Wednesday, April 24, 2019

RP: Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- Who as HEAD of Procter & Gable's Chemistry Labs at End of WWII RAN "MK ULTRA" for the CIA/Catholic Church -- Reverts to NAZI MIND CONTROL Tactics This Afternoon -- After I Sent a LINKED-IN Message to My Niece Taylor Ann Kenan of Charlotte, NC:


Attempting to find one of my old blog postings that details more of my mother's ACTUAL NAZI CRIMES with her Roman Catholic Church, I found THIS:

And I also found my FIRST WOODCUT PRINT EVER, that was published in the Denison University publication Exile '72

"The Foreshadowing" is DEFINITELY student work -- but not bad for a FIRST woodcutp. 43 here:

Here is my first COLOR woodcut (done from three blocks of wood), showing the urgent, growing, psycho-atmospherics above the horizon that characterize nearly ALL my artwork from then on (mostly screen prints or serigraphs) -- and unresolved conflicts and muddles of the subconscious

"Pre-Flight, Red-Handed" got that name because while cutting one of the blocks that rested in my lap, the knife slipped, and pierced my jeans, cutting into my leg. I am NOT an art photographer, and I just took this photo of the piece hanging on my office wall.

The FUNNY THING about this specific print is that it took me FIVE YEARS to even see the human figure and that it is MALE and has an ERECTION!!!

When I did my Senior Art Show in Slayter Hall (Denison's Student Union), spring 1973, and my "Art Comprehensive Exam" was to go through it piece by piece with the Art Faculty, speaking about my work and answering questions, because MANY of my pieces were of found objects glued to a large board, inked with brayers (rollers), then SPRAYED with solvent (to diffuse the inks), and several images printed as a "series", I not only relied HEAVILY on serendipity, but the prints in any series were NOT identical, the USUAL GOAL.

One of the Art Faculty came up with the BRILLIANT TERM for these works, "Painterly Prints". I declared to THEM that NONE of them had ever "transgressed me" (meaning shut me down for being unconventional), and I got an A- for my show.

Also hanging in that show were my three serigraphs (ALL of which I lost when Col. Dorothy Newman had to get me to Political Exile in Mexico in 2010 because my own FAMILY and Hard-Drug-Trafficking employer, Patrick Lee Stansbury aimed to MURDER ME because they could not commit me to a Mental Hospital in Georgia after five tries in one month), that WON a Great Lakes Colleges Association -- with the US State Department -- contest that chose a total of THIRTY prints from many students from about 12 schools, and my friends Sarah Stranglen (whom I once proposed marriage to in a drunken, depressed fit), and Hilary Russell, each had one of their prints chosen.

I was the ONLY one who had all three chosen (the max we were allowed to submit) -- the reason I claim to have "Won" the contest -- and ALL the chosen prints had to be delivered, ten each, so 30 of mine went -- and I BELIEVE they were all sent individually to US Embassies and Consulates -- rather than TOGETHER to ten facilities as a "show".

Unfortunately, Hilary's print was on metalized paper, and she having no scientific training did not use the right ink to adhere to that -- her multiply-printed lips in many colors FELL OFF THE PAPER before they got to the State Department.

But Hilary, her boyfriend Charles Octavius Pritchard (D.U. '72), and I co-founded in 1974 (after Hilary and I had "INCITE: A Gallery" art gallery, summer of 1973). -- we broke even without paying ourselves -- LOL!!!

Whale's Taletoday w/ SUPER-CORRUPT Sen. Cory Booker.

Chuck and Hilary with my NAZI mother, FORCED ME TO SELL for peanuts while simultaneously committing me to a Mental Hospital for a MONTH on False Diagnosis of "Bipolar" (called "Manic-Depression" then) -- and FORCED me to take Lithium Carbonate as a SOFT-LOBOTOMY 1978 - 2009 -- because I would not SHUT UP about my mother's SWASTIKAS and DAILY BEATINGS -- and about the fact that the OTHERS key to Whale's Tale's beginnings -- Sue Hobbs and her husband Phil Dietz, Ellie Nowicki, etc. -- like me -- were CONVINCED that Brad Wernle (Denison '72) and Chuck would have been PERFECT LOVERS!!!

