Monday, April 22, 2019

RP: Proof Positive That My Roman-Catholic-Trained Family Are NARCISSISTS and SOCIOPATHS (in MY case, TURNABOUT is FAIR PLAY IN WAR, no???) / Catch-Up (not ketchup -- nor blood) / My Response to Dr. Frederick Opper's REPLY!!!


When it comes to the different types of people we find in our lives, narcissistic manipulators are among the most toxic of all.

They’re the type of people who only care about themselves and will stop at nothing to get what they desire. Narcissists will always selfishly place their needs, emotions, and goals above anyone else when they’re making decisions.

They won’t think twice about taking advantage of someone if it is to the narcissists benefit. Their relentless quest for personal power and success is why they’re so manipulative, deceitful, and hard to be around.

Here are 6 phrases narcissists and sociopaths use to control you:

1. “You’re just ________.”

Fill in the blank. “Enamored with me”, “jealous”, “crazy”, “bipolar”, whatever. Sociopaths often get down in the gutter and resort to name-calling to diminish your self-worth and make you insecure.

By bringing you down, they bring justification to their unhealthy behavior and keep you hooked on them.

2. “You just didn’t understand me.”

Sociopaths will do something often referred to as “gaslighting.”
This is when you do something that causes a negative reaction and then blame the person for their negative reaction, saying that they didn’t understand what you were trying to say.

3. “Stop being so sensitive.”

When a narcissist pushes your button and makes you mad or elicits another negative creation from you, they’ll defend what they said or did by telling you that you’re too sensitive.

You need to “toughen up.” This is, of course, a way for them to excuse themselves from any guilt and keep you hooked on them.

4. “Stop being dramatic.”

When a sociopath accuses you of being dramatic, you try to remove any validity from your emotions and reactions that might exist.

They’re simply trying to tear you down and make you second guess how it is that you actually feel.

5. “You’re reading too much into this.”

There are most definitely times that we read too deep into things and take away things that were never actually there.

Sociopaths often do things to make you on edge or paranoid – really anything to make you question their motives. They do this in the hope that they can belittle your intuition and make you feel crazy.

6. “You’d never survive without me.”

Once you’ve begun to deconstruct a sociopath, the baser form of their manipulation begins to surface. What they want with you isn’t a healthy relationship, be it platonic or otherwise.

What they want is control over you, and they control you by making you feel like you’re crazy. Don’t let them get away with it. You can survive without them.



1. I have had several twenty-minutes-and-longer conversations with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh over the last week, and Mom actually flirted with apologizing to me for trying to have me killed beginning back in spring of 1974 (the same night that Mom ALSO tried to kill my sister Jane -- because we both knew TOO MUCH about our parents' NAZI CRIMES for the Roman Catholic Church).

But of course Jane went into a COMA for five days after her PLANNED 25-foot fall, and I SURVIVED nearly being sliced in half by a ROGUE FREIGHTER in a squall off Manasquan, NJ -- both about the same hour.

This has MUCH DETAIL from late 2012 on the crimes of Sean Hannity's close friend Christal Presley, Sean Blackwell of, Patrick Stansbury, Michael Massicott, and Lee E. Gosney, Jr., of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA -- those with former NC State Senator Thom Goolsby (and his partners current NC Rep. Deb Butler, Jonathan Deputy, etc.):

The BOTTOM LINE is that Mom -- contritely -- told me she is sorry she has caused me SO MUCH PAIN in my life.

BUT she did NOT mention a single crime against me that she committed because she KNOWS that to admit even ONE of them would leave her open to MASS CONVICTIONS of MANY OF THEM (if I chose to do that, and she does NOT believe I would not).

NO confession of anything, NO offer to make any kind of Amends (a small increase in my "weekly allowance" to about $200.00 would be sufficient -- especially if my brother Michael William Kenan pays all the increase) -- so NO FORGIVENESS BY ME -- since Mom is devout Catholic and CATHOLICS CANNOT BE FORGIVEN ANY SINS WITHOUT FIRST MAKING AMENDS!!!

