Friday, July 5, 2013

Pope Francis I PROVES He Is a TOTAL FRAUD!!!

From a few minutes ago.
>>> TRUTH!!!:

1. Really, this screen capture SAYS IT ALL!!! But for the DUMBER OF THE AMERICAN POSTS, I'll elaborate a little:

2. I FAR PREFER the Presbyterian definition of "Saint" -- as opposed to the Catholic one: As explained to me by Dr. Ernest Thompson of First Prez, Wilmington, NC, "Saints" are all (maybe "all the living"), who are HONESTLY SEEKING GOD.

3. Pope John XXIII -- if ANYONE serving during my lifetime -- was a TRUE SAINT and he's only being CANONIZED in 2013 when he died in 1963. Pope John Paul II was my mother's CLOSEST NAZI ASSOCIATE and it was JPII that Mom visited PRIVATELY at least twice. Mom's other private Papal Visit might have been a different Pope.

So John Paul the NAZI is being SAINTED only 8 years after his death -- while John XXIII is just now being CANONIZED a full 50 years after HIS death.


The Catholic Pope has ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY as GOD'S VICAR ON EARTH according to belief that ALL CATHOLICS MUST BELIEVE on pain of MORTAL SIN (going to HELL eternally). Therefore, "Pope Pancho" can PREVENT POPE JOHN PAUL II de HOLOCAUST from being "sainted".

If he does NOT, he's a TOTAL FAKER. And in THAT case, those of us like me -- who have SET ASIDE all the press and other reports of his having KISSED THE ASSES of a VERY corrupt, "NAZI-LIKE" earlier Argentinian Government -- will GO AFTER HIS MORAL REPUTATION WITH GOD'S VENGENCE!!!

No violence, please!!!

I'm SICK of DISAPPOINTMENTS. Could we PLEASE throw any more TO ME, NOW -- so I can get past them and GET ON WITH MY POSITIVE (Mexican) LIFE???

Thanks so much!!!

Scott David Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (in political exile from the United States of America)

I DO still know how to PARTY -- Parity, Brazil, 2009.


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