Thursday, March 5, 2020

RP: Melody Moezzi, My 2007 Wesley Woods/Emory University Bipolar Support Group Bud -- NOW Teaching Writing at UNC Wilmington (out of Kenan Hall) -- Just Published ANOTHER MEMOIR: "The Rumi Prescription" -- CONGRATULATIONS!!! / A Little Politics and "Male Fixing", Too:


Melody Moezzi with her husband, Matthew Lenard, in Tokyo, 2019.

Before beginning, a few Political Items (I just can't resist Politics):
RADIO AD that I heard this afternoon in Wilmington, North Carolina:

Book your consult today so you are resting comfortably on the couch come March Madness🏀🏀✂️ 

#snipsnip #marchmadness #vasectomy #vasdoc #sexualhealth # sexualwellness #frozenpeas #basketball #ballsinyourcourt

My Urologist who is treating my healing scrotal abscess is NOT associated with this practice, but if YOU (or your hard-to-control, philandering husband -- or you just want MORE FUN and NO BABIES)needs to get FIXED -- call them TODAY!!!

I just learned of Melody's new book from a notice on her husband's Facebook that was at the TOP OF MY FEED today!!!:
Happy Birthday Melodymy absolute favorite human! I couldn’t be prouder of you and the huge year you’ve had — publishing The Rumi Prescription and inspiring your students to write their hearts out. I can’t wait to watch what incredible things you do in our next two decades together.

Melody Moezzi -- when I knew her in 2007 when she had just published her FIRST BOOKWar on Error: Real Stories of American Muslims.

In 2007, I joined the Bipolar Support Group that met at Emory University's Wesley Woods complex in Atlanta -- this when I STILL believed I was Bipolar (a FALSE diagnosis my mother had gotten a psychiatrist to give me in 1978 when I would not shut up about the Swastikas on our dinner plates and daily beatings), and was searching for ANSWERS, because the Lithium Carbonate I took all that time only slowed my mind -- but I was still troubled about my mental health and the HISTORY of my immediate family, who worked with top Republicans and Fox News Talking Heads to promote REPUBLICAN PARTY VALUES.

It was only in early 2009, that my Shrink-Nurse, Alexandra Widdon, told me that in the eight years of her attending me I had NEVER shown a single sign of Bipolar Illness, and took me off Psych Meds, and my head began to CLEAR!!!

At that time, I befriended Sean Blackwell (legally Sean McAllister), an ex-pat Canadian whose first career had been in the USA, and had developed his Therapeutic Theories on Bipolar Illness with his licenced Brazilian Psychologist wife Ligia Splendora, and practiced from Sao Paulo, Brazil -- where I visited them for a week, and we traveled to the coast and up it to Paraty, Brazil -- the port from which gold and silver had been shipped back to Portugal in Colonial Days -- like I lived in fall 2012 in Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico, the port where the gold and silver where shipped back to Spain in Colonial Days.

But Sean and I soon ran into difficulties -- LARGELY because I did not yet know that my REAL PROBLEM was Complicated PTSD -- rather than Bipolar Illness. I never had even HEARD of that until summer of 2018, when a psychologist who had been following me on Facebook told me he thought that was my problem.

During my LAST false commitment to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital in early 2019, the two top Psychiatrists there CONFIRMED THIS (but due to the fact they could be disciplined if they changed my diagnosis -- Bipolar Illness can NEVER be healed, and I'd had that diagnosis far too many years for them to call it in error). They could only confirm it VERBALLY (and by lining out the Bipolar diagnosis on my Discharge Papers).

Also complicating things with Sean was that I was in absolute LUST with him -- and just like Melody Moezzi, Sean (and Ligia, too -- but I'm GAY so focused on Sean), is INSIDE AND OUT one of the most BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE I have ever known!!!

Me with Ligia and Sean at a rooftop restaurant in Sao Paulo, fall 2009.

So, I have found two email addresses for Melody Moezzi -- as well as Secured Server forms for her and her husband Mr. Lenard -- and Sean Blackwell's as well. And I will send this blog posting to them all to try to EXPLAIN what must have seemed like totally bizarre behavior -- BEFORE I had an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS and learned how to HEAL MYSELF in increments by MEDITATION and SELF-TALK -- and a touch of Marijuana, late at night.

>>> ADDED LATER: I got Received Receipts from Melody Moezzi and Sean/Ligia -- but NOT from Matthew Lenard.

Here is my Letter to Melody that I sent her in July 2019 -- with ALL of my attendant "JAZZ", that Melody never responded to (or might not have gotten to her at all -- due to hackers):

Since I will send Melody, Matthew, and Sean/Ligia this blog posting with only a bare introduction, they should ALSO KNOW that my Political Blog has now gotten over 1.7 million registered hits, and recently it is being hit over 1,000 times per day (500 - 600 per day has been typical the last half year), and OVER 1,400 hits so far TODAY (as of 4:26 PM)!!!

And that FINALLY I am being BELIEVED by many influential people including Politicians and those in Law Enforcement. IN FACT, I must add local Dem Candidate for New Hanover County Commission Leslie Cohen and Dem District Court Judge Robin Wickes Robinson to my List of GORGEOUS (in and out) PEOPLE!!!


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