So by Mom's beliefs, she will BURN IN HELL FOR ETERNITY!!!

However, I KNOW Mom is INCAPABLE OF HONESTY due to believing that Jesus is the LITERAL "Son of God", so HATE and HELL are Mom's Free-Will Choice -- but I don't BUY ANY OF THAT, and for MY PART, have forgiven Mom (not that it can do her any good).

My mother THROUGH-and-THROUGH!!!

2. Today, I got a message via MyChart that New Hanover Regional Medical Center's Charity has ALREADY determined that they will PAY ALL for my Colonoscopy (not covered by Medicare -- which is ALL of it, since Insurances don't pay for TWO Colonoscopies in ONE YEAR) on April 26 with Dr. Frederick Opper, but Opper has decided he is FIRING ME as a patient (which I figured I would not be under the circumstances, anyway).

This adds RICHNESS OF HUMOR to the NAZI DOCTOR'S LYING MISSIVE to me -- which can be found in my Letter of Reply to that, posted below Opper's Letter:

CLICK on Letter to ENLARGE:

Frederick H. Opper, MD, FACP, FACG, AGAF
Hanover Gastroenterology Wilmington
1520 Physicians Drive
Wilmington, NC 28401

April 22, 2019

Dear Dr. Opper,

Thank you for your prompt reply of 4/16/19 to my Letter of 4/12/19. I will simply mail this response back to you for your records – and for Legal Reasons.

When you successfully removed five polyps from my colon the previous time you scoped me, I was told that having so many meant that Medicare would pay for one Colonoscopy per year – rather than normally paying only for one every TWO years for men of my age category. This area that you merely biopsied had not grown to the size of a polyp, so it is not clear that it would be a true risk of bleeding, perforation, etc., when all five from before, and the two removed this year must have all been LARGER areas of tissue.

I can only conclude that you left this area so that I would have MORE MONEY removed toward YOUR POCKETS, since you knew Medicare would NOT pay for a second Colonoscopy this year, and you made it sound necessary to remove now. Funny that just today, I got message via MyChart that the Hospital’s Charity will pay the Hospital Charges for the operation by you on April 26. They had NOT gotten word that you and Dr. Ramage REFUSE to do it.

That is fine, I will work out the best plan with assistance of my primary-care physician, whom I see in a week, anyway. I DO expect to let whatever Ethics Board rules your specialty know about this – as well as NHRMC Physicians Group – so they know what sort of ‘Ethics” you have.

Immediately on receiving your Letter and signing for it, I asked my neighbor Chad whom you spoke with WHAT he remembered of anything you said when he came into the room to fetch me. Chad said that you said almost nothing, and that I was being held for Psychiatric Evaluation, and that he should leave.

In fairness to YOU, even I who had just come out of anesthesia, remember you saying what we seem to agree you said about the Colonoscopy results, and the remaining “suspect” tissue, and Chad, not thinking he needed to remember things for me, did not pay that much attention -- since I was conscious.

What is in my opinion – and I believe would be the Law’s Opinion as well – so “NAZI/Christian” of you is that whatever your Letter describes as “bizarre recent verbal behavior and perceived threats” were NOT things you heard said by me, but the claims of what I called “Christian White Bitches – or Cunts” in your two offices of the day before.

REMEMBER, they had REFUSED to return my calls to your office since I had NOT been able to call to confirm the procedure’s appointment, REFUSED to confirm the appointment when I showed up in person in BOTH of your offices – and sent me on a WILD GOOSE CHASE between your offices to try to do so. AND although I left message that I had NOT received the PREP instructions, they REFUSED to send that info (but I googled and got it and followed it) – and TWO WEEKS LATER, MyChart showed your office HAD sent it on a timely basis, but your message was not delivered to MyChart (where I had searched for it as well), until TWO WEEKS after the procedure, I being informed by its dating that your office had sent it far previously.

