Sunday, March 8, 2020

RP: Predictable Phenomena -- and MORE Comments on "Wilmington's Lie" and This Blog's and My Physical Health:


The Fate of Bernie Sanders???

First, I have to say that I'm ASTOUNDED that hits to this blog keep GROWING and registered hits have remained over 1,200/day for nearly a WEEK now!!! We just broke 2,000 hits today, and there is still time for it to rise HIGHER!!!

STRANGEST, though, is that so far Turkmenistan has racked up 1,281 hits so far today -- the rest is nearly all from the USA. WHY is Turkmenistan so interested in this blog??? Their hits have been in at least double-digits for about two weeks -- but this is the FIRST that they have hit this blog over 500 in one day.

Here is the SURPRISE old posting that Readers have hit more than any other today, except this one from yesterday: -- and it's in the SAME MODE. I'd FORGOTTEN that even though un-credited (like in the Wilmington Star News where I first found it), I made the FRONT PAGE of the New York Daily News this past November:

The HindSight of typical Institutional Democrats led by Joe Biden.

REMEMBER: Joe Biden has gotten MORE DONATIONS from Healthcare Industry/Big Pharma -- followed by Pete Buttigieg -- EXCEPT FOR DONALD TRUMP!!!

And Joe Kennedy III has REVERTED to his Kennedy Ancestors, Old Joe and Rose Kennedy, who were AMERICA'S TOP NAZIS (with Prescott Bush and Henry Ford), who tried to lobby FDR to join with HITLER in WWII!!!

Today's Institutional Democrats are WORSE THAN THE REPUBLICANS -- because the Republicans ADMIT their White Supremacy for Jesus Christ rather OPENLY -- like Donald Trump does here:

Corporations have unlimited money as speech and nothing can stop them from switching the rules, capping free market competition, and limiting aid for those who need it. #corporategreed #industrystagnation

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  • Michael Smith If it comes down to a vote corrupt Biden Democrats will never support taking away the bribes they love so much .

  • Norman Gregory ..Not to mention tax breaks and loopholes, the banks, farmers and Auto industry bailouts.. Aid to other countries..

Republicans -- ESPECIALLY those whose careers depend on BASHING GAYS -- keep coming out GAY (or getting caught). Here's the LATEST:

OK, I woke up this morning and the bandaging of my scrotal abscess (which is mostly in my perineal area), not only had fallen all apart, but the adhesive tape used to keep it in place had IRRITATED my skin so badly that I could NOT re-bandage myself the proper way. The Nurse comes tomorrow to check and re-do everything, so I just used PLAIN GAUZE -- and my butt cheeks will hold it in place and my irritated skin can HAVE A BREAK.

There is NO infection, and everyone is pleased at my healing progress -- but I ALSO LEARNED that instead of taking THREE WEEKS, because of my blood-thinners healing is expected to take NINE WEEKS!!!

As to David Zucchino's Wilmington's Lie, I find it VERY ENGROSSING, but more careless than I would have expected. Zucchino claims that the first shots fired -- at Fourth and Harnett Streets -- were right near Castle Street. But they are MORE THAN 1.5 miles apart.

But I DID learn that there were SEVERAL rapid-fire rifles in Wilmington then -- and the one used by William Rand Kenan, Sr., was made by Colt and could rapid-fire 420 rounds WITHOUT overheating the barrel. The next most lethal could only fire 200 rounds at once.

I'm reading the book SLOWLY, since I find it so engrossing. More later on that.

We shall SEE what actually HAPPENS!!!


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