Monday, December 10, 2018

RP: Sexy-Rexy Tillerson (lifelong employee of my Kenan family at Exxon), is BACK IN THE NEWS, Today!!! / And So Are OTHER THINGS -- LOL!!!

RE-PRINTED from here

I hope that Rex Tillerson (who worked for my Kenan family that controls Exxon-Mobil his entire life -- and also the Boy Scouts), read not ONLY the Letter I sent him a year ago -- but also my recent Blog Posting -- both of which I'll post links to in comments below:

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Tillerson started laughing in what some witnesses described as a demonic manner as he imagined it.

FOLLOW-UP on a story I published a couple of days ago: Initially, the church indicated that it would not press charges against the women because they had expressed remorse, the Long Beach Press-Telegram said. But ABC News reported on Sunday that a spokesperson for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles said that it will pursue a criminal case because the investigation has deepened.

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Some of the money may have been used for gambling in Las Vegas.

Scott Kenan shared a link.

The Ohio House of Representatives has passed legislation that would allow cities to use toxic waste from fracking sites to de-ice roads this winter. This will expose citizens to unprecedented levels of radioactive, cancer-causing chemicals that would be sitting on top of roads and then tracked into....


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