I CANNOT blame you for that, but it is CLEAR PROOF that the Christian Cabal of HATRED so embedded in Wilmington’s WHITE CHRISTIANS -- including those women in your offices -- manipulated YOU (or you consciously participated), something I cannot determine without help of the Hospital’s and your specialty’s Ethics Boards.

You seem ALSO to have forgotten that the US Marines Vet who runs New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital’s Recreation programs (and has known me well all four times I was FALSELY COMMITTED by GOD-HATING Christian Drug Traffickers), and I ran into each other right after I spoke to your second office in the Pavilion (out-patient facility in the hospital), and SHE – TRAINED in these things – did NOT think I was particularly “elevated” then or “manic”.

You did NOT ask me what all that fuss had been about – the only ETHICAL and I believe LEGAL thing for you to have done.

Additionally, the two Psychiatrists in “The Oaks”, KNEW not only Colin Powell’s Chief Protocol Officer who told me the “Republican Christians” running the Kenan Family Drug Mafias would do ANYTHING to try to DESTROY ME, my credibility, and even to KILL ME, which is PRECISELY what you conformed with and attempted to do (but I do NOT claim you would have killed me).

And one of the shrinks KNOWS the shrink in Atlanta who had found me NOT to be at all Bipolar in 2009, and taken me off all Psych Meds then – and IN FACT the doctor who DISMISSED ME from the Oaks a DAY EARLIER than the usual earliest release after determining there was NO CAUSE to commit me, used his pen to DOUBLE CROSS OUT the written and changed from previous diagnosis Bipolar I to Bipolar II, because they both said I am one of the “happiest people he ever met”, and it was IMPOSSIBLE that anyone consider me “suicidal”.

TRUE, that YOU had not claimed that, but a SHIT-HOLE Doctor of Osteopathy in the Oaks’ emergency room had done that – in contradiction to what ALL the rest of the staff there told me was happening (and that I would NOT be committed).

This indicates that you were in CONSCIOUS or MANIPULATED cooperation with these CHRISTIAN CUNTS (male and female -- BOTH!!!), which is GENEROUS of me to call these criminal bitches. 

I will continue getting to the TRUTH of what you and your allies did to me – assuming my other Legal Challenges to D.A. Ben David, five of the New Hanover District Court Judges, and others bear the expected results – but it takes TIME for the NC State Bar to conclude all of these INVESTIGATIONS.

I would go ahead and “LAWYER UP” like Donald Trump (your “Soul Brother”), has been forced to do for the UPCOMING LEGAL BATTLES!!!

Just a thought.

All Best, and GOOD LUCK!!!

Scott D. Kenan

And SADLY, there NEVER WAS a Memorial Service or Gathering for CIA Agent Luis Melgoza -- and every Mexican and non-Mexican Patriot in Mexico heaved a SIGH OF RELIEF when a Mexican Doctor MURDERED LUIS on the operating table!!!

That was FATE I feared might happen to me if I ever AGAIN went "under the knife" of Dr. Frederick H. Opper!!!

That time that Luis Melgoza, HEAD LAWYER for the entire PRI Party of Mexico, who had LOST HIS LAW LICENCE, was a DRUG TRAFFICKER with the CIA in Puerto Vallarta, and whose home office I tracked to a two-bedroom bungalow very near CIA Headquarters in Virginia, and had not only placed MALWARE and SPYWARE on two of my computers, but given ORDERS to "Toro" who had held me hostage in his home on Calle Costa Rico in Puerto Vallarta with Martin and Alberto Guzman (two sons of El Chapo Guzman), for five weeks in 2010, and tried to KILL ME in 2015 -- but AT LEAST liked to have RECIPROCAL SEX when high on CRACK or METH!!!

Toro was a SERIOUS GROWER (thank God), and MUTUAL FUN IN BED!!!


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