Sunday, March 29, 2020

RP: Fox News HOMOS (who worked with my parents to turn the USA NAZI), Get OUT OF HAND -- but ALSO Make a VERY INTELLIGENT POINT!!! / Back on Facebook after 30 Days in Jail -- so WATCH OUT!!!


"The really happy woman is the one who can enjoy the scenery when she has to take a detour. Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but rather a manner of traveling."

~ Samuel Johnson

GOOD THING the churches are CLOSED this Sundayno???

>>> FOX NEWS posted these things today online -- to PLEASE their HOMOS: Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich: 

Newt Gingrich, back when he picked up tricks in men's rooms.

Readers know that about ten years ago, I found scans on the internet of Newt Gingrich's  ACTUAL CITATIONS BY ATLANTA POLICE several times for soliciting sex with men in men's rooms in Piedmont Park. Unfortunately, back then, I didn't realize I had to SAVE SUCH THINGS as the CIA keeps erasing Republican Embarrassments.

Readers also know, that I FIRST reported the HUGE HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING running through Stone Mountain Park in 1990, to Newt Gingrich's office, and was soon arrested on a false charge of Simple Trespass, held in Dekalb County Jail -- somehow without Charge -- by Democrat Judge Linda Warren Hunter for FIFTEEN WEEKS -- until I SUED then-Sheriff Jarvis under "Writ of Habeus Corpus", and THEN Judge Hunter charged me with Trespass, met with my parents in chambers, and then CONVICTED ME on my "Nolo Contendere" Plea, and FORCED ME to take Lithium Carbonate, by CORRUPTED HOMO PSYCHIATRIST Edward O. Nix. -- who gave in to DEMANDS of my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan. 

It has never been a secret that Sean Hannity PROMOTED hot BOY-BANDS in exchange for sexual favors in the mid-aughts.

And Christal Presley, my close "friend" in 2009, who HELPED the CIA and Republican Party TANK my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams, had been Sean's wife Jill "Rhodes" Hannity's ROOMMATE in college, and said that JILL told her that her husband Sean is actually GAY AS A GOOSE!!!

Christal Presley WORKED WITH MY PARENTS -- and PUNKED my sister Jane, getting her to pay DOUBLE for a stone globe of the world -- just to annoy me. Christal is now MARRIED to her Lesbian Lover, and goes by Christal Trivett-Presley:

FOX NEWS ONLINE'S first BEEFCAKE photo posted today (actually it's a whole VIDEO that you can watch):

AND FOX NEWS provided FROM THIS STORY, a link to their SECOND BEEFCAKE PHOTO today (and it gets more RACY, so you are WARNED):

!! OMG, feel the BURN! Gus Kenworthy shows off his penile dorsal vein at Burning Man !!

To be CLEAR, here is a scientific display of a Dorsal Vein on a man's member:

I'm not CERTAIN where that dripping string of cum came from. Reader, what's YOUR opinion???

And HERE is what Fox News published IN TRUTH (although it is written somewhat GOOFILY):

But then, there is also THIS:
Bob Jones  2 hrsImage may contain: text
  • Scott Kenan GOOD LORDBob Jones!!! You DAMNED YANKEES are TWO DAYS ahead of we Southerners!!! Down here it is only March 29, today!!! (I just got off 30 days in Facebook Jail for criticizing Christians -- AGAIN -- LOL!!!)
    No photo description available.



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