Tuesday, January 21, 2020

RP: Letter Sent to Rev. Christopher Drennen, O.S.A., Director of Augustinian Identity, Theology Department Leader at Malvern Preparatory School:

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/01/letter-sent-to-rev-christopher-drennen.html

Christopher Drennen, O.S.A.

Christopher Drennen, O.S.A.
Malvern Preparatory School
418 South Warren Avenue
Malvern, PA 19355

January 21, 2020

Dear Father Chris,

Much has happened since I last wrote you on March 13, 2017, and so much has clarified about our Country as well as my immediate and distant, wealthy Kenan relatives, who were most responsible for putting Donald Trump into power – in the Name of Jesus Christ, whom they don’t seem to have understood AT ALL.

I hope that if your Mom is still alive, she is doing well. She would be 98 now, as my own Mom is now 97, and still living in Raleigh, still able to drive to Sunday Mass and her Bridge Club, but in the last year, Mom stopped claiming that the 40-year-olds can’t keep up with her Bridge Game. She’s on a walker, and I last saw her at Christmas a year ago – here is a photo of her between me and my younger sister Julie:

Since I last wrote you, my remaining family: Mom, Jane, and Julie (but not Mike, who occasionally DOES send some cash, but not often), have been supporting me minimally with weekly cash to supplement my Social Security. Mom and Mike had spread lies up until about 10 months ago, claiming I am Bipolar (Mom first claimed this in 1978, when I would NOT shut up about harassing us with Swastikas on the dinner china and daily beatings), and the whole lot of them cut off funds for a month or so last late winter – Mom and Mike BOTH telling me they hoped I could NOT buy my heart meds and that I became homeless again last winter.

But we have reached an “unspoken” agreement, that while they were MOST RESPONSIBLE feeding these lies to those who wiped out all of my wealth, Art Collection, etc., jailed me and even convicted me on false charges, and committed me to New Hanover Regional Behavioral Health Hospital four times beginning in 2011 -- I FORCED the District Attorney to VOID those convictions, and the last time I was committed, early 2019, the top two Psychiatrists AGREED that I am NOT Bipolar, but likely have Complicated PTSD, caused by abuse by family and others. There is no medication that helps that, but Meditation and small amounts of Marijuana smoked usually late at night, have enormously relaxed me – and I’ve even learned a bit about Diplomacy!!!

And I am writing YOU, because knowing the caliber of those in your family – if not having known you as well as Tommy/Tara and Aileen – I know that you are a true Scholar of Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism, and follow the Spirit of Jesus’s Teachings. I still do not accept Christian Theology, but I THANK GOD for my excellent Catholic upbringing, where I learned such good Ethics/Morals. I do think that all religious and spiritual traditions teach the same values – and Atheists are actually BETTER at them -- but sadly, Christians who think they are forgiven all by praising Jesus need make no Amends – because Jesus PAID for their sins by being tortured on the Cross, are insane – and that is why we have so many lying Politicians and Clergy.

Half the country thinks Donald Trump is Jesus returned, while half thinks he is the Devil Incarnate – the latter opinion becoming more and more popular. THAT is “God’s Victory”, so to speak!!!

Even before Mom and Mike came to their senses, I have called my mother every few days, and it is the MOST ENJOYABLE part of my life now, because I do NOT remind her of her crimes working with top Republicans including Coach Lou Holtz, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, etc. (most of whom I’ve also known and/or visited their offices and told them off). Mom has now three times told me she is sorry for having done so many horrible things to me, but she cannot bring herself to be specific – she’s afraid of Prosecution if she admitted the details.

But I have pursued – in my flawed way – Radical Forgiveness – and do NOT expect them to make amends at all. I will make my fortune writing my story of the corruption of the USA, and far MORE by my wealthy relatives in Chapel Hill. I know many of them, and they STILL “hate only Jews more than ‘Niggers’”.

They used Kenan-controlled companies Exxon-Mobil (Rex Tillerson who GUTTED the US State Department worked his entire life for Kenan-Exxon), Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, Coca-Cola – but those Kenans ALSO control the Ku Klux Klan, Republican Party, and the “Clinton Democrats”, running worldwide Hard Drugs with the CIA, Episcopal Church, Politicians of both Parties, and others.

Several months ago, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC (whom I’ve been in touch with), found the contract that Rex Tillerson signed – as soon as Trump was elected -- with Vladimir Putin for the Kenan Family/Exxon-Mobil to develop Russia’s Oil Reserves (financed by Kenan-controlled Bank of America) – that contract is for HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS!!!

THAT is why Trump has been so DESPERATE to void Obama’s Russian Sanctions, which must be done before the contract becomes active.

Our immediate family is now all getting along – as long as certain things are not discussed. I put EVERYTHING into writing so that anyone can challenge me, but none of them will do that, especially my brother Mike, who is more mysterious than even my mother. Oh well, as my former employer, playwright Tennessee Williams, famously said, “Friends are God’s way of apologizing for our families” – LOL!!!

I ask that you let your Mom (if still alive), and your siblings all know that my family is now “settled down” and “back together”. When Tommy changed his sex years ago, I’m sure it tested your family as well – but you clearly accept that radical change – and remain a family. You might even forward this email to them all.

And look at me – telling a priest all of this as if a Catholic going to Confession – HA!!!

Anyway, I wanted to let you know how IMPROVED things now are, how IMPORTANT the Catholic Values we learned at Ss. Philip & James have been, and also that working with some top Patriots, including Gen. Colin Powell’s people and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’, I have been EXPOSING the TRAITOROUS CRIMES of the wealthy Kenans – and helping to REMOVE Donald Trump from office.

That story is told in my blog that now has over 1.6 million hits, and in recent weeks has been hit nearly as much by Russians and Ukrainians as by Americans (481 Ukrainians have hit my blog so far today – and it is only 4:36 PM as I write this) – they needing to know the back-story of my Kenan Family that put Trump into power – both WHY and HOW.

I have ALWAYS told the TRUTH to the best of my ability. I have made errors, and when I discover that, correct them. I found myself not only in a position of “knowing TOO MUCH” about corruption, but with a Moral and Patriotic Duty to disclose all of this. I have also been blessed with a physical, psychological, and spiritual constitution that is FLEXIBLE enough to handle all I have been through.

In 2019 alone, I endured a false Nut-House Commitment (and was released in record time), temporary removal of family financial help, a Colonoscopy, a Stress Test before a SECOND Colonoscopy (I have a “flat polyp” that the first doctor could not remove), but that stress test led them to immediately put in TWO Stents, and then a Pacemaker.

(Then I TOTALLY forgot to include here the repair of my Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm!!!)

When that was healed enough, I spent three days in the hospital getting on a heart drug that must have supervision when going on it – but I tolerate it very well -- and then in December, I had a BUNCH of Skin-Tags/Condyloma Tissue cauterized off my rump. Because of my blood thinners, it took a full month to heal, I not sitting properly or without great pain for most of that time.

And today??? Today I am LAUGHING – because God or Whatever seems to have protected me and I feel very healthy and forward-looking despite my challenges.

I will copy this to my siblings and one nephew whose email address I have so they know what I have written you. Mom has email too, but they have kept me from knowing what it is. I think she SECRETLY reads my blog, but doesn’t admit that, on the iPad Mike gave her – HA!!!

Again, all my BEST to you and your Family!!!

Scott Kenan

(910) 200-XXXX


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