Grant Henry (Sister Louisa), and Christal Presley with me in a bar in Atlanta, fall 2009 -- AFTER I had spent more than $2,000.00 on Grant's "Sister Louisa" paintings, and BEFORE:
ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE (now more for THEM, HA!!!) !!!
CODE 500: Like a "Sweet Evening Breeze" , Michael Alvear has deigned to blog on HuffPost again!!! In 2010, Mike was PROFESSIONALLY BUSY, but lately, he might be narco-trafficking with other "Atlanta Friends" whilest experimenting with MORE RADICAL "brow-dos".

8:28 PM (6 minutes ago)
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A BRITISH IMPORT (of Atlanta Boy, Michael Alvear)!!!
LIES, LIES, LIES (with these sorts of people)!!!
Hi Michael Alvear-- I see you're now known as "Mike"!!! Christine Amanpour is now "Christiane" -- so why NOT???
Last time we met in person was either when you co-taught at Hollis Gillespie's BLOGGING CLASS, with Christal Presley the sort of FEATURED STUDENT -- who with Hollis and their GOOD FRIEND Sean Hannity of Fox News got not only my "Bad News Bears" contract with Alyson Books/HERE! Media -- but got American Express Bank to DROP MY CREDIT LIMIT by $24,000.00 a few minutes after I confronted Christal with her MYRIAD LIES, late on a Sunday night. American Express SUED ME in absentia for $25,000.00 in August 2010 and WON -- but a few months ago the Dekalb County, GA official online database CHANGED THAT RETROACTIVELY to show "DISMISSED" --fancy that, no???).

Here! HERE!!!
AS YOU'VE PROBABLY HEARD, I used my MEDIA CONTACTS to force CNN to REMOVE the info from CNN-online about Christal Presley's book about her father's PTSD that he NEVER HAD!!! And I forced the Atlanta Journal Constitution to REMOVE IT AS WELL -- even though they had BACKED HER for two years!!!
And what became of it??? I spent two months in a North Carolina Jail on false charges, now all dropped, twice committed to a NUT HOUSE but immediately released, FIVE POISONINGS, a year and a half HOMELESS, and NOW Christal and Hollis's BEST FOX NEWS BUDDIES with Obama, the Clintons, and the Cheney/Bush narco-traffickers who ONCE RULED THE LAND are falling FAST -- like a "Biblical Prophesy"!!!
And to think that YOU and Grant Henry (Sister Louisa the painter-ish Person), were RIGHT IN THE THICK OF IT -- the NAZI planning for the TAKE OVER OF AMERICA, as documented in the attached pic at WSB Radio studios in Atlanta. I'll forgive Grant Henry if he lets me SUCK HIS COCK (he can wear a barf-bag). YOU, I have no interest in that way -- and I'll get to that in a minute.
Then I saw you, too, at the Atlanta Church of Religious Science a time or two -- that when "Rev." Paul Gonyea was screwing (female) churchgoers and trying to install ONE OF THEM on the Board of Directors -- while still married to Leslie and there are questions about embezzlement as well.
But that's not YOUR problem.
"Mike" Alvear now writes books that EVERYONE (I'm mean), including "possessive women", should go out and SPEND GOOD MONEY ON!!!
I was just so glad to see you are FINALLY blogging again on HuffPost as its Managing Director Jimmy Soni is also on the KENAN INSTITUTE FOR ETHICS (and why they and I reached agreement in early 2010, that I should NOT leave comments there due to my family's association with HuffPost).
Anyway, for old times sake, I found THIS old post of mine that mentions YOU and many of your friends. I hope it brings back GOOD MEMORIES!!!:
This has strike-throughs that someone HACKED IN and added in the last month (how long since I've been there to read it, and I am UNABLE to remove them through Blogger's Dashboard, but if I paste in the material, I might able to REMOVE that here. Let's see:
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Exposing "Devils" (which I don't even believe in)

From: Scott Kenan
Subject: Re: Document I signed to join Hector and Fernando in the CIA
Date: September 7, 2010 12:57:30 PM CDT
To: Jeff Coates
Cc: ANIBAL RIVERO , Connor Kenan , Max Kenan , Max Duffy , Taylor Kenan , Jan Opperman , Andrea Opperman , Margie Rose , Susan Cannon ,,, Jeremy Bird , Eric Gray , Tom Houck , Richard Lugar ,, Sue Hobbs , Dobbs Agababian , Craig Gras , Berenice , Cornelio Prada Diaz , Rubén Fernando Gómez Merino , Enrique Rojas , Gloria Sue Jew , Debbi Egan , reservations@hotel-mercurio. com,, Mauricio Rodríguez B , Sinead O'Day , Marc Lafont , Jeff Lux , Steve Poynter , Rife , mnorrington@stonemountainpd. org,, Nan Nash , Steve Wells , Code Officer Johnson , Robert Thomas , Jacki Smith , J. Neil Alexander
Dearest Jefferey Dear:
1. You need to pay more attention to how you are playing this bullshit game with me. I have sent you approximately twelve (12 in both US and Mexican systems of numbering -- except for floors of buildings), emails and EVER SINGLE ONE OF THEM (EXCEPT THE FIRST) has come back to me thus:
From: postoffice
Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
Date: September 6, 2010 3:05:23 PM CDT
To: Scott Kenan
The original message was received at 2010-09-06 15:01:30 -0500
from postoffice.(null) []
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
3. And what is WRONG with you people??? FOUR FRIGGIN' DAYS AGO, two Mexican leaders in PV and one, lived-here-14-years Americano all came up to me on the beach to tell me I am now the most influential man in Puerto Vallarta. I'm not certain this is literally true -- but I DO have the biggest balls (huevos).
