Saturday, March 7, 2020

RP: "Wilmington's Lie" Arrived Yesterday -- and SPUN MY HEAD AROUND!!! / Other Incidents and Non-Incidents:


>>> ADDED LATER: This came back BLOCKED because of too many recipients, so I am now re-sending with a minimum of witnesses:


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To begin with, I noticed (digging first for the material on William Rand Kenan, Sr., and his son, WRK, Jr.), that David Zucchino claims the new 1898 Marker on Market Street was installed in 2018 -- when it was installed in 2019!!!:

The video linked to here by Cedric Henderson is STILL LIVE and has my voice recognizing that a Kenan (William R. Kenan, Sr.), mowed down blacks with his "machine gun" -- and that my parents set up the Wilmington Christian Drug Mafia with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman and Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary's Catholic in the 1980s and 90s.

I was THRILLED to just notice that Leslie Cohen -- currently running Democrat for New Hanover County Commission -- was front and center!!!

I am SHOCKED to see that Mr. Zucchino did NOT list either Kenan Family Genealogy in his bibliography, which is OTHERWISE very large and varied

In these two volumes, published in 1967 and 1999, Kenans BRAG about their CRIMES AGAINST GOD for the Confederacy and Confederate Values -- and RIDICULE my own Great-Grandfather Murphy Kenan -- because he did not BELIEVE in slavery, and as a poor man, saved a few years, bought a married slave pair, and immediately FREED THEM -- yet still enlisted for the South.

Here is the 1967 version -- digitized and SEARCHABLE for all and for FREE -- and for YEARS NOW:

Also, Mr. Zucchino published this photo of William Rand Kenan, Sr.'s "Rapid Fire Brigade" -- that mowed down blacks for Jesus Christ -- but the caption of this photo tells who BOUGHT the gun, and of OTHERS who intimidated blacks with it BEFORE the Insurrection -- but NEVER tells the full story -- in any way one would take note of.

On page 57, the author states that William Rand Kenan, Sr., had LOST his position in 1897 as a Customs Inspector when a new Republican President appointed a Black man to that position. Not only does Zucchino NOT REPORT that Kenan had held the HIGHEST POLITICAL POSITION in North Carolina -- the Customs Inspector controlled more Political Power then than the Governor -- as well as it being the TOP POSITION in the State to RECEIVE BRIBES!!!

The Kenan Family records I have been able to research claim that it was WRK, Sr.'s ANGER at loosing his position to a "non-human" that was at the very CENTER of the cause of the Insurrection!!!

Zuchinno -- on page 105 -- states that the above photo appeared on the front page of the Philadelphia Times with the caption, "The man who was in command of the rapid-fire gun stationed in Wilmington, N.C., to overawe Negroes".

So little seems to have been mentioned about my Kenan Family's involvement, that I must ASSUME THE KENANS PAID HIM to minimize them in this book!!!

After all, he only mentions Kenans again when he tells of how UNC Chapel Hill RE-DEDICATED Kenan Stadium to William R. Kenan, Jr. -- who paid for it to memorialize his White Supremacist TRAITOROUS father.

And as everyone in this part of North Carolina knows, the descendants of these Kenan cousins of mine, today control Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, Episcopal Church, ENTIRE Republican Party, and the "Clinton Democrats" and today control worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Christian CIA, Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families -- and also put Donald Trump into office to DESTROY DEMOCRACY and to favor Vladimir Putin, whose Oil Reserves, the Kenans have a CONTRACT signed by Kenan life-long employee Rex Tillerson and Vladimir Putin worth $ HALF TRILLION -- that can't go into effect until Trump can get RID of Obama's SANCTIONS against Russia.

Rachel Maddow has a LOT to say about this:

I'll soon begin reading Wilmington's Lie -- and HOPE to find it is NOT too full of OTHER HALF-TRUTHS, MISLEADING STATEMENTS, and DELIBERATE OMISSIONS!!!

And I will INCLUDE Linda Wilkins-Daniels, who recently stepped down as the HEAD of the African-American Caucus of the Democratic Party of North Carolina -- who knows ALL ABOUT the TRUTH HERE, as well as how the Bennetone Family of Wilmington are a bunch of TRAITOROUS BLACKS!!! I can't send to her as usual via Facebook, since I'm in FACEBOOK JAIL for another three weeks for posting THIS TRUTH:

Linda Wilkins-Daniels

Sonya AmenRa (legally Sonya Bennetone-Patrick). This posting includes my Letter to "Sonya AmenRa" that garnered SEVERAL THREATS TO MY LIFE from Sonya's Family -- LOL!!!:

Every time Donald Trump says something, I have to remind Jesus not to touch His face.

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In the area of NON-INCIDENTS, the TOP ITEM is that neither my Kenan cousin Barbara B. "Bonnie" Weyher -- nor anyone else in her Law Firm -- has responded to my Letter that Bonnie's secretary assured me Bonnie had received. It has been nearly a month now, so soon I may have to decide how to follow up on that:

Other "non-incidents" include that I have NOT HEARD BACK from Melody Moezzi, her husband Matthew Lenard, nor Sean Blackwell/Ligia Splendora -- ALL of whom I got "received receipts" from (except Mr. Lenard) -- but it's only been TWO DAYS, and they probably need to THINK ABOUT their responses before replying to me -- IF they do reply AT ALL!!!


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