Brad made a name for himself in automotive reporting with Crain Publications, and retired a few years ago -- STILL SINGLE!!!

That time Tennessee Williams insisted Scott Kenan take him to visit Cape May and Whale's Tale:


1. First thing, I had medical tests before my major annual check-up, and all my vitals were PERFECT (blood pressure, pulse, etc.), and the tech said it was SUPER OBVIOUS I am on a Pacemaker as my EKG was PREFECT as well.

I was relieved, because I still have itching and pulling sensations from the incision, and had feared I'd pulled its in-me connections loose. I have gained EIGHT POUNDS (now 294), but I also just QUIT SMOKING CIGS, so temp weight gain is OK!!!

2. I have gotten over the last two days FOUR REMINDERS by My Chart and phone calls from my own doctor's office and the hospital and ONE FROM Dr. Jack I. Ramage, Jr., of my Colonoscopy by Dr. Ramage this FRIDAY -- that his partner Frederick H. Opper CANCELLED (which I would have done as well, anyway), in a fit of ANGER because I confronted him for listening to "White Christian Bitches -- or Cunts" in his offices and on THEIR LIES about me committed me to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital at the end of January -- and did NOT even complete that Colonoscopy for ABSURD REASONS!!!

Well, with ALL of these people (I called and spoke with them all at length -- except in Opper/Ramage's office), explaining it and how I work EXPOSING KENAN FAMILY DRUG TRAFFICKING with Wilmington (and Atlanta, Ga), TOP CHRISTIAN CHURCHES and nearly every Politician in power.

EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM knew this is TRUE, and that there are -- and I know -- MANY TRUE CHRISTIANS who hate the corruption of their Churches as much as I do. They ALL THANKED ME FOR MY WORK, wished me LUCK as I continue -- and ESPECIALLY if I can JAIL people like -- and including -- Dr. Opper, Mayor Saffo, City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, Police Chief Ralph Evangelous, D.A. Benjamin R. David, and FIVE of the nine County District Court Judges (including EVERY Republican among them)!!!

3. I decided to try to LINKED-IN link to my niece Taylor Ann Kenan, now living in Charlotte, NC working for Wells Fargo Bank (which I use and love -- after Kenan-controlled Bank of America FUCKED ME), so sent her an invite for that with the note, "Hi Taylor, I'm really not as scary as your father claims -- and LOVE Wilmington and am glad to hear you REALLY LOVE Charlotte!"

4. I called my mother late this afternoon, and told her all of these many things and then ASKED MOM why she, and my sister Jane had BOTH told me several times that I was NOT ALLOWED to attend Taylor's UNC Chapel Hill graduation in 2016 -- and this is ALSO why they said my brother Mike and made it impossible (actually not, but nearly so), for me to contact any of his three kids by email or social sites including Facebook.

They always told me that Mike is very PROTECTIVE of his kids, and except for the brief time Taylor was still in high school years ago, they were all LEGAL ADULTS in college or careers, so WHO WAS MIKE to "protect them" from me -- and WHAT THE HELL did he think I could do to HARM THEM with emails and similar???

Mom today replied, "Oh if you don't know what you could do to harm them by contacting them, then YOU (I)REALLY need to GET TO A PSYCHIATRIST!!!"

That NAZI CUNT FOR JESUS was at it AGAIN!!! I'm not qualified to DIAGNOSE, but this is TOTALLY the BEHAVIOR of a NARCISSIST or SOCIOPATH:

The Old NAZI Bitch flanked by me and my sister JulieDecember 2018.

And MEANWHILE, my Letters to the CEO of Costco Williams's last lawyer John Eastman, and Ron Abram of Denison University ALL IN THE MAIL and should be delivered by FRIDAY (at the latest)!!!

I REALLY need to GET AWAY from my family sending me money AT ALL -- they RESENT doing it, and REFUSE to take responsibility for their PAST ACTIONS that DELIBERATELY DESTROYED ALL MY WEALTH (and much more, as well).


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