devout Catholics and he sits on the Board of a Catholic healthcare-for-homeless Catholic Charity in Atlanta, that helped an old friend of mine (a drag queen, no less), die with dignity while totally broke, so I have sent them money. Also, Sister Mary Isaac Koenig, now retired but who ran the homeless charity of St. Mary’s Catholic here in Wilmington and got a special award from Pope Benedict for her work, was a good friend of mine, and I even TITHED to her charity while I was homeless in 2011 and 12 – because I was so good a panhandling WITHOUT a sign – HA!!!

I DON’T “hate ALL Christians”.

I don’t pretend to know what your management person here was thinking – or why I am always GREETED IN A FRIENDLY WAY by the employees/management of the many other stores I actually frequent more often (and this woman I refer to is the EXCEPTION in your store here) – but I HOPE to be able to remain a PROUD COSTCO MEMBER, and I HOPE you can figure out a way to get supplies of gasoline from a company that is NOT ASSOCIATED with my Kenan Family that put Trump into power to destroy Democracy and is totally allied with Christian Swastikas and Klan Robes!!!

Costco’s doing business with Kenan Advantage Group FINANCIALLY SUPPORTS the bring-down of the USA by the NAZI PARTY and KU KLUX KLAN Christians. THAT is on Costco’s head.

You can read what I already emailed to your local store here, here:, and I will email this to them (and to the same KAG Execs I then copied), and snail-mail this to you (since you don’t use email). I will publish it here, before emailing it to my list of 100 Political Contacts. I have gotten 1.5 million hits to my blog so far – NOT BAD for someone with no celebrity!!!

I look forward to your reply – my contact info is in your Membership Database.


Scott D. Kenan


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