4. AND I GOT IN THREE DONATIONS ALREADY TODAY (I checked at 9:00 AM). Thank you, Williams people!!!!! Not the biggest, but that is not what counts most.
I will begin posting credit on my blog (or not -- I've decided if anyone requests anonymity, I'll give it. No need to worry about how your email address would look if published.
5. Jason L. Greene: You are welcome. The thanks of one is all I've required, although I've gotten the thanks of HUNDREDS of Mexicans and even a few WHITE AMERICANS here in PV -- and quite a few other people from all corners of the globe, I might as well also let you know. Donations have been flowing beyond my expectations!!! (Three donations before 9 AM.)
>>> ADDED 1 August 2013: When I wrote this, I was getting a few people buying my memoir directly BEFORE I published it on Amazon on Memorial Day Weekend 2011 from Wilmington, NC. And I got a couple of nice donations, but not more than a couple (except I got really GOOD at pan-handling when I was homeless -- due to "keeping up appearances" in dress and cleanliness, etc.), so what actually HAPPENED is that I allowed myself to be overtaken by "Faux Positivity" and thought that if I BLOGGED that I was getting donations -- I would soon GET THEM!!!
This did not work, however.
6. Jane's Book Club needs a "fair bit of scrutiny" if you ask me! In fact, I bet its absurd discussions (I sat in on one a few years ago, remember???) had NOTHING to do with literature. I suspect that like my mother's "Bridge" games, it is coded narco trafficking -- no offense.
Of course I might be crazy and the Pope might be the Vicar of Christ! (Stranger things have happened.) I don't feel I can take you off my list, but you LIKE THE OTHERS ABOVE can simply set it up so that my emails go direct to your trash and you will have to think of me no more.
In fact, I'm going to re-insert several others who requested I take them off "my list." First, I don't HAVE a list. I add each recipient in each category individually (except on rare occasions when I've "replied to all"). Thee assholes are so big, I'm making each one an item.
Pray this doesn't happen to you.
7. Hollis Gillespie : partnered with Christal Presley and Sean Hannity to handle my difficult self. Her mother engineered/ designed NUCLEAR WEAPONS in the US and abroad for the US DEFENSE DEPARTMENT!!!: .
8. Grant Henry (Sister Louisa): granthenryakasisterlouisa@ : A TOTAL ashole who sometimes pretended he liked and agreed with me, but was fucking me by feeding Hollis and Christal info about me.
9. Michael Alvear: : Self-proclaimed sex-advice columnist who is literally Hollis's business partner for money and drugs. 'Nuff said. (I CANNOT prove this in a Court of Law!!!)
10. Beverly Molander: : Pulllllleeeeeezzze!!! Anyone who has a network of people taking only "next steps" is an Entrapment Devil. Just keeping everyone in the process without getting results. "Nuff said -- almost.
This fucking bitch was appointed by the Board of the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta to keep my friend Ken Wilcox believing he had a chance at becoming the head minister. They only wanted him to fill in giving talks mid-week for "free" and lots of other work in the office. They knew he would risk or ruin his regular career to have the opportunity. They didn't give a damn what happened after that (except to themselves -- and wait until they see what I, the man whose writing career Ken all but launched, does to THEM, once I can get a round "tuit.")
Well, thanks for reading! I've got a bad cold and might take a breather, but then again, might not.
And again: Thanks to all who have donated!!!

From: Scott Kenan
Subject: Re: Document I signed to join Hector and Fernando in the CIA
Date: September 7, 2010 12:57:30 PM CDT
To: Jeff Coates
Cc: ANIBAL RIVERO , Connor Kenan , Max Kenan , Max Duffy , Taylor Kenan , Jan Opperman , Andrea Opperman , Margie Rose , Susan Cannon ,,, Jeremy Bird , Eric Gray , Tom Houck , Richard Lugar ,, Sue Hobbs , Dobbs Agababian , Craig Gras , Berenice , Cornelio Prada Diaz , Rubén Fernando Gómez Merino , Enrique Rojas , Gloria Sue Jew , Debbi Egan , reservations@hotel-mercurio.
