Thursday, April 25, 2019

RP: Wilmington's OWN Lara (Yunaska) Trump EMBARRASSES Even Mayor Saffo (I bet) / UPDATE on Wilmington Residences Now -- or Previously -- Besotted by HARD DRUGS and Their TRAFFICKERS!!!


Lara (Yunaska) and Eric Trump. I'm not sure who's LUCKIER . . . 
Lara (Yunaska) Trump is a NATIVE of Wilmington, NC and she and hubby Eric Trump have a big house here on Wrightsville Beach. A couple of years ago, I threatened to CRASH HER BABY SHOWER that was thrown by Wilmington's TRASHIEST little midget queen (with hands JUST LIKE DONALD TRUMP'S!!!)Jesse Davis

FULL REPORT in comments below:

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The president's daughter-in-law and 2020 campaign adviser called immigration "one of the worst things that ever happened to Germany."

See what I mean???

Last Saturday, when I was in Costco and talked with so many people -- but one guy and a manager had a problem with me, which has been written up here:, and here:, I spoke also with two people who knew about project MK ULTRA (NAZI Mind Control), as I've also written about and my mother's part in developing it at Procter & Gamble.

I also spoke three days before that for a LONG WHILE with a guy I met in Costco who knows ALL ABOUT the Christian Drug Mafia and knew EXACTLY WHICH Politicians are involved and in WHAT!!! I mean his knowledge completely agreed with my own. And he even knew MUCH about which of the wealthy Kenans committed which crimes (and has met some of them).

He told me his good friend had just bought the William Rand Kenan, Sr. house at 110 Nun Street, and that it was ACTUALLY in GREAT SHAPE (despite outside appearances), and that it had been REPOSSESSED, but NOT CONDEMNED for occupation.

So I drove past and the plywood has been REMOVED from all the doors and windows and it looks MUCH BETTER NOW!!! (This is a Google image from before.)

MORE on the History of this House

I also drove past my landlady Gold Walker's house at 4th and Orange -- and the scaffolding is all REMOVED and her new roof and chimneys have been completed:

Across the street, the apartment where Steven and Madison "Maddy" (Holland) Rose had lived (they each political operatives for either Gov. Roy Cooper or Deborah Ross, and HUGE in drug Trafficking), had been all cleaned up and the window curtains wide open -- which Steven and Maddy NEVER did. 

Next-door (downstairs from my 205 S. 4th Street apartment), I couldn't tell if Sa'ant Samuel Celia, Jr. still lived there -- but he had ONCE run a TOP LSD LAB, supplying his personal friend Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, Dr. Timothy Leary, and Leary's lover Theodore Druch.

And while I lived in Puerto Vallarta in 2010 and again 2012 - 15, Theodore Druch and his wife Maria Ruiz were both in our Writers Group and were HUGE in Drug Trafficking with the Governor of Nayarit state, the CIA, Hillary Clinton State Department, and Episcopal Church USA.

AND another member, Stanley Winborne III, was originally from Wilmington, his family had controlled the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, and he grew up a few doors south of his grandmother's house on 3rd Street, now called the Graystone Inn:

Stanley's SON was second in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan, and in charge of shipping all the Heroin back to the USA on Air Force planes, which US Special Ops who interviewed me the night of July 4, 2015, VERIFIED that the person in that position actually did.

THEN my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA distributed those drugs Maine to Florida -- but especially to Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA.

And my friend Evan Fish was murdered by Wilmington Police on September 3, 2011 because he KNEW TOO MUCH about it.

NOT ONLY was I knocked 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall and the Court House on February 13, 2017 when I warned Mayor Bill Saffo I was walking to DEMAND the full Police Report -- but when I recovered enough to try again, I met City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark and he said he hopes I get a DOG -- and IT TOO is run over!!!


And I am now ALSO waiting for that FULL REPORT after taking the City Lawyers Daniel Thurston and John Joye the Letter at BOTTOM of this posting from April 12:

Perhaps, I'll VISIT THEM, tomorrow . . . 

Let's hope it doesn't get THIS BAD, no???



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