Tuesday, March 24, 2020

RP: I've Got a Common Cold, but Kevin Maurer and Benjamin Schachtman Have to Sleep with Their ICY, CHRISTIAN BITCHES -- Praise the LORD!!! / A BRIEF Posting Due to My LOW ENERGY:

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/03/ive-got-common-cold-but-kevin-maurer.html

I find it VERY FUNNY that when Barack Obama's male lover was Reggie Love, the Presidential Office Staff made up this banner that they displayed in the White House!!!

>>> ONE SOLUTION would be to on this Easter SundayPACK THE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES with the God-Hating, Hard-Drug-Trafficking, White Supremacist Christians!!! 

Donald Trump is WANTING to do this, and it would be a GREAT WAY to give as many as possible of the Christians/Republicans/Clinton Democrats the CORONAVIRUSno???

But The Great, Late Divine would NOT save Donald Trump or Marla Maples!!!

And then THEY could deal with getting the hospital beds, medications, ventilators, etc., that they need. 

Well, I spoke with my mother late today, to let her know the Home Health Care Nurse had confirmed I have a bad yeast infection in the creases of my groin -- because the diaper I wear as my "new coochie" heals (the wound from my Abscess), and the diaper keeps the area MOIST. The salve cost over $50.00 -- but gave me IMMEDIATE RELIEF from the pain.

Also, that I saw Dr. Eskew this afternoon, and he's THRILLED at how well my Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm that he repaired half a year ago has healed up, but the nearly half-hour sonic scan cost me $50.00. 

Readers will recall that Dr. Eskew scanned the damaged valves of my veins and arteries after Mayor "Bill" Saffo and City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark had a SPECTRUM truck try to KILL ME -- because Saffo knew I was walking to his office to DEMAND the release of full Police Report on when Wilmington's Christian Police MURDERED Evan Fish because Evan knew that my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury and his agent Lee E. Gosney, Jr. -- IN COOPERATION with my parents -- delivered the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB to Politicians of BOTH PARTIES and Christian Churches and Clergy, for the GREATER GLORY of JESUS CHRIST!!!

And THIS was the evidence that -- what after NO ANSWER all this time -- my Christian Bitch distant Kenan cousin Barbara B. "Bonnie" Weyher, via her lawyer Brian Williams, REFUSED to consider, and FORCED me to accept a $2,500.00 settlement after my Lawyer Bruce A. Mason FIRED ME claiming my Kenan Family in Chapel Hill DEMANDED HE DO SO, had said I should easily get $20,000.00 - $40,000.00 WITHOUT also suing Mayor Saffo and Councilman Rivenbark.

The damage my body did to the TRUCK!!

With NC Courts CLOSED -- except for immediately important cases -- I'm letting this rest for now, but here is the Letter I sent Dear Cousin Bonnie:

I trust that EVERYONE saw this Interesting News Item:

(CNN) Harvard President Lawrence S. Bacow said he and his wife have tested positive for coronavirus.

"We started experiencing symptoms on Sunday—first coughs then fevers, chills, and muscle aches—and contacted our doctors on Monday," he said in a statement to the Harvard community Tuesday. "We were tested yesterday and just received the results a few minutes ago."

Bacow said he's not sure how he and his wife contracted the virus, but said "far fewer people crossed our paths recently than is usually the case" as they both began working from home on March 14.

MORE: https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/24/us/harvard-president-wife-coronavirus-positive-test-trnd/index.html

Readers all know that I can PROVE IN COURT that the Episcopal Church/University of the South (aka Sewanee), with the Republican Party, and elements of the CIA and FBI MURDERED TENNESSEE WILLIAMS -- EXACTLY as Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned Tenn at a party on January 11, 1982. Here is my documentation of that party (without the Politics):

I have President Bacow's email address, and was thinking I should send HIM all the details on that -- since he's at home resting -- I'd sent it to previous President Drew Gilpin Faust, but SHE SAID that Thomas S. Kenan III and the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust give Harvard TOO MANY MILLIONS every year, to PISS TOM KENAN OFF!!!

But with this COLD, I don't have the energy for that TONIGHT!!!

Anyway, Mom is smart enough to know that the crisis will NOT be over by Easter -- but STILL BELIEVES that Donald Trump is second only to JESUS, and is SAVING THE COUNTRY. 

She claims she read in the Raleigh News & Observer, that someone was SAVED FROM CORONAVIRUS DEATH by Cloroquine, and never heard about the news that has been EVERYWHERE about the couple -- who on hearing Trump's recommendation -- took a form of that drug, the husband dying and the wife in intensive care, due to the DRUG. They didn't have the virus.

My brother Mike is CORRECT: Mom will NEVER WORSHIP GOD -- she's still TOTALLY ROMAN CATHOLIC.

Yesterday, I made LOTS OF GOOD FUN of not only the wives of Kevin Maurer and Benjamin Schachtman, but of SEVERAL OTHER CHRISTIAN BITCHES as well -- and their emasculated, dick-less husbandshttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/03/writing-jessica-dylan-meyer-maurer-wife.html

REMEMBER: You don't have to actually BE a Christian or care about Jesus AT ALL to be a "Christian Bitch" -- you just have to grow up in America's Christian Society to be filled with CHRISTIAN HATE

You can't just reject the false idol Jesus -- but must SCOUR "Mother's God" out of your consciousness to be FREE.

PRESUME everyone read that Harvey Weinstein has a NEW MALADY while in prison:

In a semi-related story, here is the MOST POPULAR blog-posting of the last 30 days, that via Story Cowlesconnects Jeffrey Epstein INTIMATELY with my wealthy, Episcopalian Kenan relatives: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/08/after-story-cowless-tobin-company.html.

And here is the SECOND most hit posting of the last 30 days:



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