Dearest Jefferey Dear:
1. You need to pay more attention to how you are playing this bullshit game with me. I have sent you approximately twelve (12 in both US and Mexican systems of numbering -- except for floors of buildings), emails and EVER SINGLE ONE OF THEM (EXCEPT THE FIRST) has come back to me thus:
From: postoffice
Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
Date: September 6, 2010 3:05:23 PM CDT
To: Scott Kenan
The original message was received at 2010-09-06 15:01:30 -0500
from postoffice.(null) []
----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
-- no longer important info removed --
3. And what is WRONG with you people??? FOUR FRIGGIN' DAYS AGO, two Mexican leaders in PV and one, lived-here-14-years Americano all came up to me on the beach to tell me I am now the most influential man in Puerto Vallarta. I'm not certain this is literally true -- but I DO have the biggest balls (huevos).
4. AND I GOT IN THREE DONATIONS ALREADY TODAY (I checked at 9:00 AM). Thank you, Williams people!!!!! Not the biggest, but that is not what counts most.
I will begin posting credit on my blog (or not -- I've decided if anyone requests anonymity, I'll give it. No need to worry about how your email address would look if published.
5. Jason L. Greene: You are welcome. The thanks of one is all I've required, although I've gotten the thanks of HUNDREDS of Mexicans and even a few WHITE AMERICANS here in PV -- and quite a few other people from all corners of the globe, I might as well also let you know. Donations have been flowing beyond my expectations!!! (Three donations before 9 AM.)
(redacted obsolete info)
>>> ADDED 1 August 2013: When I wrote this, I was getting a few people buying my memoir directly BEFORE I published it on Amazon on Memorial Day Weekend 2011 from Wilmington, NC. And I got a couple of nice donations, but not more than a couple (except I got really GOOD at pan-handling when I was homeless -- due to "keeping up appearances" in dress and cleanliness, etc.), so what actually HAPPENED is that I allowed myself to be overtaken by "Faux Positivity" and thought that if I BLOGGED that I was getting donations -- I would soon GET THEM!!!
This did not work, however.
6. Jane's Book Club needs a "fair bit of scrutiny" if you ask me! In fact, I bet its absurd discussions (I sat in on one a few years ago, remember???) had NOTHING to do with literature. I suspect that like my mother's "Bridge" games, it is coded narco trafficking -- no offense.
Of course I might be crazy and the Pope might be the Vicar of Christ! (Stranger things have happened.) I don't feel I can take you off my list, but you LIKE THE OTHERS ABOVE can simply set it up so that my emails go direct to your trash and you will have to think of me no more.
In fact, I'm going to re-insert several others who requested I take them off "my list." First, I don't HAVE a list. I add each recipient in each category individually (except on rare occasions when I've "replied to all"). Thee assholes are so big, I'm making each one an item.
Pray this doesn't happen to you.
7. Hollis Gillespie : partnered with Christal Presley and Sean Hannity to handle my difficult self. Her mother engineered/ designed NUCLEAR WEAPONS in the US and abroad for the US DEFENSE DEPARTMENT!!!: .
8. Grant Henry (Sister Louisa): granthenryakasisterlouisa@
9. Michael Alvear: : Self-proclaimed sex-advice columnist who is literally Hollis's business partner for money and drugs. 'Nuff said. (I CANNOT prove this in a Court of Law!!!)
10. Beverly Molander: : Pulllllleeeeeezzze!!! Anyone who has a network of people taking only "next steps" is an Entrapment Devil. Just keeping everyone in the process without getting results. "Nuff said -- almost.
This fucking bitch was appointed by the Board of the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta to keep my friend Ken Wilcox believing he had a chance at becoming the head minister. They only wanted him to fill in giving talks mid-week for "free" and lots of other work in the office. They knew he would risk or ruin his regular career to have the opportunity. They didn't give a damn what happened after that (except to themselves -- and wait until they see what I, the man whose writing career Ken all but launched, does to THEM, once I can get a round "tuit.")
Well, thanks for reading! I've got a bad cold and might take a breather, but then again, might not.
And again: Thanks to all who have donated!!!
Posted by Scott Kenan at 10:59 AM
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and that I hope you are doing well!!! Check my blog for how I'm putting in PRISON probably EVERYONE in the upper pic EXCEPT Clark Howard (whose hairy "tennis-legs" I fancy). The REST are complicit with the Cheney/Bush/Clinton/Obama Chicago Drug Mafia -- connected to my former employer of 18 years, Pentagon Publishing, Inc of Snellville, GA, who DISTRIBUTES all the illegal drugs brought into Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, AL.
Check my blog for my RECENT testimony to ALL US Senators and ALL House-ators on the Homeland Security Committees: .
As for YOU, while I APPROVE of trimming eye-brows, I could never be interested in a man who obviously SCULPTS (non- Salvador Dali-style) his eyebrows like you at least did BACK THEN!!!
That said, I'd make exception for a particularly ALLURING drag queen who is HONESTLY ONE!!!
Please write back to inform me of your current "eyebrow situation" -- and NO, that doesn't mean you have to DO "ANYTHING" -- I'm CLEARLY NOT your type AT ALL!!!
This email might appear on blog, soon.
All Best,
Scott Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico in Political Exile from the United States of America