Friday, January 3, 2020

RP: "How Crazy Are YOU Willing to Go (or HAVE GONE!!!)???" ~ Revisited by READERS' Demands!!!


I labeled this photo when I saved it: "Scott with a Malexian". I have no idea why I called 
Mary Altounian Alexanian a "Malexian" -- except as a contraction of her name


By reading this, you will understand WHY you are included in this mailing. I will, in a minute, email this to my List of 100 Political Contacts -- and so far have gotten OVER 1.6 MILLION HITS to my blog!!!:

To alexanian, moezzim

Cc mcnamarad, blackt, ganl, edgertonc, tinandoak, breakingnews, breakingnews, ben, wilmjourn, scott

* * *

And this posting that is getting a lot of HITS the last several days, I published on December 3, 2015 -- and it REALLY is about her husband, Moorad Alexanian, a full professor at UNCW:

And here is today's "Search Keywords" -- from most to least hit:

And from my "Mirror Blog":

Here is Moorad Alexanian's PROFILE from UNCW:

There are a LOT of interesting things in this old posting that is getting so many hits,  , including THIS!!!:

In any case, the owner of T&O (not &A) -- actually Tin & Oak, said he's never socialized with Ryan Lee Burris and his boyfriend, Wes Taylor -- whose FAKE Computer repair business, actually they were HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKERS, was next-door on 4th Street)"because I don't socialize with trash!"

Also this:

And I learned that Kyle Johnson (my old "sex bud" from Atlanta in the early oughts), had gone on to Las Vegas -- before likely being murdered in drug trafficking. He had become a BAD crack addict in Wilmington, where he moved to be near his long-time Home Depot V.P. lover -- in Federal Prison in North-East South Carolina for taking bribes from suppliers.

(ADDED: Kyle Johnson had been taken in by Drug-Trafficking D.A. Benjamin R. David's TOP FANRepublican Michael Moore of, and his buddy Charles Adams -- as a SEX TOY!!!)

* * *

Anyway, here is a small sample of the NON-SENSE I found that Moorad Alexanian has been spreading online -- and probably WHY so many people have lately found this blog SEARCHING HIM:


Moorad Alexanian: View from an immigrant

" . . . The country I witnessed on my arrival is totally different from the one I see today. Nowadays, people don’t work since they are satisfied to live with government welfare, a way to corrupt people and gain votes.

Many base their future on winning the lottery, a way for the government to tax even the poor. Government policies have broken the family structure, especially that of minorities. Jobs are sent out of the country for cheap labor in order to produce products to allow those living on minimum subsistence to purchase necessary items, giving rise to more welfare and joblessness.

Corruption in our country is at Latin American levels. “For my friends everything; for my enemies the law.” It is really very sad!

Moorad Alexanian


These are ACTUAL PROBLEMS, but NOT to the extent that this HATEFUL CHRISTIAN CLAIMS. He's a REPUBLICAN and THEIR MOTTO is "America: Love It or Leave It!!!" -- so HOPEFULLYMoorad will soon move BACK to his beloved Armenia, no???  

ANYWAY, while Professor Alexanian is entitled to his opinions, as a Professor of Advanced Physics, he is OUT OF STEP in the profession that is DOMINATED by Atheists and Agnostics -- so must not be too popular at UNCW (except that he is probably EXCELLENT in his courses).

HereProfessor Alexanian pontificates on reconciling Science with his "God":

And then I was REMINDED of my devout Muslim personal friend -- ALSO now teaching at UNCW -- her office even in KENAN HALL -- LOL!!!

Melody Moezzi, whose book when I knew her in a Bipolar Support Group at Emory University, years ago, PROPELLED HER to National and even INTERNATIONAL ATTENTION:

And then her LATER BOOK:

For SOME REASON -- and despite my mentioning our PAST FRIENDSHIP -- and we BOTH were close friends with Marty Mehta -- whose SON was a Huge Drug Trafficker in Albany, Georgia, and Marty's husband one of America's TOP COLLECTORS of African Art (which I loved viewing in their house), as well as an Atheist and Professor of Advanced Math at Georgia State University.

AT LEAST Melody Moezzi loves BOTH her HUSBAND and her GAY HUSBAND (is that a MUSLIM CONCEPT???):

See about halfway down

Well, I will FIRST email this posting to both ProfessorsAlexanian and Moezzi -- and include several witnesses -- including fellow Physics Instructors at Kenan-Family-Endowed UNCW. Melody is a WRITER, so no one has a RIGHT to criticize her ARTISTRY too severely -- unlike Moorad -- whose work DEPENDS on RIGOROUS FACT and LOGIC!!!

TOMORROW, my Letter to Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill will be delivered to his offices at Kenan Management. On Monday, he will READ IT -- or if he is out of town, his deputy, Steve Armstrong, will probably open and read it and pass a message to Tom, who is OFTEN traveling the entire world in pursuit of MAKING MORE MONEY -- and his CHARITABLE CAUSES.

This posting of this Letter REMAINS the BY-FAR-MOST-POPULAR of my recent postings:

Tom Kenan (in red tie), in one of the two Kenan Mansions that he RENOVATED, FILLED WITH ANTIQUES and ART, then GAVE to UNCW on Market Street, just east of 17th Street!!!


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