Saturday, January 18, 2020

RP: Bringin' Up Baby -- but Baby Won't BUDGE (conversation between "Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend", Paul Laville, and ME)!!! / And MORE:


The "Hotsy-Totsy" Paul Laville from his Facebook page

  • Paul Laville I agree. It's a shame people who run pages like this don't desire real discussion.

  • Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend Paul Laville. No. You have the Freedom From Atheism Foundation page to argue that your imaginary friend and imaginary enemy are real. Many of the atheists on this page are former Christians that realized they had been bamboozled with the Christian myth. You're not going to convince them that your fantasy is true.

  • Paul Laville Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend Every atheist has their own story and every religious person has their own story. Most atheists I've spoken with online and in person left the church because they were hurt by Christians either at church or in the home. It's far too common. Often they take that hurt and betrayal and apply it to all Christians or the faith in general. That is, of course, generalizing and is illogical. Just because one pastor steals or some zealous parents are overbearing and abusive does not mean that all Christians are. Just because there have been Christians who have used the faith the trick people does not mean that all Christians are either swindlers or puppets. I have never met a Christian who was a swindler or a puppet. You're making enormous mistakes in doing that. I would love to know your story. I imagine it would contain many similarities with those I've heard before.

    I'm not here to judge anyone's story. Just to correct bad theology and lies that are shared for the laughs of those unwilling to learn the truth of what the believers themselves belief and live by. You, once again, merely insult with claims of "fairy tales" and "imaginary friend" simply because you don't believe what someone else believes. I'm surprised I haven't seen "sky daddy" yet. I've heard all the common ones before. It's like many critics must read the same play book.

  • Scott Kenan Paul Laville You responded to MY photo comment, so I'll say a few things too. I had to look up "sky daddy" -- LOL!!! And I see that "Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend" researched you to find one of your FB alliances, something I always do too (research on those who pester me). You show no education, jobs, location, or friends and are following one person. REAL PEOPLE are more transparent, so what do you FEAR -- and are you REAL??? I don't know a single Christian whose never met a Christian who was a swindler -- but you are CORRECT, not all Christians are (except for Spiritual Swindling). Also, since the ONLY way to make paragraph breaks in a FB comment is to write it elsewhere and then just paste it in, it appears that is what you did with a little customization of the beginning of your comment. NOTHING in your comment was SPECIFIC to MY comment or this thread. Therefore, I will NOT tell you more about me -- except that I'm not actually an Atheist, but agree with my top Spiritual Teacher in Science of Mind (Metaphysics), who used to love to say from the pulpit, "God loves the Atheists BEST -- because they never fell for any of the B.S.!!!". Anyway, there is no evidence in Jewish or Roman Records that Jesus ever lived -- although he appears to have been a REAL Jewish Reformer. He said to follow him you have to first convert to Judaism. You are quite young (I'm 68), and I trust you were circumcised as an infant -- or you are in for a lot of PAIN -- to follow Jesus via commands of the Bible. In any case, to make Christianity REAL to anyone else, you must resolve these discrepancies in the Bible about the Resurrection -- remembering there are many other discrepancies in that book too:

Click image to read it all.

  • Scott Kenan Paul Laville I apologize. I would not have wasted my time typing if I'd seen your circular-logic down below on this page. You have perfectly exhibited your attempts at "Spiritual" or "Logical" Swindling. You remind me of what American Christians (not all of them), think is Christian: the policies of Donald Trump (who my Kenan relatives who control Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, Republican Party and "Clinton Democrats", etc. put into power to destroy Democracy and promote both White Supremacy and Hard-Drug Trafficking). We'll see if he and his Evangelical Christian allies can in fact destroy Democracy, but what is PROVEN in survey after survey, since Trump came into power, people have been leaving Christianity FAR FASTER than they had been before Prez Trump!!!

  • Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend Paul Laville. I'm retired US military and a retired State Felony Probation/Parole Officer. I've heard all the lame excuses that people give, including yours. I have a University degree where we were taught critical thinking skills, which you don't have. You're a youngster who thinks you're a Big Shot with a Big Bible and a Big Gun. You come to my page to tell me about life and you haven't accomplished diddly squat. I attended many denominations and know more about the Bible than you will ever know, because you haven't read and studied it cover-to-cover like I have. You haven't even verified the validity of the Bible stories like the talking snake, the talking donkey, and the 900 year old humans in the Bronze Age because you lack an education. You only like to argue about your childish 'interpretations' that fit your personal agenda.

  • Paul Laville Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend Okay. Well, I've given no lame "excuses". And I've already told you that I dont think I'm a big shot. I've also told you that I'm not as young as you think. You just more assumptions and insults. My goodness, how it makes you feel to assume. You see, by assuming you get to feel good. Because you will not humble yourself to have an actual co conversation you can forever call yourself right. And of course, you're not.

  • Paul Laville Scott Kenan Don't heart the page's response. It's not to even true.

  • Paul Laville Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend Also, I have a degree as well. A science degree. So you're going to have to try harder.

  • Scott Kenan Paul Laville NO ONE cares about your ignorance!!! Donald Trump has degrees too and is an ignorant Evangelical Christian!!!

  • Scott Kenan Paul Laville If laughing is not a response, then WHY DID YOU RESPOND TO IT??? LOL!!!

  • Paul Laville Scott Kenan, laughing is not a response. It's a lack of one.

Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend Paul Laville. Provide your evidence it's not true; you coward who hides behind your worthless Bible. You're like bone spurs Trump, wax museum guy Pence, and turtle head Moscow Mitch McConnell who is sitting on 55 Veterans Administration bills approved by the US House of Representative because he's not pro veteran, but pro war, and a traitor to the US Constitution. You didn't even join the military because you're a pussy who needed others to defend your right to have your imaginary friend rights.

Jesus: The Ultimate Invisible Imaginary Magical Friend Paul Laville. Your degree is in the art of Pretend so I'm not impressed.

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Scott Kenan Paul Laville and "Jesus": Thank you for this discussion!!! I have already published it on my blog that has gotten over 1.6 million registered hits, and after adding a few more things, will email it to my List of 100 Political Contacts. It is PERFECT, as most of my contacts are Christians, and it will give them something to think about before they attend the MOST RACIALLY SEGREGATED TIME of the week, Sunday Christian Services hours!!!:

  • Scott Kenan Linda Wilkins-Daniels: THANKS for this -- one of the BEST explanations I've seen -- and from an ATHEIST -- LOL!!! And it's over three years old and still TOTALLY TIMELY!!! I'm gonna put it into my next blog posting. Is this a BAPTISM or a DROWNING???
    Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, ocean and water, possible text that says 'What Would Jesus Do?'

  • Harry Monk Trump put his daughter to the incest test! lol

>>> TWO OF MY PREVIOUS DISCUSSIONS WITH LINDA WILKINS-DANIELS, who just left her position as HEAD of the African-American Caucus of the North Carolina Democrats:

Linda Wilkins-Daniels


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