Tuesday, January 14, 2020

RP: NC Attorney General Josh Stein ALREADY Sent a RECEIVED RECEIPT for this NOTE -- and I EMAILED It to Him as Well (with ten witnesses, mostly in Wilmington, Raleigh, and the National Press -- and the US State Department!!!):

For WIDER GRAPHICShttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/01/nc-attorney-general-josh-stein-already.html

Republican District Attorney Jon David is speaking, and his identical twin brother"Democrat" D.A. Benjamin R. David, flank Attorney General Josh Stein.

Josh Stein, Attorney General of North Carolina
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001

January 14, 2020

Dear Mr. Stein,

I am writing to you -- once again -- in the hope of giving you PROVEN ADVICE regarding Dentists and the prescribing of Opioids for pain after major work. I am ALSO hoping to get a RESPONSE from you – without having to come to your offices in Raleigh and PICKETING YOU!!!

While I was in Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico the SECOND time (late April 2012 – June 2015), by help of Colin Powell’s retired Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman – because I knew TOO MUCH about my Kenan Family’s HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING and WHITE SUPREMACY (and then Kenan Companies and Kenan controlled the Ku Klux Klan and the Republican Party put Donald Trump into power to destroy Democracy in the Name of Jesus Christ), I had TWO wisdom teeth extracted there.

The dentists (I used different ones for each), used liberal Novocain during the extractions – and I am 6’ 11” tall and had HUGE roots that were curved, causing them greater difficulty. 

But as you must know, dentists in Mexico cannot prescribe Opioid Painkillers, but instead told me to take TWO extra-strength Advil (Ibuprofen), every 4 – 6 hours for two days. Then I reduced it for a couple of days after that.

I felt FAR LESS PAIN than on Opioids that had been prescribed in the USA for the same thing – in fact I used that formula instead of the Muscle-Relaxers the doctor prescribed, after I was hit by a Spectrum truck and knocked 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of Wilmington City Hall on February 13, 2017 – after I warned Mayor Bill Saffo I was walking to his office to try to FORCE him to release the FULL Police Report on my friend Evan Fish’s murder by Wilmington Police (that confirmed by New Hanover County Sheriff’s Deputies who were also on the scene), on September 3, 2011.

Evan KNEW that my employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA, distributes all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, but especially to Politicians of BOTH Parties and Christian Clergy and Churches here in Wilmington and Atlanta, GA. Perhaps not to ALL of them.

Not only THAT, but my best friend from living in Puerto Vallarta, Stanley Winborne III, who grew up across the street from First Presbyterian in Wilmington, his family then controlling Atlantic Coast Line railroad, then HQ’ed in Wilmington – and he a close relative of Betty (Price) Kenan, now of Chapel Hill, told me that his SON, Stan IV, was 2nd in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan, and was in charge of loading the Air Force planes with the HEROIN – to ship much of it to Maxwell AFB – so to Wilmington, NC and other places, thanks to Patrick Lee Stansbury and his Agent, Lee E. Gosney, Jr.

I was SHOCKED to see that Stan Winborne IV is now in EDUCATION in north-central North Carolina – so I wrote him this Letter: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/09/letter-to-stan-winborne-iv-edd-son-of.html.

And here is the Letter you received this past October, and NEVER replied to!!! Please answer me so I don’t have to PICKET YOUR OFFICES: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/10/letter-to-josh-stein-regarding-his.html

But for now, if you could work to change the Law so that Opioids are not dispensed by dentists after extractions, deep cleanings, cavity-fillings, etc., North Carolina and YOU can be NATIONAL LEADERS (more so than you already are)!!! Most of the rest of the world is already on board with this, so many Scientific Studies must back this up.

Also, you might be interested in the Letter I emailed and snail-mailed to Representative Deb Butler earlier today: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/01/nc-representative-deb-butler-with-her.html.

I HOPE to hear from you soon. Since mailing you hard-copies previously got NO REPLY, I will not waste a stamp on you today, but use your Secured Server at the NC Department of Justice – and your info@joshstein.org email as well.

All best,

Scott D. Kenan

Wilmington, NC
Cell: (910) 200-XXXX


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