Sunday, April 28, 2019

RP: In Memorium: Richard Lugar -- My FIRST Local Political Hero / My Last Posting Went SUPER-VIRAL (but only for two hours) / My Mother Is TOTALLY God-Hating Now -- and DERANGED-to-BOOT (and docile):


Birds-of-a-FeatherBarack Obama and Richard Lugar (but ONLY Obama is Gay).

In 1968 we moved from Pennsylvania to Columbus, Ohio -- so my parents could plan the NAZI takeover of the USA with Coach Lou Holtz and his wife Beth (who lived across Larwell Drive from us), Lou later John Boehner's top Co-Strategist, and Mom getting her orders then from Pope Paul VI.

Beth and Lou Holtz

Holtz and "Cry-Baby Boehner".

Today, John Boehner -- from Cincinnati, OH -- like me and Vicente Fox's Grandfather, is a BIG LOBBYIST FOR MARIJUANA!!!

Anyway, this was about the time that Richard Lugar was elected Mayor of Indianapolis, IN, and he was a HUGE PROGRESSIVE, consolidating the local governments into ONE for all of Metro Indianapolis, so that ALL shared the same TAX BURDEN and the rich could not only pay for their small suburbs -- while benefiting from the whole City where they made their money and used the infrastructure.

Sen. Lugar fought hard for nuclear disarmamentfair immigration policies, and ALWAYS worked across the Partisan DivideFor that he was primaried by the Tea Party in 2013.

He also was a Denison grad like me -- and founded a Political Science Program at Denison in 1995 that has sent 150 Student Interns to Capitol Hill!!!

My Letter emailed to Sen. Lugar and Denison University on June 23, 2010 (I had just arrived the FIRST time in Puerto Vallarta for Political Exile by Colin Powell's people's help), but most interesting is that my story WAY BACK THEN was consistent (except some things clarified to be far different than I then believed, later), and SOME PEOPLE I'd forgotten but who gave me SERIOUS and probably still verifiable-by-them info are mentioned

This posting REMAINS the tenth most hit of over 5,000!!!:

Apparently, EVERYONE needed a "Sanity Check" (not just me)today!!! This posting got 3,298 hits in TWO HOURS -- just when I completed it. PREVIOUSLY the most hits this blog got in a day were 7,200 and just under 7,000 -- BOTH those days were hit more by RUSSIANS than Americans.

TodayNO foreign country hit it more than usual: 

And after TWO HOURS hits fell back to usual rates -- WEIRD!!!

Anthony Hopkins was my father's BEST FRIEND in Alcoholics Anonymous in Wilmington, NC!!!

Tonight, Mom told me how she had a Mass said for my father (who died Easter Sunday morning, 2014), but TODAY -- not on Easter -- "because I don't want those people who only go to Church on Easter praying for him!!!" 

Me: "Well, the 'good' people are ALWAYS there, so if THEY are whose prayers count, NO PROBLEM the date!!!"

But Mom didn't buy that, and then indicated she thinks Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress are DOING GOD'S WORK -- so I made excuses and GOT OFF THE DAMNED PHONE -- LOL!